The Crime | Teen Ink

The Crime

January 14, 2015
By drrobbert BRONZE, Fenton, Michigan
drrobbert BRONZE, Fenton, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a regular morning I thought. My brother and I doing our chores so we could go out and hang with our friends. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Then I walked into the barn and there it was. I think I should explain first.

It was a few weeks ago when all that junk was going on with the railroad. Fights were breaking out everyday, new cities were popping up, houses and farms were being cleared to make way for new track and well I guess we just got fed up with it. The indecent involved my friends Tom, Andrew, Kevin and then me. We knew we shouldn't have done it but I mean come on someone had to do something. Someone had to stand up to that Mr. Standish and his two men Jim and Joe.

Well we needed to do something to "take care of them" so things would go away. Tom and Andrew were going to take out Jim and Joe by any means necessary while Kevin and I were going for Mr. Standish. We all knew that Jim and Joe had to be eliminated for us to get to Mr. Standish. Are first step was to make a plan. In the middle of the night while Jim and Joe were on watch duty Tom and Andrew were going to cause a distraction to pull Jim and Joe away and when they finally got down by the river they were going to trip them so they fell into the deep part so the current could pull them away. After that was accomplished Kevin and I were to move in and and tie up Mr. Standish then throw him onto a wagon going out of town.

The night of crime had come and gone. Things went well and everyone did what they were suppose to do. The only thing we were not sure of is what happened to Standish and his men. After all it had been weeks since we’d heard from them so I assumed things were done and over with. The town was doing great now and there were no more problems. The police never caught us and since Standish and the gang were gone they never really cared to look for who did it. Until that morning. I walked into the barn to feed the cows and there they were, Standish and his men with the police waiting for me. After long talk and questioning from the cops I was found guilty. Now Tom, Andrew, Kevin, and I sit in jail for the rest of our lives. The worst part is Standish moved back in and thing are the way they used to be. However that's okay we’ll be out of here very soon.

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