Taken Over - The Prologue | Teen Ink

Taken Over - The Prologue

May 26, 2013
By AustinatorTheWritenator BRONZE, Brantford, Other
AustinatorTheWritenator BRONZE, Brantford, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Max Pryler and his brand new wife Jane were getting ready to fly on their honeymoon. They were going to Hawaii, they were more ready than ever.
“I can't wait to go!” Jane told Max. Jane was 5 foot 6 and a half and 158 pounds, she was blonde with medium-long hair and had blue eyes. Today she was wearing a blue frilly blouse and a white undershirt. She had blue skinny jeans and high-heels that were also white.
“I know you are!” Max replied enthusiastically, “you've told me so many times now!” Max was 5 foot 11 and 185 pounds. He had a slim yet muscular build. He was wearing a grey t-shirt and black baggy jeans. He had white sneakers on. Max had spiky brown hair, and brown eyes.
They were in the LaGuardia Airport in New York.
“Wow! To think were going to Hawaii, I've never been there before!” Jane said,
“Me neither” Max replied, he glanced over to the TV screen showing when the planes leave. Still on time, 4:30, he looked at his iPhone, it was 4:25.
“5 minutes Jane!” Max told her, you got your luggage. They both had a large suitcase with a weeks supply of clothing, along with toiletries and other necessities. They saw a large passenger plane land in a runway,
“I think after all those people get out of that plane, we're getting on.” Max said, pointing at the plane. Jane glanced over towards it,
“Aah, nice.” Jane said.
“The plane to Hawaii is departing, show your tickets and proceed to the plane” a voice said. After the registration they got on the plane, they were first class.
“Well, rest up Jane,” Max said “this is gonna be quite the long trip.”
“I know,” Jane said, she leaned on his shoulder and shut her eyes.

The author's comments:
Hey Guys! I'm notifying you, this is just the prologue, the next part will be added soon, the next part is really where the action starts. I really hoped you enjoyed it! Austinator Out

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