Family | Teen Ink


May 4, 2023
By Anonymous


It was an unusually cold morning in late December in the year 2023 at the height of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, it was silent as a group of men sat around a small fire pit, you could tell the war was taking its toll on everyone involved. from the constant explosions all around to the increasing threat of an enemy advancement. 

All every man wanted was to go home to their family. But for one soldier, a battle-hardened veteran named Andriy, and a weapons expert and a great tactical planner, it was just another day in the battle to defend his country. You see Andriy had lost his wife and young daughter in the early days of the invasion. He wanted to end the war himself.

Andriy had been fighting for his homeland for years, and he had seen things that would make most people's blood run cold. But he never wavered in his commitment to the cause, nor in his loyalty to his squadmates. There were four others in his squad, Cook the heavy gunner and the largest man in the squad, Ace, the squad’s sniper, Sam, or as we call him Stormtrooper because he couldn’t hit the wide side of a barn if were staring him in the face, and Robie the field medic whom everyone trusted with their lives.

Andriy was the leader of this small squad of men, but was under the order of a Sargent Douchebag. Douchebag was a tough and experienced soldier, but he was also an asshole who liked to push his soldiers to their limits and beyond. Andriy often found himself at odds with Douchebag's methods, but he knew that he had a duty to follow orders and to do his best to keep his squad alive.

After a long night of firefights, artillery shelling, and air strikes. As dawn broke no one had caught any sleep throughout the night and the unmistakable sound of AK47s  and constant bombing could be heard miles away, during a break in the firefight the next day, Andriy and his squad were resting in a makeshift bunker, catching their breath and trying to stay warm in the frigid Ukrainian winter.

"I hate this f*cking war," said one of Andriy's comrades, a young soldier named Sam.

"We all do," Andriy replied, his voice rough from too many cigarettes and too little sleep.

"I can't believe we're still here after all this time," Sam said, shaking his head in disbelief.

"We're here because we have to be," Andriy said, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Just then, Douchebag burst into the bunker, his face twisted in a scowl. "Get your asses up, you lazy f*cks!" he barked. "We've got a mission to complete, and I don't have time for you to rest. Hurry."

Andriy gritted his teeth, but he knew better than to argue with Douchebag when he was in this kind of mood. He rose to his feet, grabbing his weapon and motioning for his squadmates to follow. They emerged from the bunker and a large explosion just 50 yards away made the ground tremble making Robie fall flat on his face, Andriy reached out his hand and helped up his comrade, they hastily made their way across the battlefield, gunfire ringing in their ears and explosions shaking the ground beneath their feet.

"We need to take out that enemy position over there," Douchebag said, pointing to a cluster of buildings in the distance. "Andriy, you and your squad will lead the charge."

Andriy exchanged a look with his comrades, and they nodded in unison. They knew what was expected of them, and they were ready to face whatever lay ahead. However, there was a Russian T-14 in between them and the cluster of buildings. Feeling hopeless against this formidable foe. 

Andriy once again looked at his comrades, sparked up a cigarette, exhaled the smoke, and said, “I have a plan. Ace climbed up that tree over there. Quickly” pointing to a large tree with a great view of the surrounding area. “Wait for my signalAce hurried to the tree Sam, Robie follow me. Cook, Douchebag you’ll provide us cover fire” Then suddenly the sound of thunder clouded everyone's hearing making all the bullets and other battlefield explosions seem comforting to the ears. Everyone looked up in unison, the plane which nobody got a clean look at had already dropped its air-to-ground HARM missile, which landed right on top of the Russian T-14 demolishing it and giving them the opportunity to advance.

As they ran towards the enemy position the bullets whizzed past their heads and mortar shells exploded around them. Andriy felt a surge of adrenaline as he charged forward, his heart pounding in his chest and a sting in his left shoulder. He could hear Douchebag’s voice behind his ear, barking orders and insults at Cook’s cover fire. As they drew closer to the enemy, Andriy gritted his teeth, ignoring the pain in his shoulder where a bullet had grazed him.

Finally, they reached the enemy position, and a fierce firefight broke out. Andriy and his squad fought with everything they had, using their training and experience to gain the upper hand and they did, finally closing in on the enemy. But then, something unexpected happened. Douchebag, who had been standing back and watching the battle unfold, suddenly rushed forward, gun in hand. He shouted something in Russian and made a signal with his hand, and Andriy realized with a sinking feeling that he was defecting to the enemy.

"What the hell are you doing?" Andriy shouted, trying to grab Douchebag and pull him back. But it was too late, the Russians had already taken him into their ranks. Andriy and his squad were stunned.  

They had never expected such disloyalty from their own leader. This particularly angered Sam, pist off his arrogance got the best of him and the young man, screaming “You f*cking traitor” he unloaded the full magazine of his AK47, but somehow missed every single shot.

Douchebag turned to leave when Andriy said “Wait” and raised his hand. He took one step towards Douchebag and asked “Why. Why did you choose this''

“I had no choice” Douchebag replied with discontent in his heart, for his family had been taken captive by the Russians and they told him his family would die if he didn’t defect. Unhappy with his answer and unaware of his situation, Anridy said “You always have a choice.” and dropped his arm in one swift motion. Instantly Douchebag lay lifeless on the ground. It was a perfect shot. 

The author's comments:

hypothetical about the war in Ukraine 

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