Shipwreck | Teen Ink


November 3, 2014
By Anonymous

 “Alright! I’m getting up!” Once again it was Christmas. Christmas is supposed to be a time of joy, cheerfulness, and getting presents; however, Christmas to Trent was always sour and the stupidest thing ever. Trent is a burly 12 year old who lives a small orphanage. When Trent finally digested his “breakfast” he slowly trudged back to his room. On his desk was a letter. It read:

    Dear Trent,
We are happy to inform you the the Diggory’s would be delighted to adopt you and celebrate Christmas with you. If would like to do that, then please report down to the main office and be ready.
                                Merry Christmas,

    “Dang!” though Trent. “How nice of them!”
    In a couple of minutes, Trent was down at the front desk waiting for the Diggory’s. It turned out that the Diggory’s also had a child named Timothy. He was a scrawny little boy who was 10 years old.
    As they piled into the car, Mr. Diggory asked Trent, “Eh, what’s your name buddy?”
    “Hey Trent,” called Timothy, “Have you ever gone skiing before?”
    “Then this is your lucky day!” called Mr. Diggory. “We are going to be at Lake Tahoe in about 5 minutes.”
    When they arrived at the ski slopes, they bought their tickets and rented the skies.

As a beginner who has never skied in his whole entire life, Trent was definitely skilled. When it gradually became colder, Timothy asked Trent, “ Hey, you wanna go down one last time and go back in? It’s getting kinda cold out here.”

    “No way madam,” replied Trent. He did not want the best time of his life ruined by a scrawny little kid.
    “What did you call me?”
    “I called you a madam! Can’t you hear with your ears?”
    “Alright buddy! THIS IS IT!”

    On the ski lift, the wrestled, and the lift shook violently. During Timothy’s rage, he completely disregarded the fact that Trent was a lot stronger and taller than him, so he flew off the ski lift and landed with a huge thud.
    “Oh shoot! His parents are going to kill me!” Trent jumped off of the lift and zoomed down the hill. When he was at the bottom of the hill, he took off his skis and ski boots, and ran. He did not know where to stay, and definitely knew that he would not be welcomed back to the orphanage. His only option was to run away as far as he could, and get enough food and water to survive.

    Alas, Trent’s legs couldn’t carry him any further, and he had to seek refuge quickly. After a few more exhausting moments of searching, he finally found a place. Without being
    “Creek!” The door slightly opened as the wind howled with rage. Trent woke up with a sudden. Ever since the incident on the ski lift, he has been running not only from Timothy’s family, but also from the police and the orphanage. At the crack of dawn, Trent had already left the house, and continued his journey. What he wanted to do was to get onto an airplane or boat, and travel to another country. As he passed through a sleeping village, he saw wanted posters with his name and description. Just then, a motorcycle came rumbling down the road.
    “Hey you there!” shouted the cycler. “Aren’t you the person who’s on every single wanted poster?”
    “STAB” Trent watched savagely, still carrying his silver dagger, as the cycler bled to death.

    As quickly and quietly as he could, Trent hopped onto the motorcycle and sped off. At about a quarter past 1, he arrived at a dock next to the Pacific Ocean. He had no money, but needed to board this ship which was going to leave in exactly one day. As he pondered about this, an idea hit him in the face… LITERALLY. He bent down grabbed the piece of paper, and swiftly read through it. Feeling slightly disgusted by his previous actions, he decided to follow the sheet of paper and work for a change instead. He went up to a food truck, and asked the manager whether he could get paid 60 bucks, just the right amount of money to board the ship, for working the food truck for a whole entire day. The manager, a plump little bald man with a Giant’s cap, shrugged his shoulders and said “You got it son!”

    The whole rest of the day (and night) was pretty tiring for Trent, but he sold more than one hundred hot dogs and received the money which he badly needed. The next day, he bought the last ticket available, and boarded the ship. As he boarded the ship member asked him, “Hardy dang darn feller! Boy does ’our face look ’amiliar to me! I think I’ve seen yer somewhere before!” Feeling slightly nervous Trent found his cabin, and took a snooze.
During midnight, a tragical thing happened. A huge explosion from the fuel deck (gasoline tank) was followed with the constant beeping of the ship alarm. Panic was soon spread across the whole ship. People were trampling over each other just to find out what was happening. With his head full of air, Trent found himself pushed around, and then undoubtedly off of the ship into a lifeboat. As his legs buckled underneath him, he was thrown off the small lifeboat by the ferocious waves, and plunged into the icy cold ocean water. As his body and face surfaced again, he gasped for breath, and swam as quickly as he could back to the lifeboat. His worst nightmare has come to haunt him.

    On the boat was one other person. This person’s name was Johnny.
    “How yer doing shipwreck mate?” cried Johnny. “Me own name is Johnny, but you may call me John!!!”
    Thinking that he ought to have a good relationship between them, Trent stiffed a smile and nodded, “Nice to meet you John. I’m Trent.”

    “’ey! So ’our the person the person who I checked in! Well it's sure good to be with someone who ’ou’re ’amiliar with! Anyways it is ’ery bad to be stranded at sea.”

    Then they sat back and listened to the the waves crashing against the sides of the small boat.
    Every day, Johnny and Trent would hope to see a small sliver of land, but every day, it was the same thing, the vast and open sea. At last, they were both so demoralized, that they had lost complete hope of ever finding land and surviving.
After 4 more months of being shipwrecked, Johnny couldn’t take it anymore. He needed a fresh supply of food and fresh water.
    Then without any warning, he jumped off the boat and drowned himself.
    “Oh darn! Now what do I do?” It was as though all the blood in his body had frozen up. He knew that he had no hope of surviving. He would lose hope.

    After five more days, Trent was also ready to jump off of the boat and drown himself. Just as he was ready, something caught his eye and made him change his mind immediately. Land. Trent has never remembered being this happy before, and with his heart full of renewed hope, he took out the spare paddle, and rowed the tiny life boat towards the small piece of land. As his tiny boat finally crashed ashore, he tried to stand up, but toppled and face planted straight into the sand. The hours elapsed quickly, and soon enough, somebody found him. Trent was immediately brought to the hospital, where he told everybody about what just happend. Then when everybody was alerted about the news, Trent was finally left in peace where he could rest and recover from the shipwreck accident. Just as he was about to fall asleep, the door opened again.

    The next guest who entered the room made Trent wish that he was still on the small lifeboat stranded in the middle of nowhere on the ocean. It was Chris, and he was also accompanied by two other people, Mr. and Mrs. Diggory. Then in one swift movement, Mrs. Diggory strode across the room in front of Trent.

    “THAT WAS THE KID WHO PUSHED MY SON OFF OF THE SKI LIFT AND KILLED HIM” shrieked an infuriated and indignant Mrs. Diggory.

    “Please calm down Anne. You know what this kid has gone through. If you don’t control yourself, I will unfortunately have to ask you to leave.” said Chris.

    Still glaring at Trent and showing an obvious sign of loathing, Mrs. Diggory shrank back into the shadows.
    “Trent, we would be more than happy if you would please return to our orphanage,” said Chris. “I hope that you would consider about this option and make your decision after you leave this hospital.” Then, the Diggory’s and Chris left Trent to think in peace. The thought that immediately popped into Trent’s mind was, I’m obviously gonna go back to the orphanage, and that was what he did.

    A few months later, he and his best friend, from the orphanage, Justin were walking down the street to a chocolate shop. The tragedy was gone, and Mrs. Diggory was no longer mad at him anymore. Everything seemed to be as peaceful as it used to be.

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