Love at First Sight | Teen Ink

Love at First Sight

October 24, 2013
By Anonymous

To any child, sweets are a delicacy, so when my dad first described a Twinkie to me, I was speechless. All I began to visualize was a Twinkie. Whether in math class or playing a game of football, the numbers would turn into a snack cake and the football would take the form of spongy cake goodness. It was evident that I had to have one; each minute the savory taste escaped me, my brain began to swirl more and more into the soft creamy center found within the pastry.

It was not until half a month later that the chance to satisfy my obsession became an option. As usual I was “people watching” while my mom and sisters were back to school clothing shopping in the mall. While altering my gaze to the next person participating in the ever-going race of shopping, I noticed something familiar. It was just like every image I had googled the past two weeks, there mocking me, was the mushy treasure I so wished to enjoy.

The only thing separating me from my riches was the lack of knowledge of the whereabouts from where that Twinkie came. So, to resolve my predicament, I immediately arose and chased down the bystander. “Sweet mother of God where did you get that Twinkie?!”, I exclaimed. The man, frazzled and confused, responded in bewilderment, “Uhhhm, down at some random coffee shop by the Apple Store, you go down there and take a right and it should be right in front of you”. I had my mission; it was my objective to fulfill it.

Running nearly at a full sprint, I called to my mom, “Mom! Gotta go, meet you at the car!” From there I bolted, like a lion chasing an antelope, I whizzed past shoppers and dodged a Verizon stand like I was in the matrix. Finally, I arrived at my destination. I strutted in, acting like I hadn’t just dashed around the mall for a dessert, and saw the holy goodness in sight. I grasped them, restraining the kiddish joy of emotion that filled my body, walked to the counter and purchased 4 of them.

As I walked out of the store, I immediately began to stuff my face with the scrumptious sweetness and aroma of the spongy cakes on my trek back to my family. In my head I thought, “God created man, and God created Twinkies, what a genius he is”.
For the next year every week or so I made sure I had a Twinkie. However, one day while watching the news something tragic happened. Hostess, the producer of Twinkies, filed for bankruptcy. Needless to say I was devastated.

For many months the joy seemed to be sucked out of my life. Food began to taste bitter and desserts lost their richness. The world was falling apart. The event of this golden treat being removed from the world was tragic. Other companies tried to copy it and produce their own but it was never the same. I realized how much this one thing meant to me. I began to realize that one needs to learn to enjoy the small things in life, such as this delicious snack.

Eight months later, when my life seemed to be forever filled with gloom, something magical happened. I found myself again watching the news, when out of the blue I couldn’t believe my own eyes, “Hostess to re-open July 15th.” This meant only one thing that Twinkies would enter my world again and my life would be restored.
Two weeks later, I was reunited with my one true love. Color began to re-enter my old dull life and my body was rejuvenated with happiness. As I took that second-first bite all the pride and joy re-entered my brain. I didn’t realize what I had until it was gone.

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