The Overalls | Teen Ink

The Overalls

December 14, 2022
By DylanGreen BRONZE, Ailey, Georgia
DylanGreen BRONZE, Ailey, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Farmer Dave always wore his overalls. He wore these overalls everywhere he went. He wore them to the grocery store and when he went fishing, but Farmer Dave never washed these overalls, so they smelt utterly awful. 

“Pa, when are you ever gonna wash those ole overalls”? Asked Martha. 

“ Listen here, you slank! I’ll wash my own overalls when I get good and ready Martha!”

“I know that you ain’t just called me a Slank! I’ll kick you out of this house so fast!” 

“I’m sorry Ma, I just don't like people talking about my overalls like that.” 

Martha “Well, maybe not, Pa, but don’t you ever raise your voice at me again! And don’t ever again call me a Slank!”

“I ain’t gonna call you a Slank as long as you don’t talk about my overalls!” He remarked.

  Farmer Dave loved these overalls so much that he told his wife Martha, that he would never wash them because of how much he loved them. Martha didn’t think he was wholehearted but shortly after she found out that he was determined, and so did the entire town. Farmer Dave finally got enough money from selling hogs and cattle that he told Martha that he would buy a new pair of overalls, but she didn’t believe him. Farmer Dave was sincere when he said 

“Martha I don’t want to wash these overalls. There ain’t nothing that you can say to make me change my mind!” 

 Farmer Dave bought the same brand, same style, same color and he loved this pair so much that he told Martha he was never going to wash any of his overalls. Martha had an odd feeling that he was being truthful when he said this, and Farmer Dave was very honest. It got so bad to where the town wanted him to wash them or throw them away. 

“Listen here you Slanks! If y’all don’t like the way my overalls are, well that’s your opinion and I can’t change that.”

 Farmer Dave told the town that he would never throw them away or wash them! It had been about six months and Farmer Dave still had the same two pairs of overalls that were musty and never had been washed. 

Martha saw one of her friends at the grocery store. 

“I just wish he would either throw those overalls away or even just let me hold them and go wrinse them out in the pond at least!” 

It was getting so bad that the town was starting to threaten him! Farmer Dave finally decided that he would wash one pair of his overalls. When Farmer Dave actually washed a pair, the whole town was astonished. 

“There! I washed only one pair of my overalls! Y’all happy now!”  He exclaimed.

The town was no longer threatening Farmer Dave and he and the town were finally getting along again. 

“Dave, I’m proud of you. You said you would never wash one pair, but you did. That shows that you are mature.”

Then around eight months later, Farmer Dave's birthday was getting close and he still only had the same two pairs of overalls. So, the town, along with  Farmer Dave and Martha decided that they would get Farmer Dave to go to the Sunliner Diner and give him his new overalls along with his double cheeseburger and chili fries.

“Y’all we should get farmer Dave a new pair of overalls! I know! We shall give them to him at Supper tonight! 

 They were going to give him a new pair of overalls! The night when Farmer Dave had gone to the Sunliner Diner, he saw the whole town there and wondered what was going on. 

“Uh, Martha, why is the entire town here tonight?

“Dave I don’t know. Oh, I forgot to tell you, Happy Birthday!” 

 After that, everyone began singing happy birthday to Farmer Dave. Martha and the town handed Farmer Dave his new pair of overalls with tags. Farmer Dave immediately fell in love with his new overalls, but this time he washed them and took care of them.  “I have finally decided that I’m going to stay clean! I shall also keep every pair of my overalls clean!’’, he shouted. 

 Martha and the entire town were awestruck. Farmer Dave never let any pair of his overalls get dirty again.

The author's comments:

My name is Dylan Green. I am fifteen years old. I attend the school Vidalia Heritage Academy. This is a creative piece of writing. 

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