Saving the Day | Teen Ink

Saving the Day

November 3, 2014
By RoyP13 BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
RoyP13 BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a sunny but cloudy day on a Saturday morning. My friend and I were headed to the mall to hang out. Josh, my best friend, was driving his dad’s car. We live in Washington, D.C. and it was bad traffic today. We finally made it to the mall and hung out the food court. At 8pm, we left the mall and I was dropped off at my house. I heard a loud motor outside my house. It’s a navy blue corvette.

I went outside to see who was in the car. The windows were a dark shade of blue. I tried to open the door and it was locked. Nobody was outside so I couldn’t get help. When I started walking towards my house the car turned off. I walked back to the car, pulled the handle and then opened the door. Nervously I got into the car and the motor turned on. It started to drive quickly to the Washington Memorial.

The first time the car stopped. I jumped out of the car. Then the car transformed into a large and tall robot. The robot started to talk, he said that his name is Hornet and that the President was in danger.

The next morning, Hornet and I went to see the President. Of course Hornet was in car mode and waited outside when we go there. I was able to sneak past security when I got to the gates. When I got caught, I was taken to the President. He released me and I asked him if I could show him something outside. I showed him Hornet and he was impressed. Hornet told him about the terrorist.

Tonight is when they attacked the President. They brought a robot that looked like Hornet. His name was Blade. Hornet and Blade fought each other fiercely. There was also a shoot out at the airport. The battle lasted a while. When Hornet defeated Blade, he strapped Blade with the bomb to a big rocket that went to outer space.  The President told Hornet that He can come back any time he wants and gave him and me a medal.

The author's comments:

Enjoy Transformer movies

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