The Room | Teen Ink

The Room

January 30, 2013
By jamesiscool007 BRONZE, Vienna, Virginia
jamesiscool007 BRONZE, Vienna, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I woke up I felt a little discomfort. As I started to sit up and open my eyes I noticed something. This wasn’t my normal room.when I woke up completely I saw that it was a closed off room with no doors and windows with just a basic kitchen with pots,pans,stove,oven,freezer, and refrigerator and a fully updated bathroom a bed and a giant HD flat screen TV that had a remote on the cable box. The remote it said “press the play button.” When I turned on the screen it look a lot like a computer screen. As I looked around the room I found a wireless keyboard and mouse that looked like it was connected to the TV. I picked it up I knew what to do I first. I went on to google maps and have it tell me where was I and it turned out that I was in Honduras,Tegucigalpa the capital. I found that to be a little bit weird because this was one of the places I used to live but now I live in the UK. The second thing i looked up was my name just to see what the date. when I typed in todays date it came up as June 2016. Last time I checked the date it was 2012 and about turn 2013 was I missing for 3 years? I quickly looked up my name and I was the biggest thing on the internet. I was missing for 2 years 11 months 1 week and 5 days and counting. I was really surprised so just for fun I went onto youtube and saw that the most viewed video still Gangdom style but now it had 2 billion views, wow.

After I did all that stuff on the computer I changed changed the channel to the DVR and pressed play.I felt ill when i saw it. They had a room full of caskets and I didn’t want to know what they were full of. The Video had a tall skinny man who was sitting in a office chair. He was wearing a big blue and black rain coat and boot cut jeans and looked like he was fatigued like he was just running. He said this. Hey, how are you. Now i Know that you're probably little freaked out but don’t worry I there are going to be some people there in a minute to put you back to sleep for another year or or two, unless you think your ready. Then the screen went blue. Ready, ready for what and invasion, a surgery, or a math test I didn’t know. Then I tried to calm down and paced the room looking for the door then I spotted that there was a square shape in the rug. I pressed down on it and a steel cube frame it came up. There was a note on it in my hand writing that said go under the bed so i went under the bed and there was a switch that said “press twice.” just then I heard a thud and to men in big black jackets came out of nowhere. I quickly pressed it twice in desperation and a trap door came up from under the TV and I went in.

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