Hunting Trip Gone Wrong | Teen Ink

Hunting Trip Gone Wrong

October 6, 2014
By MaxJ14 BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
MaxJ14 BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" I ain't here for a good time, im just here for a good time" - George Strait

One cold October morning my dad and I were getting ready to go on our yearly elk hunting trip in Montana. We would have a long drive to our cabin in Montana, but it was ok we didn’t mind the time to ourselves. My dad didn’t talk much through the drive which was odd. Something didn’t feel right but I just figured it was something at work or something of that nature so I just decided to sit there silent.
When we finally arrived at our cabin we unpacked and got settled for the night. I walked into my room and was going over to get in bed when I felt a sharp pain in my foot and I let out a loud yell. I heard my father running up the stairs.
“What happened? Are you okay?” he asked in a strong but comforting voice. 
“Dad my window broke I stepped in some of the glass on the floor.” I said but that was the least of my worries, “Someone broke into our house!” I said franticly.
“Don’t jump to the worst conclusion. There are plenty other explanations that could explain this. Just sleep in my room tonight I’ll take the couch” He said, “I’ll check around and make sure everything is locked up. Trust me we are safe here.”
After he patched my foot up I went to his bedroom to try and sleep. All I could think about though was why and how the window got broken. We lived in a pretty remote area the nearest town was a twenty minute drive away. Somehow I finally dozed off into a deep much needed sleep.
The next morning when we woke up the events from last night were still in my mind but I tried to just forget about it and have a good hunt with my dad. We gathered our supplies and took off walking. We decided to walk up a rather step mountain because that’s where we had seen a big elk at when we came and scouted the area a few weeks prior. Then all the sudden we heard a gunshot. I heard a loud groan from my dad then I saw him fall backwards and fall down the mountainside.
I hurriedly ran down the mountainside to where he laid. That’s when I saw the bullet wound. He had been shot in the chest and was bleeding badly. I tried to help him as best I could but there was no way I could save him. Even I knew he wouldn’t last much longer. I just sat there crying not knowing what to do then I heard the faint voice of my father.
“Get out of here Will. Run and don’t look back.” My father said.
Then at the age of only fourteen years old I watched the life fade away from my father as he died there on the mountain. All I could think of doing was exactly what my dad had told me to do. I ran and didn’t look back. When I finally made to the cabin I called the police. They arrived in ten minutes. I was so terrified I couldn’t speak. I sat there in the back of the ambulance for two hours with my father’s blood all over. Whenever I finally got my wits I lead them to the spot where my father had been. When we got there my father’s dead body was no longer there.

The author's comments:

I like to hunt

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