The Survivor | Teen Ink

The Survivor

September 7, 2023
By jp0362795 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
jp0362795 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It all started in one dark night in mountains of Brazil the homes were made of

Straw. A young boy who has been raised by the animals in the jungle, since

his childhood. One of the animals raise the baby as their own. The young

boy Xer learned to take care of him self in the jungle, but his friends were

always prepared to protect the young boy, Xer became part of the monkey pack

and the other animals, and his best friend The Gorilla taught him the law of the

jungle. Xer’s most dangerous enemy in the jungle was The Wolf. He was the

man eating wolf in the jungle and wanted to kill Xer before he had a chance to

become a men living in the jungle.

The leader of the monkeys said there is only one way to protect Xer from The

Wolf is to take him to the man’s jungle. Xer’s best friend agreed to take Xer

to the man’s village. And when Xer heard this, he said “NO” The he wanted to

stay in the jungle. He did not listen to his best friend and ran into the jungle.

But Xer was not alone in the jungle for long. Some days passed, he met with

a rare birth.

As Xer got older, he was in great danger from The Wolf. The one thing that

The Wolf was afraid of in the jungle was fire, so Xer decided to go to a nearby

Village and decide to steal some fire. Xer used the fire to fight with the wolf.

He knew that he would have to kill The Wolf in order to be safe in the jungle.

As Xer gets older, he got confused with his life. He wanted to be part of the

Jungle, but he also wanted to be a normal human being. When Xer turned

Nine years old he decides to cross the human village but the current of

The river dragged him to almost drown him.

After that day, time passed, and while he was having some water to drink,

He saw a girl on the other side of the river, she was so beautiful that

Made him fall in love, so he tried to cross the river once again he almost

Drowned. The current was so strong that it caused him to faint. One

Advantage that he had was talking to animals so his friend that he met

When he ran to the jungle saved him form dying. When he awake, he was on the other side of the river, the side where he saw the girl. He went to the village with her and had a family together.

The author's comments:

This Story is originated in the jungle, its basically a movie.

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