Venture through the Woods | Teen Ink

Venture through the Woods

November 2, 2012
By ceee_hayyy BRONZE, Romulus, Michigan
ceee_hayyy BRONZE, Romulus, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Venture through the Woods
Amy was walking alone a lot on her mind. She sees the trees in front of her. As she entered the woods she doesn’t know what to expect. The future is an unknown place. Never knowing what can be in front of you. Amy dove right into them trees waiting to see what was in front of her. She took a few steps in with a lot of fear in her eyes but she knew she had to continue through; her life was at the other end. As she ventured through the branch fell and slashed her chest open but she had to keep going there was no giving up. She had to make it through. She kept on venturing with all this pain she still kept on going. The leaves kept ripping her hair out one clump at a time. She put her hand to her head and could feel the balding and finally decided to sharpen up a stick and just shave it all off. As her journey continued she began to get weaker and started throwing up but she seen the light ahead and didn’t have the strength to give up. She kept on through the forest. As she was reaching the light as it approached her closer she began to smile, her body was as strong as ever, she could feel the hair growing back on her head. The light was right before Amy; she walked out on the other side and saw her life. There was standing her husband and her 3 daughters and her son with their arms wide open to congratulate her. She was the strongest women they had ever known. Amy was a survivor and finally had her life back to the way she felt was normal.

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