Doors | Teen Ink


March 7, 2023
By JordunM3 BRONZE, Timnath, Colorado
JordunM3 BRONZE, Timnath, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Behind the first door, there are a bunch of different birds and bugs but Brady realizes that all the birds have mostly red-colored birds and bugs. He saw a few oranges and yellows but not much, but then he heard a loud roar and he saw a red dragon flying above all of the birds and he spotted a castle in the distance made of gold. Through the blue door, he saw lots of treasure and gold and valuables and he could smell all of the gold but he saw a giant goblin sleeping in the corner. And through the green door, he saw a mini town and he felt a co8ushanning flavor on the floor. He couldn't help but think “I just saw a dinosaur being ridden by an alien.” But there are signs that say “NO BEDS, NO SLEEP, NO REST!” Brady saw a UFO in the background and there is a little man standing on it that looks like an alien. He had to choose a door to go through but if you make it to the exit he got to go onto another room of his choice. So he decided to get 2 of his friends named Jake and Luca. Brady finally got to the place with the 3 doors and he showed his friends all the doors. He first sees Jake run to all the gold and he runs into the room. Brady and Luca walked into the room and they see a huge room covered in gold and diamond walls. He sees Jake in the corner of his eye run and jumps into a huge pile of gold coins. He immediately started to think about joining him but then… the huge goblin was sleeping and starting to wake up. He tried to warn him before it was too late but while trying to get his attention the goblin woke up and it was walking toward his friend. In a rush, Brady grabbed a gold coin and threw it at the Goblin. The goblin looked confused and started to look around. The goblin kept walking towards Jake. Brady was getting even more scared the closer the goblin got to Jake. He started to scream to try to get the attention of the goblin but nothing worked. The only attention he got was Jake's. Jake finally saw the goblin and he screamed. As fast as he could he scrambled off of all of the gold and it went to Brady. The goblin looked confused when Jake got off of the gold. “Can he see me?” Brady thought to himself. As Brady got closer to the gold, the goblin started to walk toward him and when he got farther away from the gold, the goblin started to look a little confused. Until finally, he realized, the goblin was blind and couldn't see, but he could tell if you were getting closer to the gold. Jake and Brady decided to leave. They survived the first door but the next to will be harder to get out of.

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