Bad hunting | Teen Ink

Bad hunting

December 18, 2013
By Nikolai BRONZE, Palo Alto, California
Nikolai BRONZE, Palo Alto, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I guess that it all started the day I went with Earl on a raid on a warehouse that we thought might have so magical activity. I rode shotgun in a nondescript van. Earl was looking grim today but then again it isn't hard for him to do that sense it was just after the full moon and we both have gotten stuck with the night shift, werewolves usually do. The Order’s patrol units are made up of pairs of supernatural beings, we were W team.

“I hope this report is wrong. Because if it’s not were are going to have a big fight on our hands.” I said
“I don’t think we’re going to get that lucky. The people who make these reports are normally reliable.” Earl responded
“Can’t you let me have some hope today Earl, We had had a rough night. I mean who known that it was some weird cults holy night.” I said

“If I let you have any hope then you’ll go soft on me.” He said, grinning.

We rode the rest of the way in silence, we both need our rest. The warehouse was a short blocky building. It looked normal but it had a strange smell to it.
“You smell that Earl, there’s something here maybe a demon or demons.” I said

“Yeah, I think there might be a portal too,” Earl, said.

We walked slowly toward the warehouse, scanning as we went. I knew we were being watched but I couldn't tell from where. Then I felt a ripple of force.
“Did you feel that?” Earl snapped
“We should probably go see what was.” I said
We reached the door of the warehouse and kicked down the door. Inside we saw a group of robed figures standing in a circle. They had their hands held high and there was a soft glow emanating from the center of the circle.
Without speaking Earl and I advanced, we needed to stop whatever they were trying to do with that ritual. We both transformed into our other forms, people like to picture werewolves as men that are very hairy and have claws. In truth we are big wolves that are crossed humans. We are faster and stronger then humans and we can walk on two or four legs. Most werewolves have no self control and kill almost every thing in site as soon as they get mad. There are few of us who can control the beast, but those who can are the most dangerous.

Earl went left I went right. The first person I got to went down after one hit from my claws. He didn't make a sound, which I thought was strange people normally made a lot of noise when they died. Then I saw what had made the demon smell. They were thirty of them in the circle formed by the people. As soon as Earl and I broke the ritual the demons sprang at the humans and ripped them apart. I heard Earls voice in my head, werewolves can communicate telepathically with other werewolves,
“There are too many of them for us to take head to head without back up.”

“Earl we can take them, we just need to divide and conquer.” I responded.

“Did you miss the fact that there are thirty of them and two of us?” Earl said

“ That gives us fifteen for you and fifteen for me.”

“You’re crazy, but I can’t think of any other way we’re going to make it out of this alive.” Earl dove in to a group of five demons, claws ripping and teeth snapping. I charged at the hoard of hell spawn. Their eyes glowing red they all screamed, some in anger and some in pain.

All the wounds the demons could inflict on us were healed almost instantly. These were lower level demons somewhat strong on the supernatural scale, but they were not very smart. Even knowing that they’re numbers was a problem. Every time we would try to go .We were able to kill all of them, but it was still not without danger.
“See Earl that wasn't to hard now was it?”

“I still think you’re crazy, but that was fun. At least as fun as killing a mess of demons can be. These new uniforms are pretty nice.”

“Yeah with these we don’t have to worry about getting new ones every time we change. I wonder how that magic works? We didn't seem to have been wearing them in our other forms.” The higher ups in The Order got fed up with the different shape changers needing new uniforms after every mission. They had thought up some sort of magic to make the armored uniforms both light and able to disappear when people change shape.
“I heard that it has something to do with them being in the physical and magical spectrum” Earl said. The magical spectrum exists alongside the physical one. Thing can exist in both, but the things that in the magical will regenerate in the physical spectrum. That is the reason why different supernatural have the ability to heal at amazing speeds. We drove back to the office and filed an official report on the events at the warehouse. I felt terrible, but I decided to walk home because it helps me calm down. I need some time to cool down each day so that I can keep control. When I got home to my small apartment a few kilometers from the office I ate a very late dinner. Werewolves eat a lot because when we transform we burn an insane amount of calories. It was about twenty two hundred hours when I was able sleep.
My alarm clock woke me up at around five hundred hours. That gave me about six hours of sleep. That was around average for me, but I always seem to want more. One thing I can’t understand why everyone is so obsessed with coffee. I tried to ask Earl about it once, but he thought it was a stupid question and said,
“Why do you think we need it to get up in the morning?”
I think that the only reason why people need it is because they become dependent on it. If people didn’t start drinking it then no one would want to drink it. I tried it once, upon Earl’s request, and it just tasted bad. When I got into the office the early risers were already hard at work manning the phones and typing up reports of magical activity.
“Hey Nikolai, what’s up” Bill said.
Bill is an Elf; most of them act as The Orders woodlands teams. They are not normally working in an office, but Bill is a bit strange even for an Elf. Most of them are obsessed with nature. I guess that makes sense because the Elvin magic needs nature in order to work.
“I have a job for you and Earl to do. Something about an expansion in downtown. The mortal police are already there so you will have to be careful.”

“Why are you sending two werewolves to do this? Wouldn’t it be better to send someone trained as a detective? Earl and I are more akin to a strike force.”

“Nikolai I agree that we should send someone else. But the informant said he would only speak to one of his kind” Bill said dejectedly.
“Oh good I get to talk to a picky and probably on edge werewolf. I’m sure Earl will love doing this early in the morning. I hope he was able to get his coffee because if he doesn't he gets in a bad mood.”

“Good to know I’ll make sure he get will get his coffee, thanks Nikolai” Bill said as he got up and walked away.

When Earl and I were ready we got into our squad car Earl turned to me and said
“What are they thinking? Sending us to sniff around a scene like a pair of dogs.”

“Well let’s take a moment to think this over. We are the only werewolves that work for The Order. There are only a few of us capable of controlling ourselves. So which one would come all the way out of his way make us and talk to him. It has to be one of them because no other werewolf would want us to know he was in town,” I reasoned.
“That makes sense, but the only reason one of them would want to come and talk to us is if some really bad werewolf business is about to happen.”
“Let’s find out why our mystery guest is here to see us.” I said

When we got to the scene we saw the crater left by the explosion. The mortal police were out in force no doubt trying to figure out who would want to bomb a random empty building. They weren't our concern, but we could already smell the other werewolf on the air. A strong werewolf has a distinctive smell. I got out of the car and breathed in deeply. The air smelled of fire, smoke and dust from the blown up building. I paused then focused tried again. This time I smelled the other werewolf, I could track him now. I couldn't tell who it was by the sent, not yet.
“I got him Earl were heading west.”
“Good that part of town is mostly empty so if it gets ugly we don’t have to worry about anyone else getting hurt” Earl said.
I pointed Earl in the right directions until we were standing in front of an old apartment building.
“Well this the place” I said.

“Can you tell who it is yet?”

“Sorry I can’t tell, either I haven’t met this one before or he’s trying to mask his sent from us. Just then there was the sound of a safety being turn off behind us. How had someone snuck up on us without us hearing him or her?
“You two aren't very good at this are you? If you were I couldn't have do that. I have come a long way to talk to you two officers of The Order, but now that I’m here maybe I should just leave you to the Great Hunt” The voice of the werewolf was distorted by some sort of microphone.
“What do you mean the Great Hunt, I’ve never heard of such a thing” Earl said
The other werewolf laughed and said, “Wouldn't you like to know? I guess that sense I came all this way…” The werewolf paused and seemed to be deep in thought.

“Why don’t we just all calm down you called us here. We didn't need to come.” I said slowly, as if I were speaking to a young child.

“Now Nikolai, There’s no need for rudeness we can all speak like ….men”

“I’m with Nikolai on this one. We go out of our way to meet you and then you pull a gun on us. Now that’s rude.” Earl said

“Ok let’s go inside before anyone sees this awkward situation.” The mystery werewolf said.
Earl and I started to turn but then the other werewolf said
“Don’t turn until we get inside

The author's comments:
I wrote this for class.

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