Journey | Teen Ink


May 28, 2014
By sniper101 BRONZE, Goshen, Ohio
sniper101 BRONZE, Goshen, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
we found this city made of bricks we left it full of gold


It all started from what I thought to be a dream to become a journey.
It just so happened that mine began in school today. My mind just sparked and I thought about whether there were things in the world humanity would never find out about.If they led to other things that we could find that would change the entire world forever. And maybe, just maybe complete world peace.
That’s when I had the dream all that wondrous night. I began to dream about all these dates in my head. I was completely crazed. I almost felt like I have witnessed these dates first hand. When I woke up the next day I felt this scar or scab on my cheek, so I went into my bathroom and looked in the mirror. I was devastated...What was this? How did it come upon me? I bulleted towards my computer and quickly researched this distinctive scar on my face. It was believed to be a symbol from the ancient Mayans. It was a story of the Dream Catcher. He was believed to have this scar on his face, but the only difference was that his was red and mine was blue. It almost looked like an Chinese Yin Yang. I played hookie the next day, still in shock over what the different colors meant and why I had the scar on my face. I looked at even more research and discovered that there were different elements; red was evil and fire, green was earth, and gold was the wind. I figured that I must have some sort of power.
That night I kept trying to summon some sort of power. I noticed that when I was in the dream I felt powerful and there was this elder who kept saying he knew the way, but I didn't follow him because he seemed kind of creepy. All that night I was running away from him in this type of forest biome with mushrooms that were humongous, probably the size of four gas stations stacked on one another. In dream after dream I kept running from this man until one day when he finally said, “That`s it! If you don’t want to follow me than I give up. I thought you wanted to know your powers but just ignore me because I don't care about you anymore." I was being very ignorant at the time so I went to him and apologized for never introducing myself or even asking what he even wanted.
I came to find out that he was the dreamkeeper and he could communicate with people through their dreams. His name was Adolf. Growing up, he was an elder dwarf, and he chose the task of the dream realm but he had to find his partner, so he had the red paint of the same symbol as me but red. He told me that he lived in the past before time was time and dreams were dreams. He also added the Mayans were wrong about him being evil. He gave me a choice to go to join him in the dream realm or go back to the overworld. I asked if I would ever see my family again and he said that if I could complete his task he would allow me to go to the overworld.
He began to take me to this portal, but first he sprayed this escence on me he called Overmax. I asked what it was and he said it was a way for me to go through the portal without me losing any bones or items important to me. While in the portal everything around me was a glowing purple. Adolf explained that my mission was to obtain this crystal in a dimension called the Dne. It had three guardians, one being a steel morphing creature or a smc for short and another being a little rabbit that could echo a sound that would drive you crazy. The last one was a dragon that could teleport and talk telepathically. I asked him how I was even supposed to beat these things and he said he would train me to become as good as he was to destroy the three beasts.
When we left the portal there was a village with many dwarfs who looked like Adolf. I wondered if they were all related? When we first stepped foot on this land I felt a little dizzy. “That portal was crazy” I said. Adolf thought I was hilarious for not throwing up like he did his first time. After I met all of the dwarfs and elders I began my training. First I began with fitness. Adolf had this friend who did bodybuilding and he made me eat this apple that was glistening and I instantly felt this power as if I was invincible. He put me in shape by doing constant laps around the village and after three days of constant apples I was in shape.

Adolf took me to this portal deep underground in a cave. This portal was dark black and scary. When we entered the portal it was dark until you entered the dark scary mist. It was about a two minute wait untill we got out. Just looking around I saw a cave but the atmosphere was different. The sky was red and there were the three beasts all lying down together in a circle . Adolf signaled me to stay quiet so I wouldn't wake them up. I went to the little rabbit with the sword that Adolf's friend gave me. It was a crystal sword that he had given me. I quickly and quietly went to the rabbit and cut its head off. Then it gave an anguished cry to its brothers. The SMC woke and arose. He morphed into my mother and started to get into my head. I took my first swing but it was dodged and a second swing... dodged ... third ...dodged. I didn't know how I was going to defeat this boss. Then he took a swung and hit me in the back. I felt like a million bees stung me in the back in a slash-like motion. I hit it three times where it hit me and it was on the ground disintegrating. I moved on to the third boss, the dragon. He teleported to me and hit me in my leggings. I swung and missed. He shot a fireball that almost beat me up. He was now weak. I jumped and stabbed him in the heart. He flew up and exploded. He dropped the crystal. I gave it to Adolf and he put it in the holster he had and my mind went blank, I woke up surprised and on the ground bruised. I had no clue what to do. Mom called me down for breakfast, and I continued my life as if nothing had ever happened.

The author's comments:
This is a story that was going on in my mind for weeks... lol

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