The Guardian of Light Origins | Teen Ink

The Guardian of Light Origins

March 2, 2014
By Anonymous

Guardian of Light Origins

The Guardian of Light may seem like a prestigious title to have, but it’s much more like a burden. Becoming the new Guardian of Light wasn't easy because it comes with all the extensive training, large amounts of responsibilities, and the fear of dying in the hands of the enemy. These unfavorable perks were passed down onto me by my father when I was just 8 years old. My father was the first Guardian of Light before he died, but before he upheld that title, he was the top ranking General of the Second Brigade for the Zargian Army. He, himself, shook nations and was able to take down whole regiments with the swing of his dual bladed swords. To some, he was seen as a target, but to many he was seen as the symbol of hope. He went through different worlds vanquishing evil and bringing light to where it has never touched before while finding Intel on the Black Blood King, Killian. Killian was the king and root of all evil. He sends waves of his pawns and minions to attack civilizations and bring terror to neutral worlds by consuming the light from living and happy souls. When a being loses their light from their souls, they undergo a process called Promjena which causes darkness to consume their body as a whole and turn them into dark beings called Underlings.

After 70 cycles of searching, my father was finally able to locate the exact location of the whereabouts of The Black Blood King. As my father fought through and watched half his army turn into Underlings during their Killian castle excavation, he finally reached the top of the castle and found the Dark King lounging on his throne. Anger and hatred surged through my father’s body as he firmly gripped onto his dual blades preparing to attack.
They orbited each other waiting for the other to make their first move. A storm stirred up above them and struck the ground in between the two god-like beings. On the second lightning strike that hit the ground, Killian thrusted towards my father swiftly . Acting quickly, my father used his aura shield to deflect the attack, but the aura was no match for Killian. The shield shattered like glass and shot the hero backwards. Kneeling on one knee and struggling to get up, my father saw ominous portals appear around him from the corner of his eyes and saw Underlings crawl out of them. With his eyes on the prize, the warrior pounced forward with his blades facing outwards striking every underling while chanting the Prayer of the Angels. My father stopped running towards the Dark King, and firmly planted himself to the ground. He put his blades together and struck it into the floor creating a giant burst of light energy clearing the premises of Underlings. Once again, It was just a battle between The Guardian of Light and The Black Blood King without any disruptions or distractions. The King only had one more trick that would bring the conclusion to this never ending battle. Slowly raising his arm in the air, dark matter started to form in his hands. Debris and broken chunks of the castle wall levitated in the air and shot into the dark matter sphere. The sphere continued to get larger, and the hero struck his blades into the ground to keep him from entering the dark sphere. The larger it got, the quicker my father realized that his death was approaching and knew that he had to do something before he died. The Guardian of Light grabbed one of two swords that was in reach and bolted towards Killian. As he approached Killian with his sword, the King threw the dark sphere. The tip of the left blade of light met the ball of death, and my father attempted to absorb the dark sphere. As Killian sat on one knee paralyzed, due to lack of energy, my father was trying to absorb the ball. The more the ball shrunk, the darker the blade got, and as the ball was coming to complete deletion, the blade backfired and exploded the hero backwards .
As the Guardian of Light struggled to get back on his feet, the king slowly crept towards him with a blade gripped tightly in his hands. One...two...three..four... Each step was a calling for death, and after the fourth step the King finally got to him and stabbed my father quickly but surely from behind. Blood shooting out, my father thought and acted quickly and did what was for the best. Chanting sacred Angel texts, the whole castle was locked in with a force field. He started a suicidal ritual that will end not only his life, but also every being's life inside of the lockdown force field. Before the ritual was finished, an orb of light came out of the Guardian of Light's heart and he muttered the words with a mouthful of blood, "I entrust the power of light to you my son" and it flew away. Like a butterfly, the orb of light fluttered away gracefully into the deserted sky. Killian saw no chance of survival in this situation either, so he did the same by sending off his power to in hopes of finding a suitable host to fulfill his goals. Together, both the First Guardian of Light and the First Black Blood King shattered away like cherry blossom tree peddles into the sky.
By now, you all know that I was the one that he entrusted with the power of the light to, and I'm sure you have questions of your own, but let me say what I have to say first. My name is Blitz, I am 19 cycles old, I am the son of the first Guardian of Light, and I will not let my father's death be for nothing. No matter how much of a burden this title is, I will do what I was destined to do and bring light and peace to the worlds that need it. I am the vanquisher of darkness. I am the symbol of hope. I am the Guardian of Light.

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