Prince Peter | Teen Ink

Prince Peter

February 26, 2013
By Anonymous



Once upon a time in a land that is quite large, Lived a Strong and Brave man named Peter. Peter was the protector of the land. He was a friendly guy unless you were mean to him. This story is mostly like those princess and king story’s. It starts off with peter at the bottom. He’s not the bravest or the strongest, or the mightiest. He actually is the weakest. He basically is a nobody. It starts on a calm sunny morning, Peter wakes up from his sleep. He goes out of his house and walks off to the town, btw He lives outside of town. So Starts walking and He sees flowers and wide-open prairie, Small shacks and trees. When Peter finally reaches the town by the name of Lance-O-Lot He tries to find a good place to get food, Peter was not the richest or the poorest, He was in the middle.

He finally finds a stand that sells chicken, 1 slice of chicken costs 10 cents. He paid the man and then that’s when it happened, What happened was that the chicken salesmen said that the princess was arriving at 3:30, it was 2:30 so peter decided He was going to meet the princess. So waited and waited then finally She came. The princess’s name was Elizabeth. Princess Elizabeth was the daughter of king Francis and Queen Francis, The mightiest rulers in all the land. While she was giving her speech about the kingdom and how wonderful it is, a man came and swooped her ring from her hand. She then yelled, “He stole my ring”. Then peter thought this is my chance to impress the princess so He dashed after the thief, the thief tried to block Peter from catching him so he threw food and stuff at him, but that didn’t stop him.

Finally after 2 miles of chasing him, He finally jumped on top and the thief fell on the ground, then he got “the ring”. Then he saw the princess and rushed up to her, then he said, “here’s your ring” and then she said, “I couldn’t be more thankful”. Once they were done talking, the princess then invited him to a feast at the king and queens castle.

He had then said yes. Then later on the Peter decided he should get new clothes, so then he went shopping. He went looking for an expensive suit, which he did find and bought. The color of the suit was black. The suit looked fresh. After he got the suit he decided he was ready. He then got to the castle. The castle was huge. He then knocked on the door and a servant then said come in. Once he stepped in he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He saw a huge crystal chandelier. Women and men in there finest clothes dancing on the floor. Peter looked every where for Elizibeth, but all he saw was random people, but then the king announced that it was time to eat so then he picked a seat. He still looked for elizebeth but didn’t find her.

Meanwhile in the castle the princess was upstairs thinking about Peter and how her impression would be on him. She wore best dress, the dress was bright white and sparkled in the light. She then decided that it was time to go down to the feast. She walked down the stairs, peter was looking and he thought she was going down the stairs in slow motion.

The author's comments:
My friend Peter inspired me to write this...

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