The Legend | Teen Ink

The Legend

February 29, 2012
By TrevorB123 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
TrevorB123 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Beans and Cornbread

This summer my family was deciding to take me and my sibling and I to Holiday World. When they told us the news, we got so excited.

The next morning we left for our trip, then we arrived 3 ½ hours later. My parents asked us what part we wanted to go to first the water-park area or the roller-coaster area. We all knew the answer right off the bat, we all wanted the roller-coaster area, “of course”.

Instantly, we ran over to a shiny silver roller-coaster. The side of the cart had red and yellow flames, inside the flames was the word LEGEND, which was the name of the coaster. It was a sign from heaven to our little eyes, we loved the way it looked.

Right after we watched people ride on it, we finally put our big boy pants on and rode the roller-coaster. When we boarded the roller-coaster, I had to sit in the front cart, it wasn’t so bad until I heard what the guy said, okay were going to speed it up a little to a 110 miles per hour. Then he and pushed the button and off we flew onto the shiny and magnificent course. We were going uphill and coming to the tip top of the roller-coaster when I heard a click! My bar had adjusted a little bit, because it wasn’t latched all of the way. I was so scared I about went to the bathroom in my pants.

We were at the tippy top now then the front of the roller-coaster started to bend over the top then a big steep hill came into sight and right at the end was a immediate turn. Whoosh we went downhill and then on the turn, it felt as if my stomach had turned over. I felt like an astronaut in space camp when they go on the thing that spins like crazy. Then we went through the “tunnel of doom” that had a bunch of hills in it, right underneath it there was a big body of water. Then we ventured into another immediate turn, then a straight away then, a big long drop, then one more straight away. By that time my siblings and I were freaked out and the ride was over. When I walked off the platform of the roller-coaster I was hands and legs were shaking so bad they felt as if they were about to pop of my body. Later my mom asked if I wanted a drink so I said yes, she came back with a cup of Pepsi. I tried to take a drink but I couldn't because I was to shaking so bad that the pop was spilling all over the ground. I thought that the pop was being wasted so I gave it back to my mom, then she asked why I gave it back and I said I couldn't hold it because of my shaking. She said I must have had fun then, I agreed with her.

From that spot, we went to more rides and water slides, but in my mind nothing could top the LEGEND.

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