July 17, 2013
By Anonymous

Walter was in his room. He was 13. It was a hot and windy day. He would much rather be outside but he couldn’t, because he was grounded. It was 1:00 in the afternoon. He was thinking about escaping out his window but it was pretty high up, and he had no ropes. He thought maybe he could tie his sheets together to make a rope. It worked. He gathered everything he would need on his escape; a watch, Swiss army knife, a bottle of water, and some food. He put them all in his satchel. He climbed out his window. The first thing he heard was an alarm system. He jumped and fell! He got up as quick as he could, and took of running. He ran, into the forest, deeper than he has ever been before.

He had to stop. He was out of breath. The only thing he forgot to pack in his satchel was his inhaler! He thought he had to go back, but he thought he thought of an idea. He could go to the pharmacy and get it. He tried to ask for it. That didn’t work. They said he wasn’t old enough to get medicine. He tried acting like he was having an asthma attack. “Hey, are you ok?” one guy at the pharmacy asked. Walter was thinking du what do you think. One guy brought an inhaler over to Walter. Walter took it and ran out the door. The pharmacy called the cops. They told the cops a boy named Walter stole an inhaler. The police said they would set up a road block.

When Walter got out of the forest, he saw there was a road block. He heard the police say “When Walter gets here aim your guns, if he takes of fire!” Walter thought I have to find a way around them. Then he got an idea a helicopter! He snuck out to the air port. He saw one helicopter. He jumped in the back. Just as he got settled two Archeologists hoped in. They said they would be looking for Mayan temples in Mexico. They took of.

The police was checking every vehicle that passed except for planes and helicopters. Walter saw their lights flashing as they passed. The two men in the helicopter was wondering what the police was after. When the police said on the loud speaker “come out Walter wherever you are” that answered their question. Walter had to sneeze badly. He put his finger under his nose, “Uh Cho”. The two men looked in the back and saw a kid about 13 years old.

The Archeologists said “what are you doing here?!” Walter said “It’s a long story”. One man wearing a brown fedora asked him “what’s your name kid” Walter replied “Walter”. The man in the brown fedora said “You can call me Jones”. The other man in the white cowboy hat said “You can call me Luke”. Jones said “You aren’t the kid the police want? Are you? Walter replied “No”. Jones said “were headed to look for Mayan temples in Mexico” Luke said “It’s quite dangerous in the temples”. “You’ll need to stay in the chopper”. Jones said to Luke “Awe come on, it’s not that dangerous” Luke replied “Ok”.

Knock knock Walter’s parents was knocking on his door. They had been there at least 10 minutes they finally took a key and opened it their selves. They saw him in his bed they stripped the sheets. Pillows! His mom said “look! The window!”, “He escaped!”
His dad said “I’ll call the police”

“Hello, our son is missing” “Ok. What is his name, Sir?” “Walter” “Ok I’m going to put you on hold for a second” “No Wait!” beep. “They put me on hold” he said. The police officer told the other police that a kid named Walter was missing. They said he was probably the one that stole the inhaler. They picked up the phone and said “we will look for him right away, sir” “thanks” he replied.

When they arrived in Mexico they heard a wild Indian cry. What the? They all thought. Luke and Jones took out their guns. Luke said to Jones “stay here with the kid” “I’ll be back”. Luke hopped of the chopper and snuck around the corner “Jones, Walter, come here you have to see this”. When they got there their mouths dropped open. Jones said “We discovered a lost city!” Walter asked “Are those real Mayan people” Luke replied “I think so”.

Now the police were calling the Military Police to try and catch them. They were going to expand their search out of the country starting with Mexico!

Luke and Jones decided to go back and the others about the lost city. They loaded up and took off. They passed a helicopter on their way back. The military police said “there he is! Get him!” They followed him all the way. When they landed the police landed too. The police went up to their chopper with their guns out and yelled “come out with your hands up”. They did as they were told. One cop called his parents. The police said you two steep aside. They did as told. The police gave Walter a 200$ fine for stealing the inhaler.

When his parents arrived they said “Walter! Get in the car right now!” he did as they said. There was nothing but silence in the car on the way home. When they got home his parents said “you’re grounded for one year” “go straight to your room”. Walter went to his room. The one lesson he learned from this was don’t escape your house.

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