The Unbeatable Game | Teen Ink

The Unbeatable Game

March 4, 2015
By rawriawesome BRONZE, KingsMountain, North Carolina
rawriawesome BRONZE, KingsMountain, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
When life gives you lemon make life take the lemons back.

It all started expecting an easy game but I was wrong, I was very, very wrong. I had heard good things about this game though, and at least I could create my own character. Lets get started.
A body was dropped into my prison cell with a key to the door. “This is strange,” I said to myself. Well I might as well use it. Ok there is a bonfire in the middle of a prison. Anyway lets walk through the big doors. “RUN,” I yelled at myself as I ran away from the demon and ran for the only open door. Great that thing is blocking the only exit. After looking around I found a sword and shield. A little over 9000 deaths later I killed the demon and left the prison.
“WHAT THAT WAS ONLY THE TUTORIAL!” I yelled at the T.V. screen “THIS GAME IS PRACTICALLY UNBEATABLE!” sighing I said to myself “Lets continue I
“Lets continue onward for loot and glory!” After a few hours of wandering I made it to an almost barren town “Awesome I made it to the Undead Burg.” Another 9000 deaths later. “I finally made it to the boss.” I said while I was killed immediately.
“ALRIGHT THATS IT, I AM DONE WITH THIS GAME.” I yelled as i threw the game into the closet. “I AM NEVER PLAYING YOU AGAIN.” The game disc began to collect scratches and dust and was never touched again.


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