Jacob Lundy | Teen Ink

Jacob Lundy

March 11, 2014
By Anonymous

I remember when the power went off. It was around 8 P.M. on a friday in the year 2023 at McChord Air Force base. The thing i remember most vividly was seeing my best friend for the last time that day. I watched him take off on a C-17 plane just as the power went out. As it turns out the power going out affected everything from TV’s to Laptops to Planes. There were no survivors from his crash. With his death I believe part of me also died. After a while you learn to forget the things that hurt you the most just for the sake of your sanity. But i don’t think I’ll ever forget him or that night. A lot has changed since then including me. The power was only out for a little over Four years before they figured out how to fix it. A lot can change during Four years of anarchy. The world powers of the past are all gone and with them the peace that was fought so hard to attain is also gone. Many people saw the Second Dark age as an opportunity to conquer, and conquer they did. The countries formerly known as Canada, Mexico, and America are all history now. They were all conquered by the Warlord known as Sergio Alvarez, the founder of the American Confederation. Not much is known of Sergio, his past and his present are all things of mystery. But during the Second Dark age people did what they had to do in order to survive. I was no exception to this. I did what i did best and joined the modern “military” of my time known as the ACM (American Confederation’s Military). It was rather easy to move up the ranks in the Confederations Army because war is everywhere in this new era, and many of your superior officers are often killed at a ridiculous rate. I was 21 when i joined as the rank of private, I’m now 26 and a Brigadier General in the ACM. In this new era of history i didn’t just survive, i thrived.

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