Exiled to Paradise | Teen Ink

Exiled to Paradise

May 12, 2014
By Anonymous

I recall the day that everything turned for the worst, when my whole life turned for upside down. I woke up, got dressed, made something to eat, and entered my horse buggy to do some work at my business; it seemed like a regular day. Right before I turned on the road to my business I felt a very strong chill run down my back, I brushed it off as nothing But when I arrived at my business the doors were open, I thought I had locked up the place last night. I reach for my gun and grabbed it. I opened the door and walk towards my office; I notice that my office door is open. I walked slowly towards the door ready to shoot who ever was in there. I kicked the door open, some one sat in my chair facing away from me. I could see their blurry reflection in the window.

I said, “Who’s there”, he didn't talk. Then said, “Answer or prepare to die”.

There was no answer, no movement, nothing. I walked toward him. I kicked him in the leg, no movement; I put the gun away and lit a candle. This man was dead, stabbed in the stomach. I sat there for a while thinking if I ever knew this man or every met him, and what was he doing here in my office. Then I heard a knock at the front door, I walked over to see who it was. I looked out the window and saw that it was the constable. My heart started to beat faster and harder. I tried to calm my self and opened the door. I asked what he was doing here.
He said, “Someone came in with a tip that there was a murder here last night.”

I stood there planning out my next words carful.

“Well everything is fine here constable”, I said in a hesitant voice

“Do you mind me checking out the surrounding area”, he said.

“Well...” I said hesitantly, then I heard a door open in the back and then a loud voice yelled,
“We got him sir!”

It was the other constable; this one was just a distraction. They questioned me on why I was trying to hide it. Well I didn't know what to say, I tried to tell them that the body was here when I got to my business and he was already dead. But of course they didn't believe me and searched all over for the knife, but they never found it. The took me to jail but because I had some money, I was able to pay off some people to escape being hung. Instead I was given the choice of exile to Australia.

I lost everything my business, my money, my friends, my property, but most of all my family. I remember sitting in my behind bars, chained up like an animal, thinking only of my family. But on the day of my departure a man came to my cell and woke me up. It was my friend Charles.

I asked, “Have you come to get me out and take me home”.

“No” he replied with a grin on his face.

“What are you doing here then”, I asked, “Saying your last goodbyes”.

“Yes, but not in the way you will like it”, he said.

“What do you mean”, I asked.

“I planted the body, it was me” he said.

“Why, why would you do this to me, what have I ever done to you”, I asked.

“It’s not what you have done to me, it’s what you have. You have the perfect wife, house, business, which will all be mine in a little while”.
I asked how he could take everything, He looked at me with a smile and said, “Your wife you fool, everything is left to her and she could lose everything if she isn’t married”.

He said his goodbye and left. All I could think was my friend stabbed me in the back and took everything that I cherished. That bastard will pay in this life or another, I will make him pay.

The next day they put a bunch of prisoners on board a ship and sailed off. I watched as England slowly moved away. I couldn’t sleep because I was stressed out and around real criminals that God knows what they did.

I took a long time to get to Australia, but you can tell when we arrived. The ship grew hotter and hotter, as we got closer to shore. We were let out, chained up and led into a middle of no were. They had us kneel down and the next thing I knew I received a blow to the back of my head, rendering me unconscious. Left there to die we stared wondering around and found a water hole. We broke the locks on our chains and went on our own paths. I chose to walk along the shore, hoping to find a port or a village near the shore. I walked and walked but there was nothing in sight. I fell down and began to weep for my family, I was stuck here and there is nothing that I could do about it. I started walking a little farther and I saw trees and grass. I ran to it and there was a little forest there. I walked more inland and I ended up finding fresh water. This is where I would have to live for now. I made a fire and a little nest so I could sleep at night. Later that night I had a dream that one day I would see my family again. The next day I worked to make this come true, I started plans to make a small sail ship and ride it to England. I had hoped again, this was my goal, to see my family one more time.

A couple months pass by and the ship is complete, and as much as I love this place it’s time to go, time to be reunited with my family. I looked for food to bring a long, I found hard-shelled plants that can be used to hold water and I filled them much as possible up. As I’m about to return to my camp I see smoke in the distance, then I get a strong chill feeling go down my back. I think back to the last time I felt that feeling and something bad had happened to me. I run down to my boat, pack everything up and set sail, I was not going to wait around and find out what was behind the smoke. My plan is to ration out everything carefully to make sure that I can make everything last as long as possible. As I was sailing all I can think about is that there is a chance that I might be able to see my family, one more time that I can maybe get my old life back. To make time more bearable I laid there staring at the sky during night time, thinking how beautiful the sky is. Everyday I think to myself these thoughts, slowly I know I am losing my mind. Then I ran into storm week at sea, afraid I held on to my boat and prayed for the best, that I might make it. I reach for a piece of rope that I had made and tied myself down. I tried to take each wave on, each one feeling like a punch to the face. Then the big one came, a wave so high that it made Cathedral looks small, and in that brief moment I thought life was over. I said a prayer and goodbyes to my family and friends. It hit and knocked me out, I thought I was dead. The next thing I knew I wake up on shore, I looked around and there is nothing but rocks and trees. I think to myself were could this be, I slowly walked into the forest, and then I saw it, a city, a city like no other. It was massive, it shined with glory. A blue light shined through out the city; people were all over the place. There transportation flew in the air. These beings magic was incredible. I ventured slowly down to the city, waiting till night to walk through the city. When night came I went into the city; the people there dressed themselves in robes, and walked around in sandals. I tried my best to stay out of sight, not knowing if these people are savages, or if they are against the crown. Suddenly I hear a yell, everything stands still, nothing moves as all eyes find their way towards me. Panicked I turn around and look for a way to run, but it’s to late. Two big males stand in my way. They put their hands on me and touch me with this stick with a blue light at the end of it. Whatever it was it knocked me unconscious. I later woke up tied up to a post in front of a group of men sitting around me.

I screamed, “Who are you!” there was no answer, just whispers in an unknown language.

A woman comes out, tall, white hair, blue robe, with tan skin. She gives me her name, Nora, she explains that here family died many years ago in a ship wreck, they spoke the same language that I was speaking. These people adopted her and taught her to speak their language. When she spoke it was choppy and broken, I could barely understand her, but I managed. I asked her kindly were I was at, and she replied Atlantas. I thought to myself were have I heard of the place, and I remember it from a Greek tale. I asked why I was tied up here like an animal.

She said, “Outsiders are not welcomed here, they bring disease, and death. Outsiders don't know how to live in peace; they cause wars over material things. They bring the disease of greed and envy. Outsiders are not allowed to stay and in your case you must be killed. You cannot be able to spread the word of our harmony to outsiders”.

I looked at her and said, “I am here for those exact reasons, a man grew envious of me and took all that I cherish and had me banished for life. But I am on a journey to see my family again and regain what is mine, please let me go, I don't know where I am at nor were this place is at. I wouldn’t be able to tell people were this place is at even if I wanted to”.

She told the men sitting around me what I said and they gave me two choices. Live here or die at sea. I chose to live and maybe still one day see my family.

Little did I know that they actually had a plan for me, they made me ambassador of the outside world and I was instantly thrown into a debate. This debate was over the fate of the outside world. Nora as my translator I was able to take action as in this debate. The people of Atlantas possessed some kind of weapon that would kill every single person that didn't have the cure. They were going to unleash on the world to cleanse it, to spread their harmony across the world. The side against it said that it was not their people’s way. They asked for my opinion on the matter, my response was, “We are definitely not a perfect society, there are defiantly down falls to society, but there are also good things. Love, art, poetry, society’s achievements, all great things that we have and will accomplish. The good outweighs the bad, and your solutions to the evil of society are no better, it in its self is evil. Everyone would die, children who do not yet know the difference between right and wrong”.

A great silence fell in the room, I had planted an idea in there head that they didn't not know existed; they were blinded by their belief that they were superior. They had not taken the time to realize that the outside world had good things to offer to. They took their vote and decided to cancel the genocide. My presence there saved the lives of many people, and I shall sleep better at night knowing this. I may never see my family again but at least I know that there safe and alive because of me. I shall start a new life here and rebuild myself here in Atlantas.

The End.

The author's comments:
The imperfections of Society

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