The War | Teen Ink

The War

November 13, 2014
By Anonymous

   “It’s cold, everything is loud. The sound of the gun firing makes me jump ever time. It’s hard to sleep in this building because every time the building shakes I fell like it’s going to fall on us. The food is horrible it taste like dirt and water [which I think it is]. The feeling you get when you kill someone is like getting a tingle in your spine. I hope you get this letter my loves before I’m found.” (Day 5, 12:34pm)
      (Day 4, 1:23pm) “Me and Mike just got up and were walking right into the mess hall when our emergency alarm went off.”(The alarm only goes off when are base is under attack). “We were getting everybody down in the bunker when we felt the entire building shacked. I finely convinced Mike to go and help the others and I would be the one because the bunker has a lock on the front and Mike and the others would lock it from the inside. Just as I was locking the bunker the door to the exit slid all the way across the hall behind me.”
    “I heard feet running toward my way my first instinct was to hide so I looked around and remembered that we had a secret hole that leads you under the floor, so as I was slipping in the hole in heard the people start shooting I thought it was at me but there was no bullet holes in the floor. I crawled toward the guys (under the floor) and saw that they were trying to get in the bunker. I got this weird feeling down my spine as I thought of what they might do to them. I crawled out back through the hole without them hearing me. I went to the gun room and grabbed a M16 went back into the room and randomly fired the gun. I watched as the body’s hit the floor and checked them and saw they were in a German suit, I looked for ids and found a paper saying them were on a rescue mission. I slowly rose up and was thinking to myself (I just started a war with Germany and America)”.

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