When Pancakes Attack | Teen Ink

When Pancakes Attack

October 22, 2013
By Shannon Fisher BRONZE, Cheswick, Pennsylvania
Shannon Fisher BRONZE, Cheswick, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When Pancakes Attack
The pancakes were everywhere. After a radioactive bomb went off, food all over the world became alive and mutated into giant monsters. Nachos nuked Nevada, ice cream invaded Indiana, and meatballs moved into Montana, but worst of all pancakes permeated Pennsylvania. The pancakes flooded the streets and tore up the town that John Tape lived in. At the age of 35 John’s wife, Isabella, died from a sudden illness while she was pregnant, causing her unborn child to pass with her. Now the only person John has is his son, Jake. One day, after the pancake invasion had already started, John and Jake were trying to make their house stronger so the pancakes could not storm in. Unfortunately, when they were almost done, a monstrous pancake ripped the roof right off of their house and grabbed Jake. John screamed and tried to jump up to grab his son, but Jake was just out of reach. The house shook as the giant pancake stormed away with John’s son. At this point, John was determined. The only place safe, was the bank. After sprinting as fast as he could, John finally got to the bank. When he got there, John could see many other families thought this was a safe place as well. As he squeezed his way through the crowd, he asked around to see if anyone had seen the pancake take Jake and where they had gone. The response from everyone was the same, no. Still running through the bank, John looked frantically around to see if anyone knew which way the pancake took Jake. John knew the only way to find his son was to go out and find him himself. There were rumors around town about what the pancakes would do if they caught you, and he couldn’t bear to think that any of that would happen to Jake.
I already lost two of the people I loved the most, I’m not going to lose this one. John thought to himself as he stepped slowly outside. As he took a few steps onto the hot cement of the bank parking lot, a scent of butter and syrup hit him. He crept around the corner of the bank and looked around. There were no pancakes in sight, but he could still feel a subtle thud here and there from the pancakes storming around town. John realized he was getting nowhere by walking so he started to sprint. After running about half a mile, John saw a giant pancake in the distance. He looked a little bit closer and saw the pancake was holding Jake. John’s heart pounded from both his run and the fact that Jake is okay. John sprinted to follow the pancake that had Jake. He caught up and crept behind the pancake and followed it all the way to a castle made of bacon. The castle was huge and smelled like a breakfast buffet, with a giant piece of toast as the bridge and a syrup moat surrounding it. Trying to be as quiet as possible, John followed the pancake inside the castle and the granola bar doors slammed behind them. The large pancake took Jake into a basement with cells full of little children like Jake. It then put Jake in a cell and stomped away going back up to the main floor of the castle. Carefully, John came out from behind a hiding wall. Jake almost yelled until he remembered the large monstrous pancakes upstairs. Jake was ecstatic to see his father. “How did you get here?” Jake asked quietly so the pancakes couldn’t hear him.

“There’s no time,” John hushed his son, “now, I saw the pancake that brought you down here put the keys on a giant stick of butter.” Jake nodded knowing his father was going to go get the keys. As Jake was thinking, John went off. He had to hide from some pancakes along the way, but at one moment he overheard the pancakes discussing something.

“But King Cake, we can’t get anymore children” said the pancake.

“Too bad!” the other one yelled. “We need all of the children in this town because if we don’t they could get the necklace that only they are able to get with their small hands because of the small case.”

John peered around the corner to see the magic necklace in a tiny case with an opening only big enough to for a child’s hand or a mouse to get in. John figured the necklace was important and with it, they may be able to stop the pancake and end the food’s world domination. He remembered his original mission and grabbed the keys. He let all of the children out of their cells and told them about the necklace. They thought that if someone could distract the pancakes someone else could grab the necklace and end the food uproar. John would be the one to distract them. He ran out right in front of all the pancakes gathered by King Cake and stuck out his tongue. “Hey! Get him!” said one of he pancakes. John sprinted around so they couldn’t catch him, although it was one of the most dangerous points in his life he couldn’t help but laugh. He got tired quickly but with all of his might, John grabbed the giant stick of butter that the keys were on and slid it all over the floor. He sprinted past while the pancakes slipped and fell. Meanwhile, Jake ran over and got the necklace, then tossed it to his father. All of the children ran as fast as they could back to the bank. On the way there, John accidentally pushed a button on the back of the necklace and it started to glow, although John didn’t notice. When they got back to the bank they told everyone the story and showed them the necklace. While cheering wildly at the great news everyone was stunned when the necklace suddenly burst right through the ceiling into the air and blew up. Everyone looked up, puzzled at what just happened. John went outside, with everyone following him, looked around and all of the pancakes were gone and news spread that the terrorising from the food was over and it was all normal again. Everyone jumped and cheered for joy. The families reunited and went back their homes. They all thanked John and Jake
and told them that if it weren’t for them, none of them would be alive or safe. John went over to Jake and gave him a hug because the only thing that mattered then was the fact that Jake was safe. At that moment, both John and Jake could feel that in some way it was their loving wife and mother, Isabella, that saved them. They went home and the next day on the news, they announced John and Jake were the heroes of the world.

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