Scavenger Hunt Story | Teen Ink

Scavenger Hunt Story

May 19, 2014
By Anonymous

In the distance I see something unpleasant. The object seems to be a plant. Not that a plant is something unpleasant but this one is dying. I walk closer to observe the plant more, seeking a way to help. The plant is without a doubt unhealthy and lacks care. Appearing to be in a fragile state by the color of the leaves which are yellow and brown, I try to give it care. First, the plant needs water and light. Unfortunately there was no window nearby. Scouting for a room with light, carrying the plant with me, I find a room with a very big window on the top of the ceiling. I set the plant in the center of the floor, below the big window on the ceiling and give the thirsty plant water. Sun shined through the room. Satisfied with my doing of help to this unpleasant object, I look around the room and see an extremely out of place object. A kite was in the top corner of the room. With the clear ceiling hugging around the room, the kite appeared out of place. The kite of red, yellow, blue and green colors in the shape of a diamond should be outside, up in the sky above! I was surely frustrated because I could not help the out of place object. The day yearned and I am hungry! Going into a different room, I see a box of fruit loops on the counter and beside the box is a selection of five different spoons and one bowl. I never really considered types of spoons, so this decision of picking one spoon is hard. A spoon is a universal object and a well loved one too. I have attempted eating cereal with a fork out of disparity in the past and it is not the same experience. For the love of spoons, you must eat cereal with one. I am going to choose the middle spoon. This particular spoon is silver, medium size and looks just right for me. I look around the room and see a garbage can. I peered into the can with black walls, inside the rectangular object looked gross and sticky. Well some idiot must have not used a plastic bag before throwing his or her trash away. I felt bad for the garbage can, constantly being filled with a junk and this time without a plastic bag, what a shame. Continuing to look in the garbage can, I see a pen near the bottom. I looked closer and it clearly had ink left. I thought to myself, what is pen doing down there? I was always losing pens but never putting one in a garbage can especially without a plastic bag. My lack of care toward the pen in the garbage leads me to walk into a different room. This room is a paint room. In the middle of the room are one wooden stool, beautifully handmade and polished, and a blank canvas on a table next to a pack of paint brushes. The packs of paint brushes were new and packaged. I am excited about this. A pack of unused paint brushes, waiting to be used and I sitting on a wooden stool ready to go is very thrilling. Before I start to paint, I think of all of the objects I encountered and observed today. Maybe I will paint these objects, maybe not.

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