My Banned Calm Place | Teen Ink

My Banned Calm Place

March 2, 2023
By CEA1229 SILVER, Apx, North Carolina
CEA1229 SILVER, Apx, North Carolina
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Girl That Bob!!!" -SL

Late in the night the lake has a soft pale glow like a diamond from the moon shining its radiance on the ever moving waters. The calmness of the lake at night makes it feel almost alive and breathing. You can hear the wooing of owls and crickets chirping. I need calmness and quiet. I want my head to be at peace. I could take a trip through the speckled forest where the ground is unbothered. 

 The feeling of the moist ground squishing under the weight of my  body is so soothing, I can feel the grass on my ankles and dew wetting my pants. This feeling is so familiar to me but yet so new, It feels different like I do not deserve it. Yet the freshwater tastes so clean and gritless as if no bacteria or sand was in the water at all. You can tell the lake is lonely like no soul has set foot here in years. The lake has been bothered so all you can pick up is the smell of the moist dirt lining the crystalled lake.

This spot surely is a treasure that one may go to for some precious time alone. Of course all your thoughts still linger but it gives you time to breathe and let the lake cleanse you of all of your wrong doings. I no longer strive to be of the world I love but this one, one of peace where a man can get lost in all of the beauty of nature and textures of life. This place is more beautiful than the best jewel you can get your hands on. This place has a power to it like no other. I have tasted the sweetness of honeysuckle and seen the darkness of deep depths.

 All different emotions but the smell is so addictive I have never felt so much freshness to air no pollution has ever been here and never will. The fish in the lake glow in all different ways, some scales shine in the moonlight while some other species go unnoticed in this darkness. I feel a deep regret but yet love for this place, yet I need to leave. I can not bear to see such a beautiful place get stolen to the heart of man not after all it has gone through. I want to see it again but during the day when all life is out and about I may never get a chance to but if I do I am sure I will be overwhelmed by the magnificence. 

The author's comments:

This piece is written from the perspective of a criminal for my creative writing class. I loved this piece and wanted to share it.

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