world war 5 | Teen Ink

world war 5

January 21, 2014
By alexander kazenske BRONZE, Viroqua, Wisconsin
alexander kazenske BRONZE, Viroqua, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

World War 5

As I walked down the road in the city which used to be New York. As buildings crumble and fall to the ground. As these things duck out of the building with the dirt crumbled under their feet. After the war the world started to crumble and slowly fall apart. First, the war one of the bloodiest wars of all over a quarter of the world dead from the bombs. Everyone was just burnt to ashes and torn to pieces only a few lived. Than there were the men who came through and got rid of the rest of the population and they forgot me. This is World War 5. Although it is not human vs human But human vs himself. See these things from outer space came to this world and took us over, they used their mind control to take over the human body. At first the humans didn't know if they were being taken over, than at any minute the thing that took the human over made the man or woman just kill themselves. Then after a few months the things started to make an army with the humans they had taken over. I was one of the ones who was immune to the things capabilities and there were others but they slowly died one by one; some from starvation and others from infection. Other ones got caught. Oh god, the things they would do to these poor people. They would shred them limb from limb and you don't want to hear what they did after that. But I was one of the lucky ones and got away from the things. Now as I walk down the lonely street you will know why I walk alone. Without anyone to look up to and why I feel this pain.

“Wait!”,came this voice from the building and I stopped.

He said “Drop your guns.” but I did not
“Who are you?” I said.
He said “I am the end to you who are you”
I said “I am a survivor” and i turned around to shoot him. And he shot me in the arm and I fell to the ground. “Who do you think you are!”
He said “I told you, now tell me who you are or I shoot again”
“My name is Josh, now who are you”
“I am rick”
He tossed a rag at me and said “Clean up and get over here.”
I got up and walked over with my arm bleeding and bleeding. I started to get dizzy from loss of blood and I fel. Il looked up and saw a man. Holding a gun to my head then I put my head down. I remember till the next day when I woke up on a steel table with four men pushing me down a trashed hall way. I tried to move but they had me tied down to the table. And then I kicked and they hit me with a cattle prod. Then they stopped. Let my shot arm free than they started to inject stuff into my are. They my arm went numb and one of them said “He is awake! He is awake!”
And that a familiar voice said “Knock him out.”
I fell back asleep. When I woke up my arm hurt but the bleeding had stopped. But I was still tied down to the table. I pulled up my head and looked around. I was in dirty room but it was better than usual. A man walked into the room and he said to me “You're awake glad to see your ok.”
I said “Why did you shoot me”
Rick said “I am sorry about that i thought you were a thing. But you're all better know. Lets get you some food”
He untied me from the bed, we walked to the kitchen and we sat down at the table
Rick said “So what brings you here.”
I said “Nothing really just looking for other people. So what do you have going on here.”
“We are all survivors and we are fighting back.”
“So it looks like one heck of an operation.”
“Yeah we got a lot of men but we lose more and more every day.”
“What do you have for guns?”
“Nothing much, we got quite a few but nothing like what you got”
“I found them when walking the street. Speaking of where my guns...”
Rick said “They’re in the back, here I will take you to them.”
And we walked to the back. When we got to the gun vault there were really not that many guns. He handed me mine.
I said “Thank you.”
“What kind of guns are these?”
“Well there is my sawed off shotgun, my 45 magnum, my 9mm, my rifle and my knife. But it’s not the gun but the ammunition like for the shotgun I have a slug and bbs and for my 45 I have star point”
Rick said “Why so many choices?”
“Ok my shotgun for close range my rifle for long rang and my 45 and 9mm for back up.”
“What about the ammunition?”
“Bbs for a wide shot and slug to knock down big enemies and star point to make the 9mm more effective”
“Well that is clever”
“Yeah it is maybe you should try it”
“That would be a good idea”
“So tell me more about your operation here, how many guys do you have?”
“Well we have 40 men total but we need more”
“40 is not that bad”
“but these men are untrained and need help”
“I have never trained anyone before”
“But it won't hurt to try”
“I will try but I need more weapons and more room”
“the weapons I can do but the room i can’t do”
“I will work with what I got but I can only work with 5 or 6 men at a time”
So we started training the men. The first obstacle was a hand to hand combat where they learn the best fighting techniques to defeat the best of enemies.Than they learn weapons starting with handguns than they move to shotguns.Than assault rifles and last but not least a select few will go on to long range rifles. After weapons training they go to ground training which is teaching the men to move quickly and quite. Than only the best will go to air training where they lump out of high altitude planes in enemy territory. Than the ones who did not go to air training will go to underwater training where these men will learn to stay under for long periods of time. Then the best of all the classes will stay at came and teach others. Know we start to strike back!!

The author's comments:
I felt like writing one day and this is what I came up with.

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