The Blue Lagoon | Teen Ink

The Blue Lagoon

June 7, 2023
By Anonymous

Splash. I plunge into the water with a full smile. As I yell “yep” to the driver, I smoothly come out of the water faster than ever. The sun was blazing, casting a golden glow across the lake. The water was crystal clear, reflecting the sky like a mirror. The sound of another boat's engine roared in the distance, as the skier held on tight to the rope. I give a wave to him and then focus back on the lake. I cut through the water until my hands give out and I need a break. I tell my grandpa to go back in so I can get ready for another run later in the day. 

The thing that I love most about skiing is the feeling you get when you are gliding across the water at such high speeds. It feels like you are a bird in flight, soaring through the water with grace. The boat was my wings, carrying me across the lake. I was going so fast, it felt like I was breaking the sound barrier. The boat was like a rocket, propelling me forward with incredible speed each and every time that I cut through the wake. 

I get off of the rope and sit with a cold drink in my hand. I sit and watch all of the skiers and wakeboarders fly. Each and every skier was soaring through the water, the spray splashing against their skin. The boats were bouncing on the waves, as the birds chirped in the background. It is quite a sight when everything is this perfect. 

These days always bring a smile to my face. Each fall and wipeout makes my stomach hurt more from all of the laughter. Whoever it may be who is falling will always get back up and joke around about it because it is all fun and games. The stress-free environment helps everyone enjoy their time on the lake. Suddenly the sun starts to go down. All of the boats migrate off the lake and we are the only ones left. We do everything from late-night fishing to a nice cruz on the lake while the sun brightens the other side of the earth. We finally float off of the lake and go back home to all sorts of meat on the grill. 

Dinner. Cards. Chill. These three things always come as a pair and always come at night after a long lake day. Grilling out and then playing some card games always sums the night up perfectly. When the day is all over and done, I lay down in my bed, wondering, what adventures the next day has to bring.

The author's comments:

This is about me on the lake. 

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