The Fire Of Trauma | Teen Ink

The Fire Of Trauma

December 15, 2022
By Bato_C BRONZE, Vancover, Washington
Bato_C BRONZE, Vancover, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What could possibly go wrong on a camping trip? We go out often so it should be fine is what i thought. So at the start of the day I decided to pack my bags and take some school work to do while I'm camping. High school does get hard so I'll study while I'm there. 

After we arrived we set up camp and went to get firewood which was pretty easy when you're surrounded by this many trees. 

As we were finishing up we decided to go down to the lake. As we were walking around the lake I noticed someone that looked familiar from the corner of my eye.

“Simon is that you '' I said enthusiastically 

Confused he turned around and saw me and said “josh is that really you I haven't seen you since that day” 

Simon is a good friend of mine. It doesn't make sense because Simon died when I was in 5th grade in the last month of school. I was traumatized ever since then so I didn't know what to do when I saw him. 

Once we were all caught up with each other he told me where he was staying , it turned out he wasn't too far from me, maybe a 4 minute walk. 

Once we got back I remembered I still have his number and called Simon 

I haven't called this number since that day. I don't even know if it works.

After a while he didn't answer. 

Simon must still be setting up camp I think, perhaps I should go help him out and get his new number. 

I was letting my parents know where I was going and that Simon was fine, they just said to just forget about it. 

And was forced to go alone and When I got there I didn't see Simon, not only that there was nothing, no tent, no campfire, no one just grass. 

Why is there nothing here? Did I go to the wrong place?

I examined the place and realized I was at the right place. But then why is nothing here, nothing was making sense and decided to go back to the campsite.

I told my parents what happened 

“it was so strange there was nothing there, there wasn't even a trace of anything ever being, there it looked abandoned” 

then my mom said “josh just forget about it simon died long ago and we can't change anything about what happened” 

I already know that but… “then how do you explain what I saw.” 

I decided to go around looking for Simon but I didn't see where he could be. I didn't know what to do so I just started asking people if they have seen Simon but no one has seen him. 

It was starting to get late and to get back on time I had to run back home. 

My parents get so worried if I stay out late 

on my way back I run into someone “hey watch where you're running” 

“sorry but I am in a hurry” after that I just took off. I felt kinda bad leaving him there so I decided to apologize tomorrow if I end up seeing him. 

This day I kinda forgot about my search for simon until I saw him again but this time he wasn't alone he was with that kid I ran into yesterday 

I went up to them and said “Simon, where have you been this whole time? I went to the place where you were meant to be but you weren't there and I was asking people if they had seen you, what happened.” 

“Sorry Josh but I forgot where I was staying as It turns out I'm not staying nearby, sorry.” 

I'm wondering though if he wasn't staying nearby then why did he think he was here and next to me? It doesn't make sense but I just ignored it. 

That's when the other kid speaks up “hi im jack how do you know simon” 

so I told him “oh he was my best friend in elementary school” obviously I wasn't going to tell him he died. 

after I said that he looked confused and worried after that simon ran of and so did jack 

I didn't see neither of them the rest of the day 

At night Jack came up to me and said “sorry for running off but I had to make sure Simon isn't here to hear what i'm about to tell you.” 

“Simon is a good friend of mine, why cant he listen to this?” He looked around and said “Simon is not real, he died a long time ago. I don't understand how he is here.” 

“I already knew he died but then how was he here?” 

“I have heard that some trauma if strong enough can manifest i don't know how close you two where but you have to get over simons death” 

this was to much information for me to handle so I just ran off I heard jack yelling my name but I just ignored it as his yelling quiets down 

I stop running when I get back to camp I decide to start setting up the campfire 

think “simon is real he must of been lying to me I always knew simon didn't die there's no way he died that day how could the fire have killed simon” 

truth is me and simon where playing inside and his mom decided to let us try cooking we messed up and it caught on fire we tried running out when I got out I looked back and he wasn't there he wasn't and his mom wasn't 

I lied to myself and made myself believe they got out a different way and when they moved houses and my parents lied to me I always knew Simon died but I just couldn't accept that. 

Oh shoot I wasn't paying attention and at that moment I dropped my stick with the marshmallow it caught on fire and at that moment Jack shows up “Jack run the fire is growing” how could I have dropped my stick. 

All I could think at that moment was that I had to get my parents away from the fireI went around and woke them up.

 “We have to get away from the fire” 

I told them what happened while we were driving off and they were kind of mad but happy I was safe. 

After a while I remembered what Jack said and remembered I have to get Jack to safety. 

I told my parents I would be back in a bit then ran off. 

When I found jack he told me “how did this fire start” 

“I was zoning out while thinking of what you said of simon” 

after he said “good that means we can stop the fire”

 I was confused but I decided to listen to him 

“since the fire started from you thinking of simon if you can get over the death of simon the fire will just disappear along with simon”

 I don't want to lose simon i finally got him back but I can't let this fire spread what do I do 

“fine i'll forget about him but how do i do that”

 “I think if we get you face to face with simon we can do it” 

at this point the fire has gotten so big and feels so much hotter at this point it's a raging inferno 

“jack where do you think he is”

 “he is probably at your campsite” 

once we got there I could see simon and I asked him “is it true that you aren't really simon” 

“what do you mean of course it's me who else could I be” 

why, why can't you just say it's not you this is making this so much harder

 “no it can't be you simon you died” 

“no i didn't im right here aren't I.” 

after he said that i heard a loud bang and I got a feeling something went wrong when we went to go check it out I saw my parents had came back for us when a tree fell on them 

“mom, dad are you Ok” 

there was no response when I ran over there my heart pounding i couldn't believe this why did they come back why, is this my fault? 

When i looked inside my heart skipped a beat and then I saw that they were ok i was so happy and i felt a moment of relief until I realize I couldn't get my mom out she was stuck and got knocked out at the moment of impact when I attempted to pull her out my dad started to help 

at that moment my mom woke up and said “it's fine just run get out your dad can help you get out”

 “no mom it's not alright we were meant to leave together I can't leave you here” 

and right after I said that my dad grabbed my shoulder and said “we need to go listen to you mom I don't want to and you don't either but you know it's the right thing to do” 

we said our goodbyes crying the whole time until we leave I had no hope at that moment I didn't even remember of simon 

then jack reminded me we need to stop him did you forget i run over at simon and tell him he's not real

 “you aren't real, none of this is it's all one big nightmare and when it's over the fire won't be there but all the damage has already been done” 

at that moment I had so much hate for simon I didn't care if he was real or not after that I no longer had any trauma of his death I had officially gotten over it and then all the fire turned to sparks the forest lit up into a forest of lights for a split second and it felt like my mom disappeared at that moment along with the fire and so did my regret and trauma I had with simon.

The author's comments:

I think its is a pretty good piece and hope you like it

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