The Misadventures of Barnabus and his Jell-o | Teen Ink

The Misadventures of Barnabus and his Jell-o

December 14, 2012
By BrittanyReneeH BRONZE, Jay, Oklahoma
BrittanyReneeH BRONZE, Jay, Oklahoma
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Once upon a time there was a penguin named Barnabus. He was very sad because he lost his cup of Jell-O. Not just any Jell-O though, it was purple magical Jell-O. Its magical powers were the ability to jiggle.

Barnabus lived in Brazil. He was happy and content where he lived. One day he was watching his purple Jell-O jiggle when he heard a noise. He turned to see what it was. When he didn’t see anything, he turned back around to watch his Jell-O. It was gone!

Barnabus panicked. He became very depressed. After searching his house from top to bottom, he decide to go out and look for it. Someone must have taken it. He packed his bag and headed off in search of his Jell-O.

First he went to Rome. When he got there he was in shock from all the beautiful buildings. Then he saw something that surprised him. There, sitting on a table, was some orange Jell-O, but what surprised him the most was that it was jiggling. He stood there and watched it for a while. Then he remembered what he was supposed to be doing, so he headed off.

Next he went several to the United States. He went to several places like Los Angles and New York. He went everywhere. He was in California when he came upon some blue Jell-O that was jiggling. Barnabus thought about his purple Jell-O and how it was exactly like these other Jell-O’s.
Before giving up, Barnabus decided to try one more place, China. Off he went. Once he reached China, he searched everywhere. As he was walking the Great Wall of China, he came upon some yellow jiggling Jell-O. Barnabus thought back to all the Jell-O’s he had seen and compared them to his purple Jell-O. It was then that he realized that his purple Jell-O was not the only magical Jell-O. He had been a silly penguin. Every Jell-O was magical.

Barnabus was still upset, though, because even though all Jell-O was magical, his was special to him. Disappointed, he headed home. He walked in and looked where his Jell-O used to sit. He saw something purple peeking out from under the table. He got down and looked. His Jell-O was there!

Barnabus was so excited about finding his Jell-O and all the other colors he had found that he decided to build a house out of Jell-O. He used all the different colors of Jell-O he could find. After a few days he was done and moved in. Now he can watch every color of Jell-O jiggle.

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