Warriors: Into the Wild | Teen Ink

Warriors: Into the Wild

April 2, 2014
By Anonymous

Do you like books with action and adventure? Are you a cat lover? If you answered yes to these questions, you should totally read Warriors: Into the Wild. It is the first book to the first series of Warriors. In my opinion, Warriors is an awesome series. I love Warriors and it’s my favorite series.
Into the Wild does a great job starting out the series and it’s over all a great book. In the beginning of Into the Wild you are introduced to the main character, Rusty, a curious kitten who wonders what is in the woods. One day Rusty enters the woods and encounters Thunderclan cats. It turns out that Rusty is prophesied to save the clans. He will join Thunderclan and begin his life as a clan cat.
As soon as Rusty walks into Thunderclan’s camp, he encounters trouble. He is a kittypet and the clan cats don’t want kittypets in the clan. They don’t think he should be a clan cat. Also, one of Firepaw’s new friends see something he should not of saw. Firepaw will have to make decisions on what to do.
This book is a fantasy novel. It has lots of action and adventure in it. It’s really good. If I had to say one complaint I would say that the very beginning is a little slow to start out with. That’s my only complaint. But if you do read this book and you think the first or second chapter is boring, just keep reading. By chapter three or four it gets good.
I really recommend this book, it’s my favorite series. You can really get into the Warriors world. And the good thing about the whole series is that there are a lot of books in the series. You will spend a lot of time reading it. I hope you will give this book a try. Maybe it will become your favorite series.

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