The Great Hunt | Teen Ink

The Great Hunt

February 24, 2014
By Steven_Hyde GOLD, Auburn, New York
Steven_Hyde GOLD, Auburn, New York
17 articles 1 photo 21 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Just Do It"
- Nike
"An eye for an eye only makes the world blind"
- Ghandi

Today I've decided to make the great get away.. But I've decided to wait until the third night of training. That way they won't get suspicious. But I have to act as if i'm not going to do anything. So today I'm Learning how to hunt.. Thank God!! I'm so hungry I could eat anything.. Literally.. I thought to my self.. I'm so glad that I decided to stay anothr day. Because I have no clue how to hunt. So now I guess I've decided to stay and learn more things about my abilities.

So now that I'm learing how to hunt.. This is my first time hunting.. In order to do it correctly, I have to Transform into my werewolf state. But i was having difficulty doing so, because I was so hungry. But then I took my mind off things and was able to do it easy. Now mind you, this is still pretty painful. But i soon learned to take that pain and turn it into power.

Now that I'm transformed into my Werewolf form I'm ready to go and hunt.. I thoght to my self.. I thought i'm vegitarian.. But who cares I'm part werewolf I eat anything.. So I just went with the hunter Wolves. And they caught some tiny rabbits. I caught a moose.. When we returned I was glad to hear what the High Council had to say about me. They were quite impressed. They knew for sure I was the next alpha of the pack.

The Next day was fighting again.. I learned that quite easily. I won all but one round.. The very last fight.. There I was, tired and worn out. The bigest werewolf I had ever seen in my life as a werewolf.. He was about five feet off the ground on al fours. "I cant do it" I said aloud.. "I give up" I yelled. But no one seemed to be paying attention. Then he came at me faster than ever. I jumped over him clawing him on the back of his neck..

At first he didn't seem hurt. It only looked like it just pissed him off real bad. He snarled showing his blood stained teeth. As he came after me it sounded like he made a whimpering noise. Then, I crouched real low and as he jumped at me I found my claw going for his face. I had sliced his face open. Wondering what to do next, I got on top of him and bit right into the back of his neck. He fell to the ground. Then I had won. I shouted "You're grounded!" But all of a sudden he got up and attacked me one more time. I was terrified. But then the High Council had said "That is enough" and Roque Ja got off.. Yeah.. That is his name. Anyways he had won that fight. I felt so shameful be Roque Ja had told me that it was a good fight and that he wanted to do it again sometime. I was like sure. Not knowing that he thought I meant it. Then The beast said "see ya around kid."


This article has 2 comments.

on Feb. 27 2014 at 10:01 am
Steven_Hyde GOLD, Auburn, New York
17 articles 1 photo 21 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Just Do It"
- Nike
"An eye for an eye only makes the world blind"
- Ghandi

Okay thanks (:  

on Feb. 26 2014 at 3:55 pm
KierstenB BRONZE, Burgaw, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
There are two most important days in your life. The day you are born and the day you find out why.
Mark Twain

This story is really good but I think it can be more descriptive(=