Flight 217 | Teen Ink

Flight 217

April 29, 2013
By Anonymous

Flight 217

“Now boarding flight 217 to Johannesburg,” the cheery flight attendant exclaims. “Honey, the plane is about to take off.” “I have to go.” “Yes, I love you too, I’ll see you in a week. And tell the kids daddy says hello.” “Yes, Yes, bye, honey, love you.” *beep* A young tall man locks his phone, collects his baggage and calmly strides toward the counter. “May I see your boarding pass?” The same cheery blonde takes the man’s boarding pass and scans it. “Leo Ralinski? Is this you?” “Yes,” Leo responds. “Here you go! Thank you! Have a nice flight, sir!” “Thank you.” Leo walks toward the door to board the plane.

The glowing seatbelt sign flickers off. “Finally I can use the bathroom.” Leo says to himself. He gets up and walks towards the bathroom. As soon as he locks the door, the PA comes on. “Please buckle up, as we are going to have some slight turbulence.” ‘I just got up,’ Leo thought to himself, ‘I guess I'll just wait it out here.’ He waits, and waits. The turbulence just keeps on going. Minutes seem like hours. ‘I can’t take this anymore. I’m just going to go back to my seat.’ Leo gets and begins the short walk back to his seat. When he is about halfway there, it starts to get very choppy. “Sir, can you please get back to your seat!?” The flight attendant shouts at him angrily. Leo starts to walk faster. As soon as he is about sit down, he starts to float. The PA comes on “Everybody buckle up! Prepare for a water landing!”

Leo flies to the front of the plane, running into the wall. *thud*. Leo hits the wall full force. The flight attendant tries to help him up, but Leo feels like he is being pulled back. The flight attendant can no longer reach him. He begins to drift to the side wall. “What is going on!?” He exclaims. He then realizes why. The door had been torn off the wall. Seconds pass, and Leo is heading straight for the Atlantic, from about 10,000 feet in the air.

*SPLASH* Leo is knocked unconscious by the impact. His body floats back up to the surface. He begins to float towards a strange outline in the distance...

He lands on the beach semi-conscious. Where is he? Last time he check they were over the Atlantic ocean. He could be anywhere! No one would ever find him. ‘I need to find supplies.’ He thinks to himself. He begins his descent around the island. About halfway through, he finds a giant, broken ship hull. ‘This could make good shelter.’

Two weeks later, Leo is still on the island. He has managed to get essentials. He had remembered a few survival skills form his son’s boy scout meetings. There was some clothes, food and water in the boat, but he has found materials on the island also. He is trying to get enough wood to craft a raft and get off the island and in contact with some civilization.

As he finally ties up the last end of the raft, he goes toward what he thinks is the East. It is to be hoped that he will touch the coast. As he begins to push the boat off the island, he jumps on it and drifts into the distance, wondering what might become of him...

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 3 2013 at 11:57 am
Positivity_At_Its_Finest DIAMOND, Morrow, Georgia
56 articles 2 photos 148 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is a stage, get on it and perform your best act.

this was nice. i love how the plot is totally not about the actual flight.