Four Years Later | Teen Ink

Four Years Later

October 3, 2014
By Anonymous

It has been four years since an atomic bomb blew away our lives.  The radiation lingers
In the air all around the globe.  95 percent of the population was wiped out in America, but only 93 percent was wiped out in Denver, Colorado where Mark, Gary, and I are located.  By the way my name is Henry.  The radiation smells like burnt metal, I know this because Mark, Gary, and I are immune to this radiation poisoning.
“Wake up,” Gary said rubbing sleep out of his eyes. I woke and saw Mark drooling on his blanket.
“What’s for breakfast,” I said as I stretch my arms out.
“Nothing, we need to go out and get more food today,” Replied Gary.
“Go wake up Mark and we can leave, there is that Walmart up the road,” I said.  So we woke up Mark, grabbed our weapons, and then we left.  We walked along a long deserted road until we finally got to Walmart.  We walked inside and we started looking for food.
“Did you just hear something?” Whispered Mark.
“What did it sound like?” Replied Gary.
“It sounded like a door closed, I heard it too,” I responded.  Just then Mark pulled out his 9mm pistol and ran for cover, so Gary and I followed behind.  We heard a gun being fired but it wasn’t from us.  We jumped behind a cash register and fired blindly at the noises.  We heard a yell followed by many different voices yelling orders, so I peeked over the counter.  I saw a blonde man in his late 20’s with a surgeon mask on with a huge gash on his left cheek, and by the looks of it he was the leader.  There were at least 10 guys all about the same age surrounding the blonde guy.  I pulled out my assault rifle out and fired a couple of rounds into the crowd I got two but everyone else took cover right before  I could pull the trigger a third time. I heard light footsteps, I then felt a hard force push into my back and knock me forwards, and he kicked me.  I grabbed his leg and pulled him down where he slammed his head on the counter.  I put my pistol right between his eyes and pulled the trigger.  I threw his body over the counter to show them to leave us alone, but they didn’t listen.
“How many are there?” said the blonde man.
“I don’t know Barry, I think I saw three but they might have more.” Replied another man with a croaky voice. 
I leaned over the counter, pointed my rifle, and shot four bullets all of them hitting flesh.
“You got three!” shouted Mark.
“The fourth guy got hit in the leg.” Said Gary calmly.
“We need to get out of this place, we are getting pinned down really fast,” I said.
I looked over the counter and nobody was there, so we split up looking around very carefully for our enemies.  I came across a door with several voices whispering from the inside so I knew this was my chance.  I grabbed my rifle kicked open the doors and started shooting.  I killed everyone inside of those double doors except for one man.  It was Barry, the leader.  His hands were bloody from the wound on his leg where my bullet met.  He was armed but had a murderous look in his eye I pointed my pistol at him and pulled the trigger.  Click, I was out of ammo.  Before I knew what had happened he tackled me to the ground and started giving me blows to my face.  I kicked him off and he pulled out a kitchen knife and started swinging everywhere like a madman.  He manages to slash my arm and I cry out in pain.  I kick his hand that is holding the knife and he drops it on the ground.  We both dive for it as fast as we can.  He lands on me with tremendous force and I push him off as hard as I can.  I grab the knife and he stands up staring at the metal blade in my hand.  With one last ounce of force I throw the knife and it sinks into his chest.  He falls onto the ground while the life fades from his eyes.  I pull the knife out of his chest and I hear the door burst open.  It was Gary and Mark all bloody and bruised head to toe.  They saw me holding the knife dripping blood and Barry laying on the floor dead.  I walk out of the doors and they follow me out onto the road walking to our next location that we will be staying at for a very long time.

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