Playlist | Teen Ink


July 4, 2023
By jwang3888 SILVER, Royersford, Pennsylvania
jwang3888 SILVER, Royersford, Pennsylvania
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Swoosh. I take in gulps of fresh air from my open window, the wisps of wind flowing through my night-black hair. The ivory curtains flow in waves, in rhythm with my hair. Beyond, I see fragments of the pretty spring we’re about to receive: pastel tulips dancing, the grass greening, and my whole vision coloring. My lips curve into a wide smile. This is one of those special moments in life where I find myself in balance with the world around me; where I feel content for no reason. I pick up my headphones and press them in place to my ears. The sweet lofi tune stimulates me and I glance at its name, “Point Me Home”. All of a sudden, my head spins and my body lightens. Everything in my sight blurs and melts together into pure white. When I flutter my eyes a second later, a vastly different image enters my eyes. I stand in front of a cityscape, where natural grass fields and urban intersections coexist. I feel a strong wave of deja vu. Have I been here before? Then it hit me, hard like the weight of the earth. Toronto. My family had vacationed here a few summers ago and I cherished it like cradling a dream. I start walking aimlessly by way of heart, admiring the architecture and nature here then there until I lose sense of time. I pause near a kids playground and sit on the nearby bench. I quietly listen to the ordinary laughs and mundane conversations around me. After a while, I decide to follow directions to a place with real purpose. If I was really here again, I would do all that I could to re-experience the city. I start on my path until I reach Ripley’s Aquarium. I had treasured this place. Ever since I could remember, I had fallen in love with animals, they fascinated my little brain. I slowly enter the glass doors of the building and purchase one ticket for myself. I soon find myself wide-eyed with child wonder touring through the aquatic tunnels filled with jellyfish, seahorses, graceful stingrays, sea turtles, oh there was all you could imagine. Along my course, I notice the aquarium’s play area for little aquatic watchers. I squint my eyes and discern an afterimage of my sister playing with toy boats, just like she did that year. I blink, rub my eyes, and the image disappears. I step out and begin my way to the city’s inner chinatown. As I approach the entrance, a led light dragon sign greets me, as if to beckon me inward. I pass fruit and gadget stands, reminding me of my lost chinese culture. At last I reach a small homely restaurant, Lan Zhou Ramen, and chills instantly travel down my spine. The whiff of authentic broth invites me in, I trail the smell with my nose like a cartoon character. I choose the cushion bench beside the large window facing the city’s outside. I slurp down my steamy bowl of beef ramen and scan the life happening around me. After I finish, I decide to visit one more place before nightfall. With the restaurant door’s bell ringing behind me, I search for the nearest bookstore. Once there, I immerse myself in the world of my imagination, making myself at home within shelves and shelves of books. I take myself on first dates with all the books that caught my eye. At exactly midnight, the librarian closes the store and I am left outside, just my mind and me. I sit in soft silence while seeing the successive lights of the avenue’s stores turn off, like playing dominoes. I begin to muse, why does this city seem to impersonate me? I begin to muse that the pieces of the city corresponds to my characteristics so well. The park, aquarium, chinatown, and book store represents my passion for nature, animals, culture, and reading. Most of all, it represents my creative identity. I begin to muse, music is a lot like one’s ideal place. Just like the tune of your music has to sync with your personality, the map of your ideal place has to sync with your character as well. This city is my lullaby, my theme song. When I came here the first time around, I realized the image I had visualized of my future resembled this special city. This epiphany has been the major force of my discipline and drive to succeed in what I do: so my future can look like living here. There are an infinite number of possible futures I can live in, but I choose this one. What about you? What song will you play? Which future will you select?

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