The Thief | Teen Ink

The Thief

May 3, 2014
By John Rollins BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
John Rollins BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Thief

Charlie was the best there was. Period. He was sneaky, deceitful, quick, and brave. Hands down the best thief in the history of forever. No one alive could capture him and put him behind bars. Not to mention that anyone who looked at him fell in love instantly. The catch? There isn’t one, besides the fact that he is actually a chinchilla.

Charlie was bored. Every placed worth robbing was just too easy. He wanted a challenge. These were the thoughts running through his mind the day he met the billionaire and superstar Leon Smith.

Leon lived in Los Angeles. His house, a mansion really, was supposedly the most guarded, high tech, impossible-to-rob place anywhere.

As charlie casually walked down the street, looking for some easy vendor to steal a hot dog from, he spotted a slick black limousine parked in a private parking deck. Titanium plating, bullet-proof windows. Charlie was in heaven.

He slowly made his way up to it, crouching into the shadows whenever someone walked by.

Suddenly the doors of a nearby bar flew open, and out walked ten bodyguards surrounding someone charlie couldn’t see at the moment. This looked promising. It might as well have been the president. Charlie made a quick mental note to rob the president after this.

Realizing he only had a few seconds to catch a ride, Charlie sprinted up to the limo and waited in the shadows. When the guards approached, they quickly looked around to see if any one was following them.
‘’No one ever looks down.’’ Charlie thought to himself.

The trunk was opened, so Charlie figured that had to be his way in. The bodyguards walked away from the trunk as it closed automatically. Too easy. Just as it was about to close, he jumped in, using his tremendously strong hind legs to boost him up.

‘’Now we wait.’’ thought Charlie.

And that’s what he had to do. For around three hours.

But eventually he felt the limo come to a stop.
Charlie was hiding in the darkness at the very back of the trunk, behind a large suitcase. Wait a minute. Suitcase. How easy could this get? He opened it up, searching for a spot that he could fit in. Perfect. He was in. Yup, top notch security. Then again, people aren’t smart enough to keep a mastermind chinchilla out of their house.

The next few minutes were a blur. The trunk opened, and the suitcase was pulled out, rather roughly, and carried somewhere.

Silence. That’s what he was waiting for. Now was his chance.

Charlie slowly and silently opened the suitcase and climbed out. He was in a dark closet. Perfect.

He opened the door, and peeked his head out. Nothing. It seems he was in a small little side bedroom. Well, small for a billionaire’s standards. Charlie walked out of the closet, and looked around. Jewels, gold, and pearls were all placed on top of a dresser. High tech security?

He decided he would look around a little more and get familiar with this place, see what else there was. Oh, it didn’t take long. Down a flight of stairs, in a huge living room was a glass case. in the glass case was a diamond. The biggest diamond Charlie had ever seen, and he had seen some big diamonds.

There was no one to be seen, so Charlie strolled up next to it. The good thing about this whole operation was that billionaire's got lazy. They figured since no one would be able to make their way inside, they wouldn’t have to protect anything in the house. Yeah, Charlie was wrong about that.

He stretched his legs, crouched down, and launched his way into the air and onto the table, right in front of the glass case. As soon as he reached for the case, an alarm went off. A very loud alarm. Charlie expected bodyguard after bodyguard to come running in the room, but what he heard scared him much more. The sound of a single person slowly coming his way.

The footsteps belonged to Leon Smith himself.

‘’Well well well, I've been expecting you Charlie.’’

‘’What? How?’’ was his reply.

‘’ Everyone knew you couldn’t resist the temptation of robbing my house. I mean, look at it. It’s probably the most expensive mansion in America.’’

After saying that, Leon walked over to the wall and flipped what looked to be a light switch. A hatch from the ceiling directly above Charlie opened and a metal cage started falling toward him. The cage was fast, but Charlie was faster. He jumped out of the way just in the nick of time.

Charlie had to act fast. At this point he did hear bodyguards making their way downstairs. He jumped up and propelled himself toward Leon. Leon ducked, and Charlie sailed over his head. That didn’t stop him. He quickly got back up to his feet, this time jumping toward Leons chest. Charlie thrashed out with both legs, and nailed him in the rib cage. That sent Leon tumbling backwards.

Charlie doved toward the glass case. He picked it right up, and snatched the diamond from its pedestal.

‘’Got it!’’ exclaimed Charlie.

Around ten guards stormed into the room, pistols raised. And they didn’t hesitate to shoot.

Bullets whizzed by Charlie as he maneuvered through the room.

The exit. Right in front of him. Just fifteen more yards. Now ten. He was gonna make it.

Charlie made on last leap up to the door handle. He perched himself there and opened the lock. Then he jumped down, turning the knob at the same time.

He dashed out as a bullet grazed his ear. That couldn’t stop him. Not now. Charlie ran down the street, alarms blaring, bullets still rushing past him, shouts echoing all around, with the diamond in hand.

‘’All in a days work,’’ Charlie said to himself.

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