Parasite - Prologue | Teen Ink

Parasite - Prologue

December 24, 2022
By Shadow_XII BRONZE, Maywood, New Jersey
Shadow_XII BRONZE, Maywood, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Well is it ready?” the man asked, his voice clearly showing great disgust.

“Y-y-yes my lord…it is.” the other man stammered, taking a step backward.

“Well show me it then, you rotten, filthy animal!” the first man said. His figure was hazy, nearly a shadow, no clear form. It was as if it would fade away if you blew on it once. Meanwhile, the other man, in a white coat, cowered in fear against the shadowy figure.

“Here…here it is…” he reached toward a object covered by a blanket of some sort and pulled it off. “This…This is what you have been looking for, lord Khazu.”

The object inside was a container, it seemed to be part glass, and part steel. Each wall was several inches thick and had dents on it. lord Khazu inspected it closely. He didn’t look at the container, not even glance at it, but stared intently with his red eyes straight to a flurry of black specks, bouncing from one corner to another, making dents on steel, attempting to crack glass, to escape. 

“So…this is what can destroy them?” lord Khazu questioned, menacinly glaring at the feeble man, the man that was hunched over, whimpering and breathing frantically.

“Y-y-yes my lord…” he said. “T-t-this is what will kill the world.” He suddenly stood at his full height, looking straight up at lord Khazu, who still looked down at him with a frown. 

“That is what you said last time, scientist.” lord Khazu grunted. “And look what happened last time, plants prospering, animals growing, people being happy. DO YOU HEAR ME SCIENTIST, PEOPLE BEING HAPPY!!! You failed miserably, look what you did, and how can I trust you now? Huh?” he heaved and sat back down

“S-sir…I can show you… Men? Bring in the subject!” the scientist shouted. 

Suddenly, four men appeared out of no where, carrying a cage with an animal in it. It howled, whined, whimpered, clawed, did anything it could to escape. But, its attempts were in vain, and it couldn’t escape. Lord Khazu frowned at it, and said “What is the point of this?” 

“This is the test sir.”  the scientist hastily replied. “This will prove to you that the disease is…capable.” He pulled out a vile filled with black specks. Then without warning, he dumped all of it through the little hole at the top of the cage. The pig started choking and coughing, sputtering and howling, then it eventually settled down and laid dead, its body covered in black specks, its body being torn away piece by piece. Now, the black specks, multiplied and grew still craving more animals.

“Sir, this is what you are looking for.” the scientist confidently announced.

Lord Khazu just looked at the scientist, a crooked smile forming.

The author's comments:

I recently watched a movie about a certain disease that was big back a couple hundred years ago. it showed that animals were killed quickly.

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