Terrance and Alex | Teen Ink

Terrance and Alex

December 20, 2012
By Alex Cardoso BRONZE, Indianapolis,IN, Indiana
Alex Cardoso BRONZE, Indianapolis,IN, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Terrance and Alex
Terrance called me I answered the phone, he told me to meet him at Mc Donald’s. So I hoped in my black convertible BMW and went to Mc D’s. As I opened the door I saw Terrance sitting in the back eating this big fat juice Big Mac and slurping on a large hi-c. I went over to Terrance and asked him why he wanted to meet me here? He told me that we were low on money! I got really nervous and asked him what we need to do. Then at the same time we thought of it, the perfect plan. We had to rob Mc Donald’s, our heads started to spin we were out of our minds. It had to be done so we went back to my place and got our weapons. As soon as we got our tools, we got our masks and hopped in a rental. When we had got back to Mc Donald’s we went all out. We barged in Terrance told everyone to get on the ground we had put a grenade in everyone’s hand they were all scared out of their minds. I walked up to the cashier and handed him a bag (he knew what to do) we had to hurry so I put a gun to his head (Let’s just say we got out faster than we should have) Terrance and I were kind of anxious we had no clue what we were doing but it was going better than planned. We heard the sirens we zoomed to the car as soon as we got out of the parking lot we heard sirens right when we heard them, Terrance said “smash that gash down that street” so that told me to go petal to the metal. We were flying past speed bumps as they tried to slow us down but it didn’t affect us at all. We had the fastest car street legal it was the Bugatti Veyron. We were so much faster than the cop cars, we out ran them in a second. We got to one of our secret hide out (safe house) we ran in the building with joy and laughter we were so proud of our self but the only thing that ruined it was the trash that has been sitting there for months and smelt like toxic waste. It didn’t matter so we got our money and buried it. We had a sigh of relief when the last shovel full of dirt went on the pile. We only took as much money as we needed and will come back when we need more. Alex told Terrance that they were going to get in some trouble and we were going to have to leave the country. Terrance thought of the good idea that we should do to our parents and say goodbye. Terrance went to his parents and I went to mine. When I got to my parents’ house they were so happy to see me and I had missed them so much. I love going to my parents’ house when my mom always makes some sweet desert. After I had eaten and said goodbye to my parents I left and went back to the safe house. When I saw Terrance we had a discussion. I had to convince Terrance that Mc Donald’s wasn’t enough. So I convinced him that we need to rob PNC bank. Terrance and I got our gear and hopped in the car. When we got there we barged in the doors of the bank. I just heard a ton of screams and as the adrenaline rushed threw my body Terrance started putting grenades in people’s hands so I went with it. When everybody had a grenade in there hand and all the pins were out. I got the bag and went up to the cashier and told him to put the money in the bag he wasn’t cooperating so I shot him. I told the other guy to put the money in the bad unless he wanted to look like his friend. He cooperated much nicer and faster. As the last dollar went in the bag terrace heard the police just around the corner. Terrance was screaming at the top of his lungs, GO…GO…GO…. We jumped in the car, Terrance smashed the gas. I saw 14 cars rolling behind, they were wright on our tails. They were ready for us this time, they never stopped chasing us but I knew cars had to run out of gas some time and we just filled are tank wright before we robed the bank. About 10 minutes later the lead police car stopped and the 13 other cars crashed wright behind. We were home free when we got to the safe we dug out the money and got everything from the safe house and left. We knew what we had to do. We were driving for hours and hours then finally at 4:23 AM I saw the sign welcome to Mexico. There was a problem though we were wanted so Terrance drove off the road and crossed the border illegally. Hopefully they won’t check us I said, we got back on the road after we were in. Finally we were out of America. When we got in Mexico we went to the ocean. When we got there it was paradise we found a nice hotel and hit the hay. 2weeks later, we were down to our last dollar. Terrance told me we need to rob another bank, I agreed. So we went and bought some guns with the last portion of our money. We hoped in the car and drove searching for a bank. All the banks had guards at the doors so we had to pick one. We picked the one with the least guards. There were only two I got the one on the left Terrance got the right. After we got that taken care of we barged in the doors like some heroes. Wright when we walked in guards started coming out of there hiding places and pointed their guns at us. They told us to put our hands up and then Terrance decided to point his gun at them. Before he could pull the trigger I told him now unless we wanted to go out of here in bodybags then put it down. The police put us in their cars and drove us to their station. Then they brought us to this nasty old prison and wright then and there me and Terrance looked at each other and laughed.
To be continued for a different time and a totally different place…

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