0002 - The Sequel | Teen Ink

0002 - The Sequel

May 21, 2013
By BillyPudenz BRONZE, Carroll, Iowa
BillyPudenz BRONZE, Carroll, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

By: Billy P. and Peyton R.
On February 27, 2013, the total annihilation of Earth occurred. After months of searching for a new planet, they finally found one. They named it New Earth, and a little over three-hundred thousand people lived there. After two years, there was nothing left for people to eat. No food, no water, no anything. Unfortunately for the inhabitants of New Earth, the inhabitants of Kepler-22 were plotting to destroy New Earth and whoever lived there to become the most powerful people of the worlds. This is a story of a guy, his father’s friend, and their fight to survive the end.
Kepler-22 - Year 0000 Day 91

“??? ??? ?? ???? ?? ?? ??????. (We have found large amounts of uranium, Supreme Leader.)” said General Roi Mangiul.

“??, ??.?? ??? ?? ? ??? ????. (Very well, General. Tell the nuclear scientists to start construction on the nukes.)” Kim Jong Un replied.
General Roi Mangiul then said,”?, ?????! (Yes, sir!)”
New Earth - Year 0002 Day 42

Logan stared at the dreary darkness out the window of his new home and said to Dr. Richtofen, “I hate it here.”

“Look at all this interesting stuff I found here!” Dr. Richtofen responded, ignoring Logan.

“Don’t you hate it here, too? We have nothing! All you can think about is all that useless crap that you find every day.”

“This stuff isn’t crap. It will help us!”

“How? Can we eat it? Can we drink it?”


“Then, how can it help us in this new world?”

“I don’t know, but let’s get some food.”

“Aleks, there is no food!”

“True, true. Well, let’s go to the officials in the village square. Maybe they can help us.”
“Doubt it,” Logan said, and they both walked outside into the daytime. Dark purple masked the sky above. Along with the depressing sky, barren ground stretched for miles in all directions except one: the direction of the village. Of course, many other villages existed throughout New Earth, but none of them could be seen from Logan and Dr. Richtofen’s vantage point.
Soon, they made it to the village where no one was to be seen.
“Where is everyone?” Dr. Richtofen asked.
“They’re all at home. Probably wasting away to nothing,” Logan replied. Soon, they both approached the small, one-room village hall and entered. Inside, a large crowd was gathered around the village officials, asking for the last remains of food.
“Looks like they beat us to it, Aleks,” Logan said with defeat. “I guess we won’t get anything to eat today.”
“Just hold on a second, Logan. Perhaps if we wait for a little bit, we will get something,” Dr. Richtofen replied.
“Doubt it,” Logan sighed.
“Will you stop being so pessimistic. Everything will be alright someday. You’ll see.”
Kepler-22 - Year 0002 Day 42
“?? ???, ???!? ???? ?????. ??? ??? ??? ????l? (Supreme Leader, sir! The nuclear spacecraft is complete. Are you ready to launch?)” General Roi Mangiul reported to Kim Jong Un.
“?, ???. ?? ??? ??? ??, ??? ??? ????. (Yes, General. Send it to New Earth immediately, and don't miss.)” Kim Jong Un replied.
“??? ???? ??? ? ?? ??, ???. (There is another thing I need to tell you, sir.)”
“?? ??? ??? ??? ?? ???, ?? ??? ???. (What is it? And be quick about it, I haven't all day.)”
“??? ???? ????. ??? ?? ? ??, ????? ???????. ??? ??? ??? ??? ???????? (You will be pleased with this. We have constructed over two-hundred nuclear bombs, sir. Would you like to have all of them sent to New Earth?)”
“?? ???? ????, ??? ??? ??. ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ?????. ?? ??? ???? ?? ? ???? ??! (As much as I would like to, let us wait. We will need these weapons for the rest of the worlds. Now leave me and send that nuclear spacecraft immediately!)” Kim ordered. The general walked away without another word.
General Roi, after exiting Kim’s quarters, immediately paced to the nuclear facilities lab and ordered the bomb to be brought to the launch zone. A helicopter flew in and took the bomb to the launch zone. It was then placed inside a spacecraft that would bring it to New Earth.
“?,?,?! ??? ??? ??? ??? ???? ???! (Go, go, go! The future of North Korea’s rise of power depends on you!)” General Roi yelled. “?, ?? ??? ??! (Now, start the launch!)”
“?. ??. ??. ??. ??. ??. ?. ?. ?. ??. ??! (Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Launch!)” someone yelled, and the spacecraft took off towards New Earth. It would arrive in approximately seven hours.
New Earth - Year 0002 - Day 42

“Aleks, we’ve been here for five hours. We aren’t getting any food,” Logan complained. “We should just leave and starve to death. It’d be much easier.”

“No! Don’t give up hope just yet,” Dr. Richtofen retorted.

“Well, I’m going to leave. Bye,” Logan said, and he left the village hall. As Logan walked back to his house, he noticed that a lot of people inside the laboratory were causing chaos. Logan, who was curious to see what was going on, walked inside the laboratory. All of a sudden, a Korean man by the name of Dr. Cryptopox yelled out, “Everybody, shut up! I’m trying to figure out what’s going on!”

Everyone fell silent, and Dr. Cryptopox went to work. Logan walked closer and asked someone, “What’s going on?”

“Apparently, some kind of object is coming in our planet’s direction,” the person said. Logan walked even closer to Dr. Cryptopox and looked at the screen that he was watching. A small, flashing object was getting closer to New Earth by the minute.

“Excuse me, doctor. What do you think that is?” Logan asked.

“Beats me. It’s nothing to worry about,” Dr. Cryptopox lied.

“Well, that’s good to hear.”

“Yeah, now get out of here. This is no place for civilians!” Dr. Cryptopox yelled. Logan walked out of the laboratory and towards his house.

Once Logan arrived at his house, he thought he saw a bright red flashing light in the sky. He blinked a few times and looked at the sky again.

“Never mind,” he sighed and walked into the house.
Kepler-22 - Year 0002 Day 42

“????? ? ??, ?? ???. (Two hours until contact, Supreme Leader.)” General Roi reported.

“?? ??. ?? ???? ?? ???????. ?? ??? ??? ??????. ?? ?? ?? ??? ???? ??? ?????. (Very good. Be sure to keep in contact with Dr. Cryptopox. He is dire to our plan. Be sure that he is safe and is saved at all costs.)” Kim Jong Un said.

“??, ?? ???. ? ??? ???? ????. (Of course, Supreme Leader. I will not disappoint you.)” General Roi promised, and he left the quarters.
New Earth - Year 0002 Day 42

Two hours had passed by when Dr. Richtofen finally arrived at the house. He walked in, and Logan asked, “Did you get any food?”

“No. They refused everyone’s offers shortly after you left,” Dr. Richtofen replied.

Logan sighed and said, “Do you still like this place, Aleks?”

“Of course! When the officials refuse offers, it helps us think more! It makes us much smarter.”

“Thinking? That’s all you care about?” Logan exclaimed. “Can’t you think about surviving since you love thinking so much?”

Dr. Richtofen fell silent as he slowly walked to the front door and opened it. He said, “Do you hear that?”

“Hear what?” Logan asked.

“That whistling sound. It was faint before, but now that sound is growing bigger.”

“I think you’re just going crazy, Aleks.”

“Shhh! Just listen,” Dr. Richtofen said, and Logan listened very carefully. At first, he couldn’t hear anything, but then, he could hear it vividly. He could also see, in the distance, an orange flare erupting from a long, tubular object that was headed straight for New Earth.

“What is that!” Logan yelled with fright.

“It looks like a spacecraft, if you ask me,” Dr. Richtofen replied.

“People! Maybe, they have stuff for us!”

“Logan, I don’t think those are people. As far as me and your father’s studies went, there was only one planet that had people on it. That planet was Earth.”

“Are you trying to tell me that those are aliens up there?”

“No. Well, I’m not sure.”

“Wait, on my way back to the house, there was this Cryptopox guy in the laboratory. On this screen he was looking at, it showed an object coming to this planet. I bet that is the object on the screen!”

“Interesting. Should we be worried about that thing?”

“I don’t think so. Cryptopox said that we shouldn’t be worried,” Logan remarked.

While Dr. Richtofen and Logan had been talking, the spacecraft had gotten considerably closer to New Earth. At this point, it was directly overhead a village three-hundred miles away.
Nuclear Spacecraft - Year 0002 Day 42

“??? ???? ??? ?! (We’re in the dropping zone!)” a man by the name of Lieutenant Kwan yelled over the intercom of the spacecraft. “?? ??! (Now, drop!)”

The militants onboard the spacecraft opened the gate and let the bomb fall. The nuclear bomb descended over one-thousand miles towards the surface of New Earth.

“??? ?! ??? ?? ??? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ????! (Excellent job! We are all one step closer to becoming the most powerful!)” Lieutenant Kwan yelled.
New Earth - Year 0002 Day 42

“Hey, Aleks, what is that thing falling out of the spacecraft?” Logan asked curiously.

“That’s a bomb!” Dr. Richtofen screamed and ran towards the laboratory to try and alert the authorities.

“Aleks, wait!” Logan yelled just as the nuke smashed into the ground, creating a massive explosion and a bright, white burst of light. Nothing could explain what Logan or Dr. Richtofen saw, heard, and felt then. Everything had happened so fast. Luckily, minor damage had been done to the village, but not the one that had been bombed.

“What is going on!” Logan exclaimed. He couldn’t see Dr. Richtofen anywhere since the flash of light. “Aleks! Aleks! Where are you?”

“Over here, Logan,” Dr. Richtofen replied as he rubbed his eyes. “I’m every bit as confused as you are.”

Logan finally saw Dr. Richtofen and walked over to him and said, “We should go talk to Dr. Cryptopox. He should know what’s going on.”

“Are you sure? He told you that that spacecraft was harmless,” Dr. Richtofen remarked.

“Well, it’s worth a shot. It’s not like the village officials are going to know what to do!”

“Alright. Let’s go.”

Logan and Dr. Richtofen walked over to the laboratory and saw Dr. Cryptopox whispering to the head village official and former president of Germany, Joachim Gauck.

“Excuse me! Would someone please tell me what’s going on around here?” Logan demanded.

“You should have the common courtesy to be quiet when others are having a conversation!” Joachim Gauck retorted. “I’m sorry, Doctor. We will have to continue this conversation some other time.” Gauck sped to the exit and left.

“Afternoon, gentlemen. Would you like something?” Dr. Cryptopox asked.

“Did you not just see what happened out there? The bomb?” Logan asked.

“Oh, yes, of course. My calculations were incorrect. I’m sorry about that. Now, off you go.”

“That’s it? That’s all you have to say about this!”

“Yes. This rarely happens, so it should never happen again. Now, leave me!” Dr. Cryptopox stated, and Logan and Dr. Richtofen left.

Once outside, Dr. Richtofen said to Logan, “I don’t know what else to do about this, so let’s just go home.”

“I guess so,” Logan sighed, and they both walked to the house.
Kepler-22 - Year 0002 Day 42

“?? ???, ???. ??? ??? ????? ???????. (Supreme Leader, sir. New Earth has been successfully bombed.)” General Roi reported.

“?????! ?? ?? ? ?? ? ??? (Excellent! I presume it was all destroyed then?)” Kim Jong Un asked.

“?? ? ??? ?? ??? ?? ???. ? ??? ? ?? ?? ??? ???????. (That's another thing I needed to talk to you about. Only a very small portion of the planet was destroyed.)”

“??? ??? ????. ?? ???? ??? ????. ?? ??? ????. (No need to worry. All the people were killed anyway. That is all that matters.)”

“?????, ?? ?? ??? ??? ????. ??? ?? ??? ???? ?? ? ??,? 51-100? ??? ??? ????? ? ????. (Unfortunately, that isn't true, Supreme Leader. We have looked over the terrain of the entire planet, and it seems that over one-hundred fifty villages exist there.)”

“??? ???. ??? ???? ??? ?? ?? ?? ?????? (Tell me, General. How many villages were destroyed from the last bombing?)”

“??, ???. (One, sir.)”

Kim sighs deeply and said, “???. ??? ??? ? ?? ?? 150 ??? ????. ??? 2 ? ?? ?????. ??, ??? ??? ?????. ??? ???? ? ???? ???. (Fine. Send one-hundred fifty more of those nuclear bombs to New Earth. Wait about two weeks, though. Also, schedule a landing for me. I want to see what these people are all about.)”
New Earth - Year 0002 Day 46

“President Gauck, the spacecraft that let the bomb drop was just found outside the village. It crashed shortly after dropping the bomb,” General Bernd Wolfgang reported.

“So, what did you find out? Who dropped that bomb!” President Gauck demanded.

“The North Koreans, sir. We also have information on where they are residing.”

“Where, General?”


“That doesn’t mean anything to me, General. Where is it?”

“From here? Approximately, one-hundred fifty thousand miles away.”

“That’s close.”

“Yes, sir. I think we may be able to launch a counterattack, Mr. President. We have found an enormous amount of uranium underground.”

“Excellent. Round up the brightest nuclear scientists from every village. Tell them to build as many nuclear bombs as possible.”

“Right away, Mr. President.”

“One more thing, General. Tell them to be quick; we will need bombs as early as the end of the week.”

“The end of the week? Sir, that’s only three days!”

“Exactly. Now, get those scientists to work!”

“Yes, sir!” General Wolfgang exclaimed, and he went to work.

“Hey, Logan, there are rumors going around that Koreans bombed us!” Dr. Richtofen exclaimed.

“You find this as a good thing? You seem happy about it,” Logan replied.

“No, I’m not happy about it. I just thought it was interesting.”

“Oh. I just thought you were going through another one of your obsessive phases again.”

“What obsessive phases?”

“Well, for one, you’re always obsessing over your artifacts that you find here. They don’t matter! By the looks of it, there may be a war going on. Now, that matters.”

“I know that wars matter, Logan. Let’s just go fight over some food at the village hall.”

“Sounds like a plan to me,” Logan agreed, and they both walked to the village hall.

On their way there, General Wolfgang stopped them and asked, “Are you Dr. Richtofen?”

“Yes. Why?” Dr. Richtofen responded.

“I am General Wolfgang. We need your help.”

“With what?”

“Long-story, short. The Koreans bombed us, and we need nuclear scientists to construct as many nuclear bombs as possible. As far as I am concerned, you qualify as a nuclear scientist.”

“You want me to build nuclear bombs?”

“Yes. Will you help us?”

“Of course, I will. When and where do I start?”

“Well, for right now, inside the laboratory here. In the future, we plan on building a nuclear facility. More scientists will join you later. I still need to gather them up. You start right now. President Gauck demands nuclear bombs be made by the end of the week.”

“Okay, but that’s only three days!”

“I know. Just try your hardest; these are dark times. Dark times call for desperate measures, understand?”

“Yes, General. I’ll start right now,” Dr. Richtofen stated. “Logan, I’ll see you later. Try to get yourself some food.”

“Oh, I forgot to tell you. You both get food for as long as you please, just as long as Aleksander stays at work,” General Wolfgang cut in.

“Thank you, General,” Logan and Dr. Richtofen said in unison. Right away, Dr. Richtofen ran to the laboratory to get started, and Logan ran to the village hall to eat some food.
New Earth - Year 0002 Day 49

“Did the scientists accomplish anything, yet?” Joachim Gauck asked.

“Yes, Mr. President. With the power of over eight-thousand nuclear scientists, they have constructed twenty nukes,” General Wolfgang answered.

“Is that good?”

“Yes, Mr. President. In three days time, twenty nukes is exceptional.”

“Excellent. Now, the next step is to get the bombs to Kepler-22. How do we do that?”

“The same way they bombed us, via spacecraft. I’ve got quite a few people working on building one, right now. In fact, almost the entire population of New Earth is building the spacecraft this very minute.”

“Outstanding, General! How long will it take to build the spacecraft at this rate?”

“Well, this may sound unreal, but my calculations say that in six days they’ll have it built to perfection and ready to launch.”

“That does sound unreal. Are you sure that it’ll be done in six days?”

“Yes, Mr. President.”

“Alright, then. Thank you for the info, General. It’s greatly appreciated.”

“Of course, sir,” General Wolfgang said, and he left the village hall.

“Aleks! This is killing me! Why can’t we just go home and rest for a little bit?” Logan complained over the blaring sound of an impact drill.

“Because what needs to be done, must be done! If we don’t get this spacecraft built, New Earth will be destroyed!” Dr. Richtofen replied.

“I know that, but we should at least get some rest every now and then! I mean, I haven’t slept in two days!”

“Me either. It feels great, doesn’t it?”

“Aleks! Get it through your thick skull, none of this feels great!”

Dr. Richtofen suddenly became very irritated with Logan. He pinned him up against the side of the spacecraft and said, “Listen here, Logan. You need to get it through your thick skull that if we don’t succeed at building this spacecraft, you will die. So, if you want to live, you had better stop complaining and get to work, right now!”

“Um, uh, yes, Aleks. Right away,” Logan stuttered.
Kepler-22 - Year 0002 Day 53

“?? ???, ??? ??? ??????. ? 2 ? ? ?? ?????. ?? ?????? (Supreme Leader, I have scheduled a flight for you. You will arrive on New Earth in two days. Is that acceptable?)” General Roi asked.

“?? ?? ?. ?? ?? ? ??? ?? ????.??? ??? ??? ??? ?????. (Very. I hope to arrive back here the next day. The excessive bombing will be held on day fifty-six.)” Kim Jong Un replied.

“??, ???. ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? ?????. (Of course, sir. I will be sure that you get a way back here.)”

“?? ???. ?? ????. (Very well. Now, off with you.)” Kim Jong Un said, and General Roi walked away.
Kepler-22 - Year 0002 Day 55

“?? ???, ?? ??? ???????. (Supreme Leader, the boarding process has begun.)” General Roi said.

“?????, ???. ?? ?? ? ??. (Thank you, General. I'll be there right away.)” Kim Jong Un replied, and he walked, with General Roi, to the spacecraft.

Once they arrived at the craft, Kim exclaimed, “? ???? ?????! ??? ???? ????? (This spacecraft is gigantic! How did we manage this?)”

“??? ???? ? ?, ???? ???? ??. ??, ??? ?? ??? ? ????. (Well, we preserved this spacecraft when we got here. Now, we can use it again.)” General Roi explained. “??. ?? ? ??. (Now. Let’s get on it.)”

“?? ??. (Of, course.)”

“??, ???? ? ?? ? ????. ?? ?? ? ???? ? ?? ???? ??? ??? ???. ??, ??? ??? ?? ? ???, ??? ??? ??? ????. (There is one more thing I must tell you, sir. Most of the people here wanted to fight the people of New Earth. Nobody could turn them down, so they are onboard, also.)”

“?? ???. ?? ??? ? ? ?? ? ?????. ?? ?? ??????, ??? ?? ?? ????? ?????. (Very well. I suppose they can come. I wasn't planning on fighting there, but that actually sounds like a good plan.)”

“???? ?? ??? ??? ??????? ?????? (Does this mean that you want to stay on New Earth to fight?)”

“?, ???. ??? ??? ?? ? ???? ??? ?? ?? ?? ????. ??, ?? ?? ??. ???? ? ????? ? ??? ?? ? ??? ???? ??????. ?? ? ?? ???? ?? 1-100 ??, ? ???? ??? ?? ??? ????. ? ???? ??? ?? ? ????. (Yes, General. I will not go back to this planet until New Earth is destroyed. I want you to stay here, though. Order the nukes to be sent to New Earth on day fifty-six as scheduled. Instead of all one-hundred fifty being sent at one time, please send them in groups of ten. It will give me time to escape.)” Kim Jong Un explained.

“??, ???. ? ?? ???? ????. ??? ?? ?, ?? ???. (Of course, sir. I will stay here. Good luck, Supreme Leader.)” General Roi said, and Kim walked into the spacecraft.
New Earth - Year 0002 Day 55

“The spacecraft has been completed, Mr. President,” General Wolfgang reported.

“Excellent, General! Put the nukes in the craft and send it immediately,” Joachim Gauck ordered.

“Right away, sir. I should also mention that the nuclear scientists managed to build sixty more nuclear bombs. We now have eighty total. Would you like all eighty to be brought to Kepler-22?”

“Yes. That should do the trick. I have a feeling that we don’t have much time, General. Get those bombs to Kepler-22 as soon as possible.”

“Yes, sir!” General Wolfgang exclaimed, and he took off for the launch zone.

“I can’t believe that craft was built in six days!” Logan said, looking up at it.

“I know. Once you set your mind to something, you can do it,” Dr. Richtofen mentioned.

“Why did we build it again?”

“President Gauck wants to bomb Kepler-22. We built it so that it could carry nuclear bombs to the planet.”

“Nice. Wanna go home?”

“Sure. I’m exhausted,” Dr. Richtofen said, and they both walked to their house.
Kepler-22 Spacecraft - Year 0002 Day 55

The spacecraft was now above New Earth and about to land. Kim Jong Un’s voice came over the intercom, “???-22? ????, ?? ??? ??? ??. ??? ?????? ??? ??? ???? ??? ?? ??? ????. ??? ??? ?? ?, ??? ? ??? ????. ?? ??? ??? ?? ?, ??. ???, ??? ?? ??. ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ?????. ??? ??? ??? ?????! (People of Kepler-22, you get to skydive today. The only way for us to get here safely is to jump out of the ship. When you are about to jump, please take a weapon. Once you land, take action. Also, everyone there speaks English. If you know the language, use it. Thank you and good luck!)”

The captain of the ship pulled a lever, and a portion of the floor of the ship opened up. A lot of people started to jump out with different kinds of weapons in their hands. Once they got at the correct height, they pulled the string to release the parachute and descended to the ground of New Earth.
New Earth - Year 0002 Day 55

“Mr. President! Mr. President!” General Wolfgang screamed as he barrelled through the village hall. He eventually found him in his office and said, “Mr. President! We’re under attack!”

“What!” Joachim exclaimed.

“Yes, a huge spacecraft can be seen in the sky. People are jumping out of it and landing here! I’m assuming they are Kepler-22 inhabitants.”

“Alright, get everyone on the streets. Tell them that they need to fight. Give them something to fight with, too.”

“Right away,” General Wolfgang said, and he left.
Logan and Dr. Richtofen were sleeping at the time of the attack. All of a sudden, a large thud sounded throughout the house. Someone had landed on the roof. Logan ran to Dr. Richtofen and said, “Aleks, I think there’s something on the roof. I just heard a thud.”
“I heard it, too. Let’s go check it out,” Dr. Richtofen responded, and they walked outside and looked on the roof to see a short man with black hair.
“Who is that?” Logan asked.
“I know who that is! That’s Kim Jong Un! What’s he doing here?” Dr. Richtofen questioned.
“You mean the North Korean leader?”
“The one and only,” Dr. Richtofen said. Finally, Kim noticed the two standing and looking at him. He immediately pointed his gun at Dr. Richtofen and jumped off the roof. Instead of landing on the ground, his parachute caught hold of a strong updraft, and Kim was swept up into the sky.
“Whoa! He was going to shoot me!” Dr. Richtofen yelled. “Let’s get out of here!”
Logan and Dr. Richtofen ran to the village hall, hoping to find safety. Instead, they saw the entire building engulfed in flames. Then, a giant rumbling sound echoed throughout the village. Logan looked at where the sound was coming from, the launch zone. A spacecraft was being launched into the sky.
“Aleks, they’re launching the spacecraft!” Logan yelled.
“Good, it’ll give the Koreans something else to think about for a while,” Dr. Richtofen responded. This was true. Everyone looked at the spacecraft going up into the air. Everyone except the people of New Earth; they took this as a chance to get rid of a few enemies. The people of New Earth were attacking the Koreans with their makeshift weapons.
“Where are we supposed to go, Aleks?” Logan asked.
“This place isn’t safe. We have to leave, now,” Dr. Richtofen responded.
“I know that! Where to?”
“The closest village. Let’s get going.”
Logan and Dr. Richtofen started the long journey to the next closest village. It was fifty miles away.

“?? ???! (Supreme Leader!)” General Roi yelled into his two-way radio.

“??! (What!)” Kim Jong Un yelled back while floating down to the ground.

“??? ??? (How’s it going?)”

“?, ??, ?? ???. (Oh, it’s wonderful, General.)” Kim answered sarcastically.

“?? ???. (That’s nice.)”

“??? ?? ???! (What do you want!)”

“?, ??, ?? ???. ??? ??? ?? ???? ?? ???? (Oh, sorry, Supreme Leader. Do you want us to send the nukes early?)”

“??, ?? ???? ???. ???? ???? ?? ? ????. (No. It's just getting interesting. Send them as scheduled.)”

“?, ?????. (Yes, sir.)” General Roi said.
New Earth Spacecraft - Year 0002 Day 55

The spacecraft filled with eighty nukes was directly above the nuclear facility on Kepler-22. The captain decided this was a good place to drop the bombs, so that’s what he did. He pulled the lever that made the floor open up, and an avalanche of nuclear bombs dropped to the surface of Kepler-22.
Kepler-22 - Year 0002 Day 55

General Roi was standing in the nuclear facility. He was watching the nukes being loaded into the spacecraft when a loud, screeching alarm blared throughout the facility.

“??????.??? ???? ?????. (Take cover. Go to a fallout shelter.)” someone said over an intercom. General Roi and a huge crowd of scientists ran to a door marked with a fallout sign. Just as the door shut, the explosions began. Along with the eighty bombs from New Earth, one-hundred fifty more from the Koreans’ spacecraft exploded as well. Explosion after explosion could be heard from inside the fallout shelter. Unfortunately for the Koreans, the bombs basically dug into the ground until the resulting hole was five-thousand feet deep. No one could survive; it wasn’t even almost possible.
On a planet nearby, PSR B1257+12, Vladimir Putin had been looking out the window of his home. Vladimir Putin was the former Russian president. He had witnessed the destruction of Kepler-22, and he thought he needed to help out. Vladimir talked to his favorite commander, Commander Boris.
“????????, ??? ??? ????? ?? ??????-22, ??????????. (Commander, get me a flight to Kepler-22, please.)” Vladimir Putin said.
“????? ??????, ???. (Right away, sir.)” Commander Boris replied, and he took off to the space station.
New Earth - Year 0002 Day 56
Logan and Dr. Richtofen made it to the next village after a day. They immediately went to the village hall and tried to get a hold of the head official, Queen Elizabeth II. No one would let them talk to her.
“What are we supposed to do now?” Logan asked in frustration.
“Well, I guess we could try and convince the guards,” Dr. Richtofen suggested, and he walked off toward the guards. When he was standing in front of them, he said, “Excuse me, sir. The reason why we need to talk to the queen is because our village just got bombed by the North Koreans. We need to warn her.”
“Sounds legit,” one of the guards said. “Go on in.”
“Thank you,” Dr. Richtofen said, and he and Logan walked into the queen’s office.
Once inside, Dr. Richtofen told her the whole story about what had happened. She believed everything and had her guards warn the village. She also told her guards to warn all the other villages as well. By the end of the day, all the villages of New Earth knew what was going on. Every single person on New Earth, besides the people in Logan and Dr. Richtofen’s village, were standing in the village square of the queen’s village.

Queen Elizabeth II stood in front of the enormous crowd and said, “People of New Earth, this is a time of war. We are being attacked, and we need your help to end this war. To stop this war, we must be a team. We must go to Germany’s village and fight the North Koreans. We don’t have much time, so we must leave today. Let’s move out!”

The enormous crowd immediately ran out of the village and towards Germany’s village.
PSR B1257+12 - Year 0002 Day 56

“?????, ???? ????. (Putin, it’s time to go.)” Commander Boris said.

“???????, ?????. (Thanks, Boris.)” Vladimir Putin said, and he walked with Boris to the launch zone. Once inside the spacecraft, it took off into the sky and towards Kepler-22.
Kepler-22 - Year 0002 Day 56

After a few hours, the spacecraft arrived at Kepler-22. It flew over a town on the opposite side of the gigantic crater. This was where Vladimir and Boris dropped out of the spacecraft. Once they reached the surface, Vladimir and Boris walked around the town trying to find a leader. Eventually, they came across an elegant building.

“??? ?????? ???? ?? ?????????. (This must be their capital.)” Vladimir said to Boris, and they walked inside.

Inside the building, no one could be found. They walked inside the leader’s office to find a man by the name of General Gyeong sitting at his desk.

“??? ?? ?? (Who are you?)” General Gyeong asked suspiciously.

“Can you speak English? I’m sure you can’t understand Russian,” Vladimir said.

“Yes, I can speak English. Now, who are you?”

“I am Vladimir Putin, the former Russian president.”

“Why are you here?”

“To help you and your people. I saw that this planet was bombed.”

“We don’t need your help.”

“My planet has nukes. Does yours?”

“Not anymore, Putin. They were destroyed when the people from New Earth bombed us.”

“New Earth bombed you? If you were bombed by New Earth, you really need some help. So, whether you like it or not, I’m going to help you.”

“You’re persistent, aren’t you? I guess you can help.”

“Good. By the way, where is Kim Jong Un?”

“He’s at New Earth, fighting.”

“I see. Anyway, I’ll send my nukes. Sound good?”

“Yes. Thank you, Vladimir,” General Gyeong said, and Vladimir and Boris walked back out of the Capitol building.

Vladimir took out his two-way radio and talked to the captain of the spacecraft that brought him to Kepler-22. He said, “???????? ???? ? PSR B1257 +12. (Get me back to PSR B1257+12.)”
New Earth - Year 0002 Day 56

After Kim Jong Un landed again, he joined the battle going on in the village. After a while, he realized that New Earth wasn’t being nuked. So, he took out his radio and said, “????? ?? ?????? (General, where are the nukes?)”

Kim didn’t get a reply, so he started to yell, “??! ?? ?? ??! (General! Answer me!)”

Not realizing that General Roi was dead, he chucked the radio into a bush nearby.
New Earth - Year 0002 Day 57

The rest of the population of New Earth had arrived at Germany’s village. All that remained of Germany’s village was the laboratory, Logan and Dr. Richtofen’s house, and thousands of North Koreans. Most of the Koreans were standing outside but hadn’t noticed that a very large crowd of people were watching them.

Finally, the large crowd yelled in unison, “Attack!”

This had gotten the Koreans’ attention. Once they saw the enormous crowd stampeding towards them, they immediately took out their weapons and started shooting.
PSR B1257+12 - Year 0002 Day 57

“??????????? ?????! ???????? ??? ??????? ?????? ??? ???????? ? ????? ????? ??????????. (Commander Boris! Order all our nukes to be sent to New Earth immediately.)” Vladimir Putin ordered.

“??? ??????? (All two-hundred?)” Commander Boris asked.

“??! (Yes!)” Vladimir said.

“????? ??????, ???. (Right away, sir.)” Commander Boris stated, and he left to go to the nuclear facility. Once he got there, he started ordering people to load every nuclear bomb available.
After about one hour, all two-hundred bombs were onboard the spacecraft. So, Commander Boris yelled, “?????? ???????! (Start the launch!)”
“??????. ??????. ??????. ????. ?????. ????. ??????. ???. ???. ????. ?????????. (Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Launch.)” someone yelled, and the nuclear spacecraft took off into the sky above. It would land in three hours because the Russians’ planet was closer to New Earth than Kepler-22 was.
Once Commander Boris was pleased with the spacecraft in the air, he walked back to Vladimir’s office. He said, “?-? ?????????, ??????????? ??????? ????????? ?? ???? ? ????? ?????. (Mr. President, the spacecraft is on its course to New Earth.)”
“???????, ?????. ?? ????? ?? ?? ??????? ??? ?????????? (Thank you, Boris. Could you do me a favor?)” Vladimir asked.
“???????, ???. ?? ??? ?????? (Of course, sir. What is it?)”
“? ?? ????, ??? Kepler-22 ???????? ??????????. ?????? ?? ?? ???????? ??????????? Gyeong ?????? (I don't believe that Kepler-22 is stable. Will you bring General Gyeong here?)”
“???????, ???. ? ?????? ???????? ?? ????? ???. (Of course, sir. I'll get a shuttle to land there.)”
“????????? ???, ?????????. (Thank you, Commander.)” Vladimir said, and Commander Boris left immediately.
New Earth - Year 0002 Day 57
Meanwhile on New Earth, the massive battle was almost over, and the people of New Earth were winning. Most of the people from New Earth were still alive, but almost all of the Koreans were dead. Even though the Koreans had weapons, it was no match for a huge, vicious group of people. Right after the Koreans started shooting, the front line of stampeding people were immediately killed. In order for the rest of the people to survive, they used the dead bodies as shields. It sounded horrible to all of the villagers, but they had to do it in order to survive. Logan and Dr. Richtofen were toward the back of the group, rarely getting any part in the bloody battle.
“I’m glad we don’t have to kill anyone, Aleks,” Logan said. “I’d hate to have that burden when I die.”
“I wouldn’t speak so soon, Logan. You never know if we might have to join in,” Dr. Richtofen responded.
All of a sudden, a crazed scientist leaped out from behind the laboratory, and started to attack Logan and Dr. Richtofen.
“Get off me!” Logan yelled, and he punched the man in the throat. Once the man was lying on the ground, Logan realized who it was. “Dr. Cryptopox?”
“Nonsense!” Dr. Richtofen said. Then, he realized that it was indeed Dr. Cryptopox. “This is unbelievable!”
Logan grunted and said, “Yup. Now let’s get out of here and help the crowd.”
They both ran in the direction of the crowd, but by the time they got there, the battle was over. People were yelling in delight.
“Aleks! The war must be over! We can live in peace now!” Logan exclaimed.
“Good. I was getting worried that it would never end,” Dr. Richtofen replied.
Hiding in a bush nearby, Kim Jong Un watched New Earth rejoice. He shook his head in disappointment. All of a sudden, his two-way radio came to life. Someone was trying to talk to him.
“? ??? ???? ?? ? ????. (I must have thrown the radio in this bush.)” he said to himself, and he answered it. “???? ?? ?? (ROI)? ??? (General Roi? Is that you?)”
“??, ?? ?? ?? ????. ?? ???-22? ???? ?? ????. ??? ?? ??????. (No. This is General Gyeong. I live on the other side of Kepler-22. Your half was bombed.)” General Gyeong explained.
“? ??? ?? ??! (My half was what!)”
“?, ??. (Bombed, sir.)”
“????? ??. ???, ??? ??? ??????? ??? ??? ??? ? ? ?? ??? (Unbelievable. Anyway, what do you want? And how did you get a hold of me?)”
“???? ?? ??? ???? ????. ???, ????? ?? ? ?? ??? ????? ?? ?? ??????. ?? ??? ? ??? ????. (All of the radios are connected, sir. Anyhow, I needed to tell you that Vladimir Putin decided to join us in the destruction of New Earth. He's going to send nuclear bombs there.)”
“??. ?? ?? ??? ??. ???, ?? ???? ?? ??? (Good. I'm quite fond of Putin. Anyway, did he send the nukes?)”
“?? ????, ??. ?? ?? ??? ??? ?? ?? ? ?? ???. (As far as I know, yes. I've also been told that they are going to take me to their planet.)”
“?? ???. ??, ??? ?? ?? ??? (Very well. General, how am I going to get back?)”
“???, ?? ?? ?? ?????, ?? ?? ?? ????. ?? ??? ?. (I'm sorry to tell you this, Supreme Leader, but you won't be coming back. It is impossible.)” General Gyeong said.
Kim dropped the radio and stood up. He took out his gun, and as his last dying act, he ran into the crowd of people and started shooting to avenge the death of his people. After about ten people were shot, the whole group crowded around Kim Jong Un and managed to kill him.
Russian Spacecraft - Year 0002 Day 57

The spacecraft filled to the rim with nuclear bombs was directly overhead Germany’s village. The captain, seeing the large group of people below, knew that this was the perfect place for a bomb-fest. So, he opened up the floor and let two-hundred massive nuclear bombs fall to the surface of New Earth.
New Earth - Year 0002 Day 57 (four minutes before the Russians bombed New Earth)

Down below, in the laboratory, Dr. Richtofen was watching the computer screen and saw a single dot blinking towards New Earth. Having seen this before, he knew it only meant trouble. He ran outside to see that a spacecraft was slowly approaching New Earth. He knew that New Earth was going to be bombed again, and he had a feeling that it wasn’t going to be small. He looked to his right and saw the launch zone with a spacecraft sitting there.

“Everyone! We are about to be nuked! Get into the spacecraft, now!” he yelled, and everyone looked at him as if he were crazy. “Why are you looking at me? Look at that ship up there!”

Dr. Richtofen pointed into the sky at the spacecraft approaching New Earth. Everyone looked and realized that it was about to happen again.

“Do you see what I mean? Now get in that spacecraft, now!” he demanded, and nobody hesitated.

A torrent of people headed toward the spacecraft as Dr. Richtofen stayed behind and directed people to the launch zone. Logan was at the back of the pack and saw Dr. Richtofen standing behind.

“Aleks! Come on! We don’t have all day!” Logan yelled just as the spacecraft’s floor opened up.

“Logan, go on! I’ll be there in a second. I have to get people to the right spot,” Dr. Richtofen replied.

“Okay, but hurry up!” Logan said, and he sped off towards the launch pad.

As the last of the group ran past Dr. Richtofen, he started to run with them. Then, he remembered the artifacts that were still in his house.

“I have to save them! They are important to mankind!” he yelled and took off towards the house.

Once Dr. Richtofen arrived at the house, the bombs were halfway to the surface of New Earth. He found the artifacts laying on the kitchen table and ran back outside.

The captain of the spacecraft didn’t see anyone coming, so he started to take off into the gloomy sky. Once Dr. Richtofen saw this, he ran toward the spacecraft yelling, “Hey! Wait up!”

Of course, no one could hear him, so he stopped and collapsed on the ground. He turned over to look into the sky above only to see a massive nuke hurtling directly at him.
Spacecraft - Year 0004 Day 128

For several weeks after Dr. Richtofen’s cold death, Logan grieved. Now, he had suffered two horrible losses. Now, he had no companions. He was miserable for those several weeks, but once again, the people of Earth had found another place to live. After two years of flying through space, the captain had come across a new planet.

“Hello, everyone. This is your captain speaking. Once more, we have found another habitable place to live. We will be landing soon so stay seated until then. Thank you,” the captain said.

“I bet that we’ll have to move after a couple years, again,” a man sitting next to Logan said.

“Why do you say that?” Logan asked.

“Well, it’ll be just like last time. No food, no water. We’ll run out eventually,” the man predicted.

“I guess you’re right. What’s your name, again?”

“The name’s Walter. Walter Nash. Yours?” Walter Nash said.

“Nice to meet you, Walter. I’m Logan Smith.”

“Smith? Are you John Smith’s son?”

“Yup. How do you know my dad?”

“Well, Logan, we used to work together.”

“Oh. I don’t suppose you worked with Aleksander Richtofen?”

“I worked with him, too. Aleks, John, and I worked together on the conspiracy of the end of the world. It was fun.”

“Listen, Walter. I don’t have anyone to go to anymore. When we land, can I stay with you?”

Walter hesitated for a moment and answered, “Sure. Why not? I’d want someone to live with, too, if I were as young as you.”

“Thanks, Walter,” Logan said.

Then, the captain spoke over the intercom, “Attention! We are about to land so please stay seated.”

After the captain said this, the shuttle descended toward the surface of the new planet. After about two minutes, the shuttle came into contact with the surface.

“We have landed! I hope that our new home will be more enjoyable than the last. Enjoy life here, folks!” the captain said.

“Well, Logan, are you ready to go?” Walter asked.

“Yup. Let’s get out of here,” Logan responded, and they walked toward the exit.
All ten-thousand passengers crowded around the exit, anxious to get a look at the new planet. After the rest of the passengers had gotten off, Logan and Walter walked off the shuttle and into the new world.
The End.

The author's comments:
After 2013, I thought that the end of the world was a good topic. So, with the help of Robb M. and Peyton R., we created 0002, the sequel to 2013.

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