The Black and white High top converse with sea turtle green paint spots | Teen Ink

The Black and white High top converse with sea turtle green paint spots

September 28, 2023
By Zues PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
Zues PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
28 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Last night, I dreamt that I was in Tokyo, Japan, seeing an Ariana Grande concert while drinking my favorite drink, an arnold palmer iced tea. When I got this feeling that I was being watched and when I turned around I saw a familiar face. It was one of my best friends Hannah and I said “what's up dude”. They responded saying “not much”. After that quick encounter I felt myself slip and all of a sudden I was falling, it was like a never ending hole. After what felt like 9,999,999,999,999.999.999.999 hours of falling I finally landed. I was in a boat that was being rowed by this red anglerfish man through what seemed like a sea of lava. Then all of a sudden I see it Cerberus the three headed dog from greek mythology and to myself I was like “Jesus Christ im dead” and when I got to the end to meet hades I was shocked that I was on a movie set and someone calling out for the director and when they finally noticed me they had found the director. I was doing it being a real director, thinking to myself “wo ai bao yuan” meaning I love performing in mandarin. As I was directed I noticed it was a story on the other founding fathers, I even saw Lin Manuel Meranda as Alexander Hamilton. But all of a sudden I was awoken by a loud burst of thunder in the distance and looking out the window I saw that it was semi cloudy with sunlight poking through. 


I was in Tokyo, Japan, watching an Ariana Grande concert, drinking my favorite drink, an arnold palmer iced tea. When I got this feeling that I was being watched. When all of a sudden I turned around to see a familiar face. It was one of my best friends Hannah and I said “what's up dude”. As they responded “not much”. After that quick encounter I felt myself slip and all of a sudden I was falling, it was like a bottomless pit. After what felt like 9,999,999,999,999.999.999.999 hours of falling I finally landed in a boat. Once I got myself up I noticed that I was being rowed by this half red angler fish man creature. We seemed to be crossing a sea of what seemed like lava, but way darker. Then all of a sudden I saw Cerberus, the three headed dog from Greek mythology. To myself I was like “Jesus Christ I'm dead” and when I got to the end expecting to meet Hades, the god of the underworld, I was shocked to see that I was on a movie set, with people running around like chickens with their heads cut off, when all of a sudden someone called out for the director and when they finally noticed me they yelled “I found the director”. I was shocked that I'm a real director, thinking to myself “wo ai bao yuan” meaning I love performing in mandarin. As I was directed I noticed it was a story on the other founding fathers, I even saw Lin Manuel Meranda as Alexander Hamilton. But that’s what I did today. It was crazy and some really seemed unreal but it did happen. 


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