The Haunted Forest | Teen Ink

The Haunted Forest

February 3, 2023
By Julia-McClenin BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
Julia-McClenin BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In this world everybody has power. Many keep it secret. Crystal is one of them. She can see and speak to apparitions. She keeps her power a secret because she knows that it is very powerful. She is scared that people will judge or use her for power. 

On a warm and sunny summer day Crystal and her friends decided to go to a haunted forest to go camping. Crystal agreed to go because she thought that her friends would ask a lot of questions about why she did not want to go with them. They did not believe that the forest was haunted, but they wanted to try summoning ghosts in the forest so they brought an old, beat-up book, but his was no ordinary story book; it had everything on what they needed to know about the forest, what would be needed to get a ghost out of a body, and how the ghosts can't leave the forest. They needed certain items for the ritual which consisted of six black candles, salt, chalk, matches, and the book.

When they were  all done packing the things that were needed, they then set off to the forest. When  they arrived, Crystal already spotted ten ghosts waiting for them to enter the forest and she began to get a little skittish. 

“Maybe we shouldn’t go camping today. I heard it is supposed to rain. We shouldn’t go camping in the rain, should we?” Crystal said because she knew it was not safe in the forest.

“Don’t be silly, Crystal. There is not a cloud in the sky today," Abigail told her.

Crystal said hesitantly, “I guess you're right.”

The girls walked through the forest and looked for a place to set up their tent. Crystal’s friend, Rose, pointed to an opening in the trees. “Look! We can set up our things here,” Rose told Crystal and Abigail. 

They all raced over to the opening, faces red, as they arrived. Crystal, Rose, and Abigail struggled for about twenty minutes to set up the tent but they finally got it put together. Once the tent was set up, they all ventured out to look for firewood. While they were walking through the forest, they got lost and could not find out where they were. 

“ Maybe we should spread out to find a way back to the tent, and we will meet back up here in thirty minutes,” Crystal said.

Both Rose and Abigail agreed with Crystal. They then saw a stick speed pass them. As they slowly turned around in trepidation, they noticed that nobody was standing where the stick had come from. So they thought that it just fell from a tree and they scattered to look for the opening.

As Crystal was walking everything went black and she couldn't see a thing. All of a sudden, Rose and Abigail heard a scream. They start running as fast as they can back to where they were before they spread out. 

About ten minutes later Crystal could see again but she was not where she was before. She had been brought to an old rundown cabin. As she looked around the cabin, she saw a ghost standing in the corner of the room. The ghost had a long, light brown, torn dress. The ghost  also had messy black hair. She got scared and she tried to leave, but the door was locked from the outside.

“You can’t get out,” the ghost paused. “The door is locked from the outside,” the ghost from the corner of the room told Crystal with a sad tone. 

Crystal screamed at the top of her lungs. Rose and Abigail heard the scream and started racing to where the noise had come from. When they got to the old abandoned cabin they tried to open the door but the lock was jammed. 

“Help!” Crystal screamed. 

Rose said, “ We are trying to unlock the door but the lock is jammed.”

Tears started to run down Crystal’s face as Rose said this.

Rose and Abigail pried the lock loose and opened the old rickety door that looked like it was about to fall off its hinges. 

Crystal raced into Rose and Abigails’ arms and hugged them tightly while she cried. Both Rose and Abigail froze for a second, then they hugged Crystal back and also wiped away her tears. 

About two minutes later, they were all together, searching for a way back to the tent. 

While they were walking Crystal decided to tell Rose and Abigail about her power. “Guys, I have something to tell you…” she began, “It's about my power… I-I can see and talk to ghosts,” she paused for a second. “The reason I did not tell you before is because I thought you guys would either judge me or you would use me for my powers. I’m sorry.” 

“It’s okay. And you know we would never judge or use you for your power,” Abigail assured Crystal.

“Thank you guys so much. Now we should probably get out of here because there are a ton of ghosts around us,” Crystal said 

“Okay” both Rose and Abigail said and they started running. 

They then see a flag and run towards it, their faces turned red by the time they got there. Once they made it to the flag they didn't recognize the place.

“Where are we?” Rose said. 

“I'm not quite sure but I think I recognize that building,” Crystal said as she pointed to the library across the street.

It turned out that it was the library. She remembered the place and they headed home.

They did not know this at the time, but the reason the ghosts were trying to get them was because they knew that she would tell people about the forest and they would come and bother the ghosts. 

The author's comments:

This story is about how one girl is scared to tell her friends about her power. They go camping and get lost in the haunted forest. The main character gets taken by a ghost and gets trapped inside an abandoned cabin. Her friends get her out of the cabin and she decides to that she can trust them and she tells them about her power. They make it out of the forest with her help. 


I was inspired to write this story because I like writing scary fictional stories because fiction is my favorite genre of writing and reading.

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