The Burrito Fish | Teen Ink

The Burrito Fish

April 20, 2023
By BlakeHurlburt BRONZE, Somerset, Wisconsin
BlakeHurlburt BRONZE, Somerset, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On a rainy Wednesday in Canada, a well-known fisherman is getting ready to set out on an adventure to catch a record-breaking fish. It is early in the morning around 3:30 am and the fisherman is getting out of bed. He takes a shower, brushes his teeth, and makes some breakfast. After that, he starts packing his fishing gear into his newly purchased bass boat. It is 5:30 am now and the fisherman is finally ready to set out on his adventure, destination big blue lake. On the way to the lake, the fisherman stops at his favorite gas station to pick up some breakfast, his usual sausage bacon breakfast burrito is not available so he desires to go for something new. The monster is the name of the new breakfast and in the wrapping, there is no information about what is inside, just a picture of a big green slimy fish-looking thing. 

As the fisherman gets closer to the lake the weather starts to take a path for the worst. Its starts pouring outside and the fisherman debates on if he should just turn around and go back to bed. Although the weather is terrible the man decides to push through because his eyes were set on the prize, a fish of a lifetime. 

When the fisherman gets too the big blue lake he prepares himself with a rain jacket and all things to keep dry. He launches his boat and parks his truck. Now the fisherman is finally in his boat ready to start his adventure, he opens his tackle box in search of the perfect lure. He digs and digs through all of his lures just trying to pick the perfect one, and then he grabs one and there it is, it is dark green with purple and pink feathers about the size of a regular banana. Now the fisherman just has to find a spot he wants to fish, he opens the maps on his fish finder, and right away there is a spot that draws his attention. In the lake there is a sunken point in 43.5 feet of water, he sets his destination and starts on his way. 

The fisherman gets more and more excited the closer he gets to his waypoint he cannot wait to throw his line out and try to catch his targeted fish, a lake trout. Just as soon as he touches his waypoint his engine suddenly dies and starts smoking, immediately in panic about the engine catching on fire the fisherman tosses as much water as he can on the engine. The motor slowly stops smoking and the fisherman fastly starts to worry because now not only is the weather terrible but he is stranded in the middle of this massive big blue lake. 

Even with all of the worries, the fisherman has he decides to just chug along and start fishing because there is nothing else to do in this situation. The fisherman cast for the first time and immediately something massive takes his lure the fisherman can hardly even hold onto his pole. The fish feels as if it is a shark or something because it throws the man from side to side on his boat as if he was a rag doll. The fisherman doesn’t know what kind of fish this is because he has never felt this kind of power in his life. He tries to get it towards the top of the water so he can see but it is very difficult being that this fish is so ungodly strong. As the fisherman is fighting the fish in the back of his mind the worries are still there about how he is going to get the boat back to his truck. 

The fight of this fish has been going on for almost two hours now and the weather keeps on getting worse and worse. The clouds look like big black sheep coming right at the fisherman and all he can hope for is that a tornado doesn’t happen. When the fisherman is thinking about all of this the fish started dragging the boat all over the lake. The fish is creeping closer and closer to the boat landing and the fish feels like it's tiring out after 5 hours of fighting. The fisherman hopes for a miracle that the fish will magically drag his boat to shore and he can land it at the same time. Just as those thoughts were going through the Fishmans head the crazy-looking fish jumps out of the water and makes a weird groaning noise. The fish looks identical to the one on the wrapping of the burrito the fisherman had just eaten this morning. The fish has almost drug the boat right back to the trailer, it’s a miracle the fish pulls the boat right to the trailer. At the same time, the fish jumps onto shore as if he wanted everyone to know that this species existed. After the fisherman gets the fish all contained he puts his boat on the trailer and puts the fish in the back of his truck. 

The fisherman escapes his worse nightmare of being stranded on a lake in a bad storm and at the same time he got his name into the record books with a new species of fish. The fisherman was given the opportunity to name the species and it didn’t take him long before something popped into his head. The Burrito fish.

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