The Little Spies | Teen Ink

The Little Spies

February 26, 2013
By bacon123 BRONZE, Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota
bacon123 BRONZE, Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I don't know what world war 3 will be like, but world war 4 will be fought with sticks and stones."
-Albert Einestein

I’m sitting in my deathbed, white sheets and a T.V., my son asking questions about my life in middle school.
“It was after 5TH hour. I was in the bathroom and there was an announcement.”

“All students and staff please evacuate the building, I repeat, all students and staff please evacuate the building immediately, thank you.” I got scared. I wasn’t able to leave now. When I finished, I slowly opened the door, looking very carefully, by now I was breathing really fast and starting to sweat. The sweat was dripping down my face at this point and it was so quite that you could hear your own heartbeat. My thoughts were racing through my head at what felt like to be 500 miles per hour. I step out and look around; there am nobody in sight. I walk into the 7TH grade wing on high alert. I here a group of footsteps from down the hall. I hear voices as I jump into the nearest locker bay.

“Where do you think it is?” said a man in a deep voice.

“I think it’s in the history room,” said another.

“It doesn’t matter,” said a third man as they walked by me. “It’s up here, we’ll find it.” This man was much bigger than the rest of them. It looked like there was about ten of them. I creep away slowly and I hear behind me, “Spread out, nobody gets in or out!” I hear the big man say. I hurry into the bathroom to hide and take out my phone.
ME: dude I need ur help now, come through the 8th grade wing. BE QUITE!!!
MICHAEL: k be there in a sec.

I try not to breath much so nobody can hear me.

About five minutes later, I see Michael walk in to the bathroom and he says, “What’s with all the guys in the hall?”

“SHHHHHHHHHHHH, they will hear you. They’re looking for something but I don’t know what though. My best guess is that they want the donation money,” I say. We stare at each other for a long time. He breaks the silence.

“We are not letting that money go without a fight, are you with me or are u a chicken and run away.” He says sarcastically with a faint smile.

“Me chicken, pasha, remember who your talking to man. Let’s go, but we need a plan.” We think for a minute and then it comes to me. “ I got it, okay here’s how we can pull this off.” We talk it out for about 5 minutes and change some things. That’s when a guard walks into the bathroom. We both jump on a toilet in a stall so that the guard can’t see out feet. It is so quiet in there you could hear a pin drop and it would be so loud it would make you go deaf. I’m holding my breath and I feel like I’m going to pass out. I hear him turn on the water and I breathe out slowly and calmly. I feel like I’m hyperventilating, even though I’ve only taken one breath in the last minute or two. I look out from under the stall to see where he is. He is facing me so I pull my head back up as fast as I can. This time I look over the top to locate his direction point. He is facing away from me now. I see he is carrying a tazer and I silently walk out of the stall, quickly and quietly cover his mouth, and yank him back, grab his tazer and BUZZ, ZAP, he is out cold. Michael comes out of the stall to see what had happened.

“Wow, good job,” he says as I turn the tazer back on and throw it in the toilet. “What did you do that for,” he says in shock. “We could of use that.”

“You’ll see,” I say with a faint smile. We just continue with our plan, first we go to the gym and get some equipment. We set it up where ever we can without being seen. When we are done I go up to where up to where the other guards are “HEY YOU WANT US, COME GET US,” I scream at the top of my lungs. They run after me. I can’t tell if it’s all of them following me or not, but most of them are. Michael is waiting for me in the gym. I can’t tell if it’s all of them but most of them followed. Michael is waiting for me in the gym. They are going to have a nice surprise when they get there. I’m about 40-50 yards ahead of them and the plan is working great. I run through the gym and get to the other side where Michael is awaiting my (and their) arrival. They walk in and stop, Michael pulls a string and the room goes dark. The lights come on and the room is filled with booby traps and trip wires. The good part of the plan is that they can’t see it because it’s made of fishing line. They mutter something that I can’t understand, shrugs, and one of them takes a step forward and he gets hung by one foot about 20 feet in the air. The others take a step back. They look a little nervous. I pull the string to make the lights go out again. This time we don’t stay there or turn the lights back on. We just sneak out as silently as we can. We go back up to the 7th grade wing, only to find (or not find) nothing and no one there. I take a few steps and Buzz. The next thing I know, I am laying on the ground, and it’s a good thing that Michael and me discussed this in our plan. I turn over and I see him run off. The man who tazed me says,
“What are you doing here? Why are you here? Give me answers now?” He says it so intensely that if feels hard to answer him.
“I was locked in here when everyone left.” I finally say. He tells me to go sit by the wall. I listen to him and sit under a table. This plan is working better than I thought. I hear the fire alarm go off. Good job Michael, I think to myself. I see the drops of water from the sprinklers hit the ground with a zap. I also see the man who tazed me fall to the ground as well. He looks unconscious, and I hope he is for my sake. The sprinklers turn off and I get out from under the table and run into the room with the money. I take all of it and put it in my locker so nobody can get it. I wait for a minute, seeing if Michael will come find me. When I don’t see him, I decide to go looking for him. I start searching all over, and then when I am walking by the gym, I finally see him. He is standing in the doorway, but I cannot tell what he is looking at. He is staring at something with an ‘are you seriously still doing that!’ kind of look.
“What are looking at?” I ask him.
Then he says, “Nothing, you will find out later.” We go back up to the 7th grade wing and call the police. They arrive five to ten minutes later and we explain to them what happened. They tell us that we did a good job, but next time, to leave situations like this to the professionals. We kind of expected that from them though. So, I guess it turned out pretty well overall, don’t you think.

“So, that was probably one of my most memorable days in middle school. It was funny as well, because about twenty minutes after they were arrested, the police found the guys still waiting for us to turn the lights back on.” I say.
“I bet you will never forget that day? I cannot wait to hear about high school.” My son says a little sarcastically with a faint smile.
“I bet you can’t son, I bet you can’t.”

The author's comments:
I put a lot of hard work into this story.
My good friend Michael G inspired me in writing this story. He is also the character of Michael in the story. He still doesn't know he is part of my story yet. I'm planing on telling him after it gets published (assume it does).


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