The Dust | Teen Ink

The Dust

October 2, 2014
By timothy walden BRONZE, Kings Mounten, North Carolina
timothy walden BRONZE, Kings Mounten, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The day is dark, and dusty. I'm left wondering where i can find some water in the middle of the Mojave. It’s.It’s hot dry and then i see a building in the distance.It look’s rundown, and destroid. It.It look’s like a old pump station.I hury to catch shelter from the heat.When I reached the station I noticed that the entrance was collapsed. I can see a open window on the second floor.I look around to find something to clime up with.I found a rope and a large rock.I fastened the rope on the rock,and tried to toss it up into the window to pull myself up. The rope fell the first three time’s the fourth time I snagged something. I take caution while I pull my self up. When I pull myself into the window I fell on the damp dark dust covered floor. I stood up to look around when suddenly I hear something on the bottom floor. The noise startled me, and then I slowly moved to the doorway and peaked around the corner.I see the steps to the bottom floor, but not whatever made the noise. I hear the noise again , and I try to move down the step’s.That’s when I realized the bottom of the stairwell is collapsed. It’s about a two foot drop so I wasn't worried. When I jumped down I made a lot of noise, so I hid. I hadn't noticed that the bottom floor is flooded. The water feels great on my knees. I start to look around, but i see nothing. When I was convinced that it was safe I stop to get a drink of water. Before I knew it someone had knocked me down, and ran into the mens restroom. I pull out my knife, and approached the bathroom. I look around the corner and I see a tall skinny boy, and he looked to be fifteen.He was wearing a dark brown hoody, and he was looking right at Me.I asked him for his name. He skardly said jack what’s your name? Randal Randal Davidson I replied, what are you doing here? Jack said I was taking shelter hear unteal you came along! calm down calm down there's no need to get lowd. what's your last name Jack? I don't know he replied in a soft tone. Suddenly the building began to shake. you would think that world war three was happening all over again. Me and Jack fell to our knees in hope that we will not get hurt or worse. It sounded like a bomb had exploded. The building stopped shaking,and I stood up to see what happened. I pulled myself up the two foot drop on the step’s, and stumbled to the window to look out. Then i see a building that had been turned into a mushroom cloud by raider,s. I hurried to warn Jack, and try to convince him to come with me. When i reached Jack I told him I have to leave. I warned him of the raiders on the horizon. Jack you can come with me if you want. I can’t leave a child behind. Jack replied why should I come with you, I don't even know you. Are you coming or not I replied. He looked at the ground and said faintly ok ill come with you. Come on then I replied and hurry. We made it to the window and i told him to go down first. He climbed down slowly, when he reached the bottom I came down after. we went the opposite way of the raiders, but it wouldn't be long before they would catch up. I'm just hoping that we have a place to hide when they do, but now all we have to worry about is the Mojave desert in the wasteland of the apocalypse.

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