The End | Teen Ink

The End

April 17, 2014
By Bucknorris BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
Bucknorris BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“The age of nomads has come and gone like seasons of the year and with that an age of kingdoms was born. As anything in life good comes with an opposition this opposition is darkness, pure evil. Where this darkness is, it lies in wait for the good of us to become weak. So that evil may have its time of reckoning.”

“My name is Elias I fight in the king’s army 5th division on the wall. The wall is what surrounds our kingdom, it has protected us from invaders for many years. My great grandfather built this wall as to preserve the life of his future kin. Our generation now stands guard over this land throughout all seasons. Winter has ended and the sweet smell of spring has entered the world and the colors of life and warmth have brought vitality to the people. Although the deep hollow forest outside our land beckons with a newly grown threat, something lurking and waiting. I awake to my joint in command Arkius pushing me awake violently muttering something repetitively as in great fear. As I awake more I begin to understand his words, now a soft hush under his stale breath I hear “The king is dead.” Shocked by the news of my comrade I burst through the barrack doors to see just the faintest creek of sunlight on the horizon.

As a run to the heart of the city as I draw closer a mass of the king’s guard has gathered at the entrance of the palace telling a crowd of people to, “go back to their homes “ignorantly the people stay as the news of the kings death has spread like wild fire. I push my way through the crowd of distraught and seemingly frantic people, finally I get to the steps of the palace only to spot my old friend Marcus a guard trying to keep the crowd at bay, he then sees me and pulls me aside telling me “come I need to show you something” in a grim voice. I follow him through the large oak doors of the palace they creek loudly seemingly to weep for our dead king as we pass through the great hall I notice it to be still and quiet only the sounds of our footsteps echo throughout the walls, the sun now higher in the sky shone through the stain glass painting pictures of bright yellows and oranges on the floor at which we walk. We walk at an uncomfortable pace towards the kings chambers we stop just outside we meet more royal guards and some members of the royal family I give them my deepest sympathies and continue on through the door with Marcus. As I walked through the threshold of the door shockingly I noticed on the wall of the kings chambers scribed in deep red blood it said, “Maulum shall rise.” The king lay gutted in his bed surrounded by his now maroon stained sheets. Marcus asks me what I think this could mean, I reply with “I believe it means war “I make my way back down the stairs and out the large doors. Noticing it is now midday and not a sound to hear, the crowd that was once here has disappeared. I make my way back to our barracks not passing a soul on the way I think to myself “why everyone must be in morn for the king” silently I open the door to the barracks the must of old cloth hits me as it always has, I continue on to my bunk were I lie down. My head is spinning from this morning’s events trying to comprehend it all, I must sleep as it is my day of rest. I awake to my frantic barrack mates shouting and screaming to awake everyone, I can hear the faintest squeal of a horn in the distance. Realizing the importance of this matter I quickly grab my sword and shield and sprint my way to the wall along with other troops. I make my way up the steeps as quickly as possible nearly falling several times, finely reaching the top pinnacle of the wall what I see next is of complete horror, thousands of large black armored soldiers swarming out of the forest seemingly an infinite source of them now gathered in perfect rows. I panic and blow our own horn of war as to raise any that are not already awake. Men with bows now prepared to line the walls of the kingdom. Ground troops line up by division on the outside of the wall. Franticly I rush down the steps to meet my division everyone fully geared and ready for battle outside the gates. We now look at thousands of figures charging towards us at an alarming pace I give my division the order to hold the gate the other divisions do the same. We now wait as the thunderous charge of the seemingly non-human figures rush towards us I give the command to my forces to charge. we now see the figures in full clarity tall figures carry large swords and maces, when we met our opposition, terror swept through the our troops as the onslaught of dark soldiers cut and slashed their way through, I raise my sword to an oncoming solider and ran at him I met his blow with my shield and struck him with my sword burying it deep into his chest I retrieve my sword and continue on in the heat of war my men behind me doing all their best to continue fighting this unknown source of enemy’s. We constantly lose ground to our attacker the sound of my dying brothers in arms around me the rhythm of battle falling off beat surely this is a war we cannot prevail. I feel a quick sharp pain in my right knee I look surely knowing what I would see, an arrow. I feel myself losing my vision checkered with black and white dots the feeling of needles in my limbs. Slowly succumbing to the blood loss I notice a gleaming white light in the distance I am drawn to it when I reach the source of the light I am pulled into a world my pain and worries now gone I question my whereabouts could I truly be dead ?

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