Kroll Family TV Show | Teen Ink

Kroll Family TV Show

January 17, 2023
By Anonymous

I would call the show the Kroll Family and this is a reality TV show. An actor that I would have play me would be Adam Sandler cause he’s a funny guy. The actors and the viewers would compare this Fuller House which is a bigger family living together and the show also has a big family living in one house. Me and the rest of the Kroll family went to the living room to chat about where our next trip should be. So we all sat on the couch and started talking about our next trip and I said “ We should go to Niagara Falls.” Everybody agreed with that and the next day we left for Niagara Falls. 

The Plane we took was as quick as a lightning bolt. My family and I couldn’t wait to see the waterfall. The Waterfall was wonderful with smacking the rocks on the bottom and making a BAM noise! We had a beautiful view of Niagara Falls but we could only see two-thirds of the entire waterfall because there were trees in the way to see the whole waterfall. We decided as a family to go get food and then come back to Niagara Falls at night. We went to the Nearest Italian restaurant  so we could get some pizza. We ordered the largest pizza they had which was 20 dollars which is not a bad price for that big piece of pizza. While we waited we could smell the cheese being melted, see people lighting their cigarettes outside, eat the sweet and texture rolls on the table, and could hear people in the back doing dishes. This restaurant reminded me of Italy because of the pizza and all the people smoking cigarettes. After we finished our wonderful meal we went back to Niagara Falls.

When we came back to Niagara Falls there were cop cars, ambulances and fire fighting trucks all blocking off the entrance to the waterfall. The first thing my dad said was “Are you kidding me?” Then one of the police officers came over to us and said, “ Ten year old boy fell over and is hanging on to a branch for dear life.” So my dad was asked to help and he helped right away. They had him climb down a little bit to see if he could reach his hand. It was very close but my dad could barely reach him and he was able to pull the boy up. My dad was a hero and now when I look at my dad I will think about what he did today. My family was so proud of my dad being a hero and saving that boy. 

After this accident we went home to Wisconsin and we will never forget that family vacation because of how exciting it was. We have decided that is the last time we are going to Niagara falls. Next year, we are going to the Grand Canyon which should be a great time.

The author's comments:

I really enjoyed writing because I always wanted to go to Niagara Falls.

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