Into the cave of The Abominable | Teen Ink

Into the cave of The Abominable

December 10, 2022
By Anonymous

The cold enveloped Gwiyer and Roxie, The snow sharply flicking her cheeks as she trudged up the mountain. “We are almost to the top right?” Gwiyer said, Her steps were getting weaker as she moved upward. 

“Yeah, almost there,” Roxie said. She didn’t sound too confident in her answer. Roxie held Gwiyer’s hand “Almost to the cave” she said

Gwiyer and Roxie went on for almost another hour. A wave of fatigue washed over them as they passed the large evergreen trees. The snow got deeper as they climbed upwards, the snow was up to their mid-calf now.  They focused on walking up, to the point where they almost missed the large and obvious entrance into the cave. Until Gwiyer pointed it out and they went in.

Roxie took off her backpack and immediately shuffled through. She grabbed a thick, old newspaper and matches to start a fire. She threw the match down and sat right next to it.

Gwiyer cuddled up next to her, sharing the warmth of their body heat along with the fire.

It took a while for them to warm up, it was worth the time though. They could now both think straight without having to worry about being cold. Now it was time for them to do what they came here for. 

Roxie stomped out the fire and grabbed her Greataxe. She started going deeper into the cave. Gwiyer was at her heels, She drew her sword out of its sheath. 

The two of them took slow steps and strained their ears for noise. They could barely see anything so they stepped with immense caution. It felt like an hour had passed until they finally heard something, soft snoring. As they advanced on the noise, the snoring grew louder. 

The girls looked ahead and saw a faint blue glow coming from the cavern to the left. They swiftly rushed over and took a peek. It was a cave covered in ice that seemed to have frozen over something that was bioluminescent. Stalactites grew from the ceiling, threatening to fall at any minute. At the very back of the cave was a big green gem the size of a human head. It was sitting on top of an icy pedestal, protected by an iron barred cage. There were two sets of stairs on either side leading up to it. On the floor in front of it was a giant heap of white snow. At least that’s what it looked like to Roxie at first glance. As she looked longer, she noticed it was actually fur. The fur was breathing and snoring incredibly loudly.

“The Abominable Snowman,” Gwiyer said. she grabbed Roxie’s hand as Roxie led them in slowly. Roxie tiptoed in very slowly with Gwiyer trying to stay as close as she could. Gwiyers foot slipped on the ice and she fell to the ground, the wind knocked out from her lungs. Her sword flew out of her hand with a loud clatter that echoed through the cavern,

  The Abominable awoke with a start. It sat up and smacked its foot down causing the ground to shake. Gwiyer and Roxie fell to the ground. Its tusk-like teeth showed as it snarled at them. Gwiyer scrambled to get up as it swung at them. It weakly tried to reach over and grab them, but they were too quick. The girls jumped out of the way in time to not get caught.

Roxie grabbed her Greataxe and swung it at the monster’s outstretched hand, Cutting it right off. The Abominable made a loud shriek of pain, like the sound of nails on a chalkboard.

Gwiyer slid across the ice like a penguin, she grabbed her sword with ease. She stood up to try and attack the Abominable but missed as the creature was writhing in pain. 

The Abominable turns over to its belly and uses his attached hand to try and smack Roxie, who was running to the stairs leading up to the jewel. The Abominable misses and smacks the ground next to her, not timing his attack correctly.

Roxie drives her ax into the Abominables other hand and cuts deep. It pushes itself up off the ground and howls. 

Gwiyer runs around the monster. She runs up the second set of stairs on the other side of the cave. She jumps off the highest point and runs her sword right through the heart of the abominable. Its body goes limp and falls backwards. 

Roxie runs up to the top and flings her bag off her shoulder. She rummages through it and pulls out a small iron key. She unlocks the cage and flings it open. She runs in and grabs the large gem with ease, carefully putting it in her backpack.

“Let’s go,” She says. They run out of the cave together. They grab an abandoned sled from the cave entrance and ride it down the mountain.

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