Harry Potter And The Sorcerers Stone Book Review | Teen Ink

Harry Potter And The Sorcerers Stone Book Review

March 27, 2014
By Nicholas-sommerville BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Nicholas-sommerville BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
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author= J.K Rowling

The Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is about a kid named Harry who is sent to his uncle’s house and raised there after his mother and father were killed by Lord Voldemort. He discovers that he has magic powers by going to a petting zoo on the day of his cousins birthday when he makes an entire glass panel disappear and his cousin fall into it with the snake. Then he discovers that he can talk to snakes when the snake comes out of the tank when the glass disappears. He figures out for the first time that he is a half blood because his mom is a muggle born witch and his dad is pure blood wizard. He meets Ron and Hermione on the train on the way to Hogwarts for the first time and they all are best friends for life and do everything together.

So the main story about this book is that Harry Potter is adopted by his uncle, aunt, and cousin when he is still a baby and his parents are killed by Lord Voldemort, and he has spent his entire life at his uncles and aunts but one day he discovers his powers at the petting zoo and they start getting letters in the mail for Harry to join Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. His uncle keeps destroying them until one day when they flood the house and they move to a deserted island and Hagrid smashes down the door and takes Harry to the school and he joins and meets Ron and Hermione who he is friends with for the rest of his life and they all try to kill Lord Voldemort. The rest of the series is exactly the same as this book in a way because they always have to try to kill Lord Voldemort,also there is 7 book in the entire series.

My opinion of this book is great because I love the plot and setting in this series so far and the characters details. I think this book is more for young-adults because it has mild language in it, but if children read this I kind of suggest parental guidance because of the reading level it is.So I really suggest reading this book and series if you like adventure and suspense books.

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