What to do When Waking up from a Coma | Teen Ink

What to do When Waking up from a Coma

November 21, 2013
By TangibleSpectre BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
TangibleSpectre BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

HONK! HONK! HONK!! Wham!! *A while later*. “Ugh… huh?” “Where am I?” groans Harold. Looking around he sees a clock. The clock says 9:00 a.m. “Oh snap! I’m going to be late for school!” he yells. He tries to get out of the bed but he realizes that he has multiple tubes connecting his arms to machines. “Huh??” Harold exclaims, confused about his situation. Then a nurse walks in declaring “Well look at who is awake! How you feeling sleeping beauty?” Harold apprehensively replies “Uh hi… I am doing fine. Why am I in a hospital?” “Aww you poor young man. You don’t remember a thing. You were hit by a bus and you just woke up from a coma” she replies. “Oh..” he replied, “Wait poor young man? I am still in my teens. How could I be possible considered a young man?! Not that I am complaining…” Harold’s voice suddenly cut off as then he noticed a mirror out of the corner of his eye. Harold’s eyes then opened wide as they settled on his reflection in a mirror across his bed. “Woah.. what happened to me” he whispers. The nurse replied “Your reaction is perfectly normal. You have been in a coma for 13 years, it is normal to be confused. “Wait you’re telling me that I’m now 26 years old!!” he exclaimed, “I haven't fully enjoyed my childhood yet!! Come back my childhood!!” “Well you can moan and groan all you want,” said the nurse as she unhooked Harold from the machines, “but today is your last day in the hospital so you might want to figure out what you are going to do”. She then left the room as Harold sat in his bed letting all this new information settle in. “Ugh this is too much for me in the morning” groaned Harold. “I guess I’ll go home and ask grandpa what I should do.
Harold then takes a taxi to his home with his grandfather, his caretaker since his parent’s death. When he arrives, he knocks on the door and to his surprise is met by a young couple. “Uh.. Hi” says Harold, “a-a-are you guys the residents of this house?” he asks. “Yes, Can we help you?” they reply. “Well there was a old man who used to live here, do you know where he is?” asks Harold. “Oh you don’t know? He died 2 years ago. He is buried at the nearby graveyard.” Harold at first is a bit shocked but realizes that it was to be expected as his grandfather was reaching his late 90’s. “Well.. uh.. thank you for your time” replied Harold as he walked back towards the street. “Hmmm, well I guess I’ll go visit Grandpa’s grave.” thought Harold as he fished out his wallet to call another cab. However when he opened he found out he was broke from his earlier cab ride from the hospital to his grandfather’s home. “Well crap. What am I going to do now?” uttered Harold. But then his eyes settled upon the nearby bank. “Oh lucky me. I’ll go get some money. Boy am I glad Grandpa made me save money in a account. Even if it is only like $50” exclaimed Harold as he walked into the bank. However, he hesitated as he suddenly thought “Aw shoot, I’m not old enough to withdraw money yet without an adult”. But then the “How can I help you sir?” from the banker made Harold remember that he was now 26, not 13. So he walked up to the banker and quickly stammered out “H-H-Hi, I.. um would like to get some uh.. money… from my account.” He then gave the banker his information and asked to withdraw all his money. As he waited for a few seconds, twiddling his thumbs, the banker incredulously asked “Are you sure you want to withdraw ALL of your money?” Harold then asked “Um.. I thought I only had $50 in there, or did something change?” “Well…considering that you actually have around $50 million instead of $50,” replied the banker. “Wait what?!” interrupted Harold, “H-how do I have around $50 million?!” “Well your grandpa’s will transferred his life saving to you which happened to be $50 million. So do you still want to withdraw all of that?” replied the banker. Harold then dazedly replied “N-no I’ll just withdraw $150 instead.” and when he received his money, he slowly walked out of the bank. “Wow has my life changed today” dazedly exclaimed Harold “I guess I’ll just go visit Grandpa’s grave to thank him for the money”
He then took another cab to the nearby cemetery and went to his grandfather’s grave to pay his respects. While sitting there staring at the inscriptions on his grandfather’s headstone, the sudden events hit him and Harold cried out, “What am I going to do?!! I just woke up from a coma, I don’t have my childhood anymore, I don’t have any family left, and I have so much money, that I have no idea what to do with it!!!” Suddenly a nearby voice says “Well if I was in your shoes, I would go on a adventure and explore the world.” Harold whipped around to see a wizened hobo nearby. “W-W-Who are you and what do you want!??” he stammered. The hobo just calmly gazed at Harold for a few seconds. Then he said “Calm down kid, I not gonna eat you. I was just gonna ask you to spare some money. I just happened to overhear your complaints and I’d thought I’d give you some elderly advice.” “Umm okay” replied Harold, “but your advice is pretty dumb. Like why would I travel the world?” “First of all, why not travel the world? You said you missed out on your childhood and that you have money so why not go exploring” replied the Hobo, “Second, there was no need to get all rude. Now if you aren't planning of sparing me some money, you'll have to excuse me as I go ask some other people in this cemetery.” As the the hobo walked away Harold realized that what the Hobo had said was true. He really had no reason not to travel the world. He then ran after the Hobo and when reached him he yelled out “Wait Mr. Hobo.” “the Hobo then turned around and said “Oh did you change your mind? Are you planning on sparing me some change?” Harold then tentatively replied “Oh umm.. not really but how about instead you come with me to explore the world?” The hobo then replied “See I told you it was a good idea and yes, of course I will go with you, anything is better than moping around in a cemetery!” Harold then sighed with relief that he now had a companion with him but then he realized he didn’t even know the Hobo’s name. “Um excuse me Mr. Hobo, but you never told me you name,” said Harold to the Hobo. “You can call me whatever you like” said the Hobo, “I haven’t been called by a name in a while.” Harold then thought about it for a while then noticed the Hobo’s floppy hat and suddenly cried “Then is it okay to call you Foopla?” The Hobo stared at him for a while like he was crazy, but then he said “yes” and asked Harold “So where do you wanna go explore first?” Harold immediately replied, “Lets got to the Amazon Rainforest. I really want to go exploring there!!” Foopla then replied “Why not, that’s a good as place as any to start. Lets go!” “Okay but first of all where can we buy a airplane or helicopter?”asked Harold. “There is a place nearby where you can buy airplanes and other such stuff. Why do you wanna know? I thought that we would just buy plane tickets to fly there.” replied Foopla. ” Well I have been in a coma for 13 years and missed my childhood. I wanna have my fun” replies Harold. Foopla just shrugged and so they went and bought a helicopter and hired a pilot to fly them to the Amazon Rainforest.
When they had reached the Amazon Rainforest, Foopla all of a sudden said “Alright Harold, let skydive into the rainforest!!” “W-W-wait, I have never sky dived before and isn’t it a bit dangerous?” replied Harold. Foopla just gave him a look and said “I thought you wanted to live your life to the fullest since you already missed 13 years?” Harold looked back at him for a bit, then grabbed a parachute while asking “so how do we do this then?” “That’s the spirit!”chucked Foopla. “Just pull that cord when I do” said Foopla. “A-a-alright then. Then lets jump out at the count of 3” said Harold. “O-O-One… t-two.. thre.. AHHHH!!!” hollered Harold as Foopla shoved him out of the airplane and jumped out with him with a loud bellowing laugh. As they fell Harold continued to scream while Foopla laughed. Then when they were 500 feet from the canopy of the rainforest, they both pulled their parachutes with a loud *FOOOOF*. “You suck Foopla” yelled Harold as he floated down, “I was totally unprepared for that!!” “Hhaha, cmon kid,” Foopla yelled back, “you have to admit that was pretty fun.” “Well.. yeah it was,” replied Harold “but still that wasn’t cool. Hey wait a minute won’t we get stuck on those trees before we reach the ground?” asked Harold as the trees approached closer and closer and closer until… *KRSSCHHK* Their parachutes caught onto the trees, halting their descent towards the ground. For a while they sat there quietly dangling from their parachutes. “Hmmm.. we really didn’t think this one through did we…” mused Foopla as he dangled from the trees. “S-S-So how do we get down?” stammered Harold as he looked down, trying to see the ground. “Weeelll… we are going to have to cut the parachute lines and hope that the branches of the trees will save us.” replied Foopla. “UUhh okay. Fine let us do it. There is nothing else we can do” said Harold dejectedly. They then cut their parachutes and experience a painful 200 ft plummet that was punctuated by *WHOOSH* of the wind and *CRACK* *KSHKC* of the breaking branches. Harold’s and Foopla’s cries pierced the air as they fell down towards the rainforest floor and into a whole where they blacked out.
“Hey kid wake up” said Foopla as he rustled Harold. “Uugh.. where are we?” asked Harold groggily. “Well it appears we are in some cave in some woodland forest,” replied Foopla. “Oh okay.. wait how are we in a wooded forest if we were just in the Amazon?” asked Harold. “I dunno, but I looked around and that’s what I found out. Cmon kid, make sure you don’t have any broken bones and lets go exploring!” said Foopla. Harold patted himself down, made sure all his bones were intact, and then walked after Foopla to outside of the cave. Suddenly a giant shadow covered them. “Woah?. What? Are you seeing this” cried Harold as he flipped around and saw these massive birds flying around. “Calm down kid. And yeah I do see them. Either we are hallucinating or we aren’t in Brazil anymore.” They then stood there watching in awe as the massive birds flew around lazily. Suddenly they hear a shriek pierce the air “AAAHHHHH?! GO AWAY?! SAVE ME?!”. Foopla and Harold look at each other then run to the source of the cries. As they approached the source they hid behind a fallen tree. They then peered over to see 3 wizards riding the massive birds shooting lightning at a young cloaked maiden. “What should we do?” Harold whispered to Foopla. “Weeeelll….” said Foopla, “Lets think rationally here. Seeing as how they are wizards and I am a hobo turned adventurer, I feel like we should run away to level up first before we try to save her.” “That doesn’t even make sense!” cried Harold a little too loudly. The wizards then heard Harold’s cry and suddenly started to shoot lightning at them. “See what you did” said Foopla “ now we have to fight them and might die.” As Harold and Foopla try to run away from the lightning shooting wizards, Foopla grabs a rock and throws it at them out of desperation. *BAAAM* the rock blasts a huge hole in one of the wizard’s head instantly killing him. “Huh??” says Foopla as he is trying to process what he did. He then realizes that apparently he has superpowers now and can throw a rock like a bullet shot from a gun. “UH YEAAAHHH?! TAKE THAT YOU SCUM?” yells Foopla after he overcomes his shock and throws another rock. “Hey Harold check this out I got super strength. Maybe you do too. Try whacking them with a tree?” yell Foopla to Harold. Harold then grabs the closet tree and beams the other two wizards instantly killing them. “Whoo hoo high five man?” cries Foopla while raising his hand towards Harold. “W-W-We just killed them though…” utters Harold in shock. Then the maiden appears before them and says “No you didn’t, those were evil wizards who have no souls.” You can’t kill what is not alive” says the maiden as the wizards bodies disintegrate into dust. “Thank you for saving me.” says the maiden as she takes off her hood revealing pointed ears. “Woah are you an elf?” asks Harold after he overcomes his shock at her sudden appearance. “Yes. Now come with me. I will take you to my village in thanks for your bravery.” says the elf as she walk off. “Well I guess we should follow her” says Foopla. “But following strangers is dangerous” says Harold. “Dude you travelled with a random Hobo you found in a cemetery to the Amazon Rainforest. And you are worried about following a hot elf in a weird new land that you have never been in?” retorts Foopla incredulously. Harold then realized that today he had just waken up from a 13 year long coma, found out he had inherited 50 Million dollars (which was now useless since he was in a different world), met a random hobo at his grandfather’s grave, flew to the Amazon Rainforest with said random hobo, and then fell through a portal to another world where they had superpowers and fought off evil wizards. “Well if you put it that way, I guess we should follow her then. You right” replies Harold. Suddenly the elf’s voice is heard yelling “Are you guys coming or not?” “We are coming elf?” Foopla yells back. He then waggled his eyebrows at Harold and then proceed to he run after her. Harold then shrugs thinking about just how weird and just how much his life changed today. He then goes after the elf, ready for another adventure and new experience.

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