I Have a Job For You | Teen Ink

I Have a Job For You

December 2, 2014
By Anonymous

Ricardo hired Albatross to kill Ethilstand, the magical sage that could read people's future. If the task is completed then Albatross could easily go and become king parterned with Ricardo

Chapter 1: The Job

“I have a job for you.”
“I’ll do whatever it is you need me to do as long as I get my reward,” Says Albatross.
“It’s going to be tough no doubt about it but I want you to kill Ethilstand and obliterate his crystal ball.”
“It’ll be done in less than week, Albatross says confidently.
“My names Ricardo if you need to find me,” as Albatross pushes open the creaky door to the bakery. As Albatross walks down the old cobblestone streets of Articuno the villagers stare with great intense, wondering who will die next. Albatross has been in the bounty killing business for years, earning his reputation as the deadliest. He is very recognizable by the eye patch on his left eye covering the reason he is so good at what he does, and is the reason why he is feared by so many. Although he is just under 5 feet in height he is very deceptive, having the strength of a dragon and the smarts of a sage. Fifteen years earlier Albatross was a soldier in the Great War as he was fighting for the freedom of his people. During the fateful battle he came face to face with Vladmir, the leader of the vampire people. Vladmir being the sinful man he is stabbed Albatross in the eye unknowingly giving him the power to see into people’s souls and take them, causing instant death.
Ethilstand and Albatross have never really got along, but have always know about each other and what each other do. Ethilstand is an old wizard with the power to see into people’s futures and tell them what could happen if they don’t change. The reason Ethilstand despises Albatross is because his future is the only one he can’t see due to power. Ethilstand’s old age allows him to own a guard god named Woofy. Woofy might seem like a nice cute dog but is more vicious than anything, he can kill mostly anything he wants to.
While Albatross is in his small cabin hidden in the Dark Articuno Forest, he plots his plan to assassinate his target, with the plan to strike the next day. Preparing his gear, he only grabs the three things he needs for any assassination, his robe, his sword acquired from killing the king of the Elf people, and his eyepatch. As Albatross sleeps in his old rickety bed he dreams about what he believes the outcome of the assassination will be and what will happen. Ethilstand has gained the title of peacekeeper over the year and well deserves it. He has stopped fighting between nations, deaths of important people, and has even turned his fair share of assassins. With his death Articuno will go back to its state of anarchy were it once was. Without him people won’t be able to see what the effects of things they do are. Albatross’s reward would have been the ability to become king over the people of Articuno, once in its corrupt state. He will able to walk up to castles gate and kill the king with no challenge, because every guard will be busy trying to keep order over the rest of the kingdom.
Early the next morning Albatross prepares for his mission and become king of Articuno. He opens the door to his old cabin and puts a spell on it disguising it so that no one finds it, if they dare go in the woods. Before he leaves he goes to anvil and sharpens his sword as he does before every mission allowing the sword to tear through flesh like hot butter, leaving the victim no chance of survival because that is his job. His sword is made of an ancient material that can only be found by climbing a cliff and finding an eagle’s nest. Overtime as the nest disintegrates it creates an odd material that if frozen can become extremely strong and is the material to use for swords. When he turns around he can see Ethilstand’s tower rising over the clouds engulfing the nearby building and trees, with Ethilstand himself being at the very top of that tower. Albatross walks in a brisk manor so he can reach the tower’s base before the townspeople wake up and sound an alarm because when he is seen wearing his robe, they know he’s about to kill someone. As he maneuvers between the trees of the forest he finally reaches the kingdoms gate, the first step to reach the tower. The tower guards don’t just open the gates for any random person, especially if they are wearing a robe covering his face. Instead of attempting to climb the forty foot wall he finds the hole he created a while back to make his life easier. The hole is located on the east side of the kingdom one mile away from the tower. In the kingdom he needs to moving quietly and quickly to avoid detection. When Albatross finally reaches the tower’s base he climbs down into its moat and swims across the other side and continues to climb until he reaches the first window. As he mantles in he starts the ascent of the hundreds of stairs climbing to the top of the tower to confront his target. As he opens the door to Ethilstand’s room he is greeted by a loud barking coming from Woofy on the otherside of the room. “What are you doing here,” Ethilstand asks in a calm manor.
“No reason,” replies Albatross containing his rage.
“I’m not dumb, you are here to kill me and smash my crystal ball. This is basically my kingdom, I run this damn place more than the king. I have spies in all corners, and there happened to be one in the bakery while you and Ricardo were talking,” Ethilstand says in a smart voice. Albatross raises his hand and lifted his eyepatch.
“Good night,” he says. Woofy raises to the celling then drops to floor in a motionless state.
“Your powers may work on him but you’re going to need a lot more than that to kill me,” Ethilstand takes his staff and pushes Albatross against the wall. “If I die, you won’t be the reason.” Albatross squirms in pain as Ethilstand pushes harder on his hold.
Albatross reaches for his sword and says “maybe I will be the reason,” and throws the sword directly into Ethilstand’s stomach. The hold breaks and Albatross fall to the ground and walks over th Ethilstand, dismounting his sword from his stomach. With the opening from the sword, Albatross’s power has a gateway into Ethilstand’s and it raises to celling just like woofy.
“You won’t,” says Ethilstand.
Albatross clinches his fist and Ethilstand’s lifeless body falls to the floor. “I will,” says Albatross.
Albatross walks away back down those hundreds of steps until he reaches the bottom. He walks out of the tower taking of his robe and throwing it in the moat while continuing to walk to the bakery. “The jobs done.”
“I knew I could rely on you, now here’s your money and let’s go rule the kingdom,” replies Ricardo.
“I don’t want to rule anymore, you can though, I’ve just come to realize I’m not going to quit being a killer to rule. It just won’t be the same.


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