The un-fortune cookie | Teen Ink

The un-fortune cookie

May 29, 2013
By Anonymous

The un-Fortune Cookie

“We’re going to the Chinese restaurant for dinner today,” my mom called up the stairs as I was finishing my homework. While we were driving to the restaurant, I was reading my book, as my sister was writing in her journal. She loves writing and wants to become a writer someday.

As we arrived at the Chinese restaurant, I realized there was something strange about it. I couldn't quite tell what it was. Maybe it's nothing. We walked in the door, and it was so nice in there. Now I knew it wasn't such a strange place after all.

There was everything you could imagine to eat. I saw a chocolate fountain, and there were all different kinds of candies and ice cream flavors. I knew I was going to love today’s dinner menu. There were six different families in the restaurant. I wondered why there weren't many people in here, but I thought that I should just enjoy all of the food while I can. I literally put every food I saw on my plate.

“Don’t get too much food, Kate, or else you won’t have any appetite for your dessert,” my mom told me, but she also was putting nearly every food she saw on her plate. I was smiling as I enjoyed all of the food. I felt like I was in heaven.

As I finished my food, the waitress brought four fortune cookies for us. The waitress looked sort of out of shape and weary. I felt kind of sad for her, but they need to earn the money, right? I was still hungry, even after I ate all that food. I wanted to eat all of the fortune cookies by myself. It looked so delicious and it was tempting, so I grabbed all of them and hid them in my pocket.

I cracked open the first one and read my fortune except it didn’t have a fortune. It read “You are now one of my workers. You shall become a waitress and serve until you die. You can not leave this restaurant once you’ve read this passage."

I was dumbfounded, but maybe someone was trying to trick me. I tossed the passage away and unopened another fortune.

This one also did not read a fortune. It read " You will be surrounded by papers, and you have to write 10 funny stories everyday to entertain me for the rest of your life."

This is really creepy... I started to grab for another fortune cookie, but, like magic, I was surrounded by tons of papers just like I read. I yelled for my mom, but if she replied, I couldn't hear her. I started to scream, but then I heard another sound. It sounded like a man.

" Will somebody please tell her to be quiet?"

" Who are you?" I replied.

" What do you think? I've been writing funny stories all my life to entertain my master just like you will be doing."

" What? No, I just came in this restaurant to eat dinner with my family, and after I read the passage in my fortune cookie, I was surrounded by stacks of papers."

“Duh,” the man said, “That’s how I got here.”

“Please tell me this is just a dream,” I said.

“Sorry, kid. I hate to break it to ya,” replied the man.

The first thing I thought was to get out of here. I grabbed a stack of papers to move it out of my way, but it just reappeared. Then, I just started to swim across the papers, but it was endless.

“ I tried that before!” the man called out, “ You will never be able to get out of here, unless you have another fortune cookie. If you have one, then it will read a good fortune, but I’m sure you don’t have any more. If you do, you can give one to me.”

Oh My Gosh! Did I just hear that right? I automatically reached for my pocket. Thank God! It was still there. I took one out of my pocket, and I swam back to the man.

“ I do have one! No, I have two, and you can get out with me!” I shouted joyfully.

The man said, “You sure? Are you positive, or are you just messing with me ‘cause I don’t like people who mess with me.”

I waved the two cookies in his face, and he said, “Oh My Heaven’s Lord! I finally get to get out of this mess!”

I was like, “Well? Come on! Let’s open it!”

We both opened ours and my fortune read, “You are a princess in the Canadian Kingdom, and soon you will be crowned Queen.”

“Yippee!” I heard the man yell. “I am going to become an owner of a famous restaurant in LA! It was my dream to become a famous cooker.”

“Great. I am a princess in the Canadian Kingdom and will be crowned queen soon.” I said.

“Well it’s better than writing for the rest of your life,” the man replied.

The next minute, I was in a big chair with a huge fancy gown that was way too uncomfortable for me.

“Madam, shall I bring you any tea?” a woman asked. I guessed it was my servant. Wait. But I need to get back to my family.


“Oh no, I don’t want anything right now.” I answered.

“Yes, madam.” The servant backed away.

It felt great to be royal, but I had to get back to my family. I wondered how I was going to get out of the kingdom without anyone seeing me, but then the someone announced the King and Queen were here. I stood up, and I saw a woman who looked exactly like my mom, and a man who looked exactly like my dad except both in royal clothing. I was stunned. I didn’t know my mom and my dad were going to be king and queen.

Then, a girl came in behind my parents. It was... my sister! She was in a long pretty dress and looked prettier, but still her original self because she was holding a small notepad and a quill in her hands.

“Hello, sister,” I said. I knew that was how royal families spoke to each other.

“Hello,” she said back.

“Hello, Mom and Dad.”

“Hello, soon to be queen,” my dad said.

“Hello my dear,” my mom said.

I kind of got this royal thing now, and now that I am with my family, I can be in a royal family forever! Yay! I would have a servant and I would eat good food everyday! It would be awesome. And one thing for sure, I know I’m never going back to any Chinese restaurant again.

The author's comments:
When I ate a fortune cookie, I thought what if I made a story about it. It just came to my head.

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